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Fish Oil / Omega 3 Supplements


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There seems to be a ton of info out there on whether or not you should take these or not... I've read countless articles on both sides from reputable sources.

Just curious what everyone thinks... worth it or no?

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I take fish oil pills every day. And I'm only 18.

Once a breakfast, once at dinner. I don't even know what they do, but my mom said they are good for you so I've been taking em for like a year now. I've lost like 12 pounds. Not a direct result of the pills but w/e. lol

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This is the best I have found. you get what you pay for with Omega-3 supplements. Pharmaceutical grade is really necessary with regard to Fish oils.

Find a doc near you that can order it, or just buy it on-line.

As for worth it or not? If you can supplement with one item, this would be the one.

The American Heart Association recommends it for Heart Attack patients.

However, they say there is no evidence that it helps for those that HAVEN'T had a heart attack yet. WTF.

Recent articles I've read in the NY Times and LA Times claim that the supplements are this century's version of snake oil. Yet Doctors who read the articles responded with letters to the editor that you SHOULD take them.


There is a lot of noise and chatter out there on both sides.

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There seems to be a ton of info out there on whether or not you should take these or not... I've read countless articles on both sides from reputable sources.

Just curious what everyone thinks... worth it or no?

I take it, although my cholestrol is pretty good (low LDL, but HDL is low also).

Fish-oil also has anti-inflammatory properties.

The biggest concerns is obviously potenty and contamination since many fish have been contaminated by exposure to mercury.

Also, if you are on blood-thinners (like Coumadin/Warfarin) or anti-platelet medication, you need to discuss with your doctor if this right for you b/c it may increase you chances of bleeding, bruising b/c the oil has some anti-platelet properties as well.

There is 1 form of fish oil that is approved by the FDA and is a Rx only medication. It is called Lovaza (used to be called Omacor).


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here is some more info. on fish oil from drugs.com

(good source that's free for drug/supplement info.)


Thanks, that looks like a good site. Though it seems to be talking mainly about the Rx Fish Oil you mentioned in your previous post. I'm talking more about supplements.

For the record, I don't have high cholesterol or anything... I've just heard that the supplements are a good preventative measure... and that DHA / RNA is also very good for your joints, brain, skin, eyes, etc. Of course, that always comes with an asterisk saying that there is no proof.

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The American Heart Association recommends it for Heart Attack patients.

However, they say there is no evidence that it helps for those that HAVEN'T had a heart attack yet. WTF.

Samething with aspirin. The aspirin companies would love to be able to say that it prevents people from having first time heart attacks. But the evidence shows that if you are in the process of having a heart attack or have had one aspirin is great, but w/o the 1st heart attack to take them preventably doesn't do much good.

I'm not a big supplement person. I'll echo what somebody else said, if you want more fish oil in your diet, eat more fish.

If I was going to take them, I'd by two kinds an alternate. If there is something in one, at least that way you give your body every other day to clear it out vs. just loading more in.

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I'm not a big supplement person. I'll echo what somebody else said, if you want more fish oil in your diet, eat more fish.

problem is, I despise fish. I love raw fish, but that gets expensive... and the mercury is supposed to be thru the roof.

And I'm not much of a supplement/gimmick person either. That's why I ask... that's probably good advice though about switching brands.

I'm currently using the Triple Strength from GNC

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problem is, I despise fish. I love raw fish, but that gets expensive... and the mercury is supposed to be thru the roof.

When I was discussing my diet with my Dr. he suggested I eat Salmon for the Omega 3. I asked him this same question. He told me that the best way to get it is by eating Salmon. I told him I hated Salmon and once again, he said the best source of Omega 3 is Salmon. :laugh: He then shared with me that he didn't like Salmon either but eats it a couple of times a week. He stomachs it, if you will, for the health values.

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^^^^ Since this topic is part of my degree I'll add a few notes....

First off.....avoid salmon.....if you are gonna eat it, make sure it's wild and from Alaska. I eat wild yellow canyon river salmon once every 3 weeks and my mercury levels are right on par. While mercury is a lesser issue with fish/salmon it is still a concern because eating farmed or canned salmon sky rockets your merc levels effecting yer memory.

secondly.....I HIGHLY am an advocate for Omega 3/6 supps.......

1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women have or will have heart disease......getting some GOOD fat certainly is a step in right direction to lower your risk.

I exercise regularly eat nearly perfect and supp with a high grade MV and Omega 3/6 tablet.

I test out at 111/62 with a resting pulse of 44

I may be young but I'm substantially lower than probably 95% of anyone else I know.

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I just started taking omega 3. I have been taking cold showers, exercising, taking a multivitamin and probiotics(bad stomach) for awhile. Like a few other guys here, I feel like with modern health care information you'd be doing yourself a disservice not to pay attention and take heed just because we are young.

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^^^^ Since this topic is part of my degree I'll add a few notes....

First off.....avoid salmon.....if you are gonna eat it, make sure it's wild and from Alaska. I eat wild yellow canyon river salmon once every 3 weeks and my mercury levels are right on par. While mercury is a lesser issue with fish/salmon it is still a concern because eating farmed or canned salmon sky rockets your merc levels effecting yer memory.

My in-laws just brought back some salmon for me from Alaska in one of those sealed freshness pouches. Is that safe? :paranoid:

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