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Sweet...I saw Stephon Heyer walking his dog today


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I see your point bro. Sorry, I didn't mean to jump your s***. I too saw the Imus story this morning for what it was. He was not being hateful, though one could insinuate he was.

I did not mean to do the SAME thing to you dude.



It's alright bro :cheers:

I just find the whole race thing ridiculous and there are way too many people too sensitive to things that they shouldn't be. Too many people take little things in life way too seriously.

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:laugh: i was gonna say the same but didn't wanna comment first lol.

Thats cool you got to see a redskin though. No chance in hell something like that will happen here lol

tell me about it. I live in Switzerland :laugh:

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Right on Ashburn village blvd. I was driving home around 630 and see this huge ass, tall ass black guy, and immediately noticed it was Stephon Heyer walking his tiny ass dog

Lol it was pretty cool, I u-turned and drove past him again just to stare at him

Lol just wanted to share, it was pretty cool

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn crush...stop looking at his ass..j/k:cheers:

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lol lol loll lol ol ollllolzerrr.. Um yeah, very creepy. " I made a U-turn just to stare at him"

I have never been the type of person to go out of my way to meet anyone or stare at anyone or anything like that just because someone is famous... I feel bad for Athletes and Movie stars because they have to deal with people like this on a daily basis. And you wonder why stars go nutty?? It's obvious, these people drive them crazy. pretty pathetic if you ask me

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No one says anything about Shaq taking black people back 100 years with his "freestyle", but you have people who get offended by being called black? Here is a part of Shaq's freestyle: "It's like a white boy trying to be more ****** (yes, he said ******) than me"

I can't stand racist ignorance, especially people that pull the race card when it's not necessary. This is a HUGE problem with our society and until these people are weeded out or helped, you will never have complete racial-ease.. I am not racist 1 bit but I can't control if the black guy next to me is, or if the white guy behind me is. All I can do is be a good person and help people out when they need it, no matter what race they are.. I just feel sorry for racist people because they are really missing out on life by not being able to experience other cultures and races.. It's really a beatiful thing, and something so silly as skin color could make such a huge difference.. All races have been through rough times, and it's about how you get out of those rough times.. All men are equal and you only let someone else control you when you get mad at someone else for racial comments or anyhting like that. It's sad, but you can't have everyone like you, that's just life.

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LOL! This story reminds me of the time there was a 6ft white guy standing behind me at starbucks. While in line waiting to give my order, there was alot of commotion going on behind me. So I turned around to see what was going on and lo and behold, it was the man himself JOE GIBBS! :notworthy

Pretty cool.

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