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Foxsports.com - Burress won't practice without new deal


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I disagree. If someone, in general, succeeds past expectations at their job, they get a raise.

I understand the whole "honoring your contract" argument but what about honoring your players? Plax played on a bad ankle, and on that ankle he helped carry the team to a superbowl win. When someone performs beyond expectations they should receive financial reward beyond what they originally expected.

Basically, give the man his money.

That is why NFL contracts are incentive laden. In order to be objective about this you need to look at it from all angles. Plaxico had two tough first season with NY where he was a discipline problem and a no-show at team events and meetings. That is a huge issue.

Plaxico needs another good year before he can ***** about the CONTRACT (legally binding agreement) that HE (Plaxico) signed in good faith. If he blows up the NFL next year... hell yeah, give him a raise, but otherwise, he nees to prove that he has consistency in his motives, abilities, and results! Plus, if they give him a big contract two things usually happen: Players drop off in results and they become complacent.

He is an injury prone player that has an ankle issue which didn't slow him down last year, but could prove to be a future issue as he is not getting any younger. He can ask, but shouldn't expect a rasie until next year which is the normal time to give someone a new deal anyway. If he holds out, that says a lot about his mercenary character.

Get your ass to camp Plaxico, you *****.

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He is underpaid by current standards. I say pay the poor man what he deserves.

With Tiki and Strahan gone and Shockey not causing any trouble (:rolleyes: ) someone has to step up......Thanks Plax!:D

I saw you post a lot of these type posts last year. We all know what happened last season. The more turmoil for the Giants the better.

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Problem is, Plax is not average.

His numbers have been pretty pedestrian the past couple of years and it does seem that, while he guts out his injuries, the fact is that he always seems to be hurt, which probably affects his numbers.

For a guy who wants to be paid like a top receiver, he only topped the century mark in games three times last season, and twice the previous season. It is hard to see the argument there.

He might very well be underpaid in comparison to some of his peers, but his numbers don't exactly make me want to redo his deal.


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That is why NFL contracts are incentive laden. In order to be objective about this you need to look at it from all angles. Plaxico had two tough first season with NY where he was a discipline problem and a no-show at team events and meetings. That is a huge issue.

Plaxico needs another good year before he can ***** about the CONTRACT (legally binding agreement) that HE (Plaxico) signed in good faith. If he blows up the NFL next year... hell yeah, give him a raise, but otherwise, he nees to prove that he has consistency in his motives, abilities, and results! Plus, if they give him a big contract two things usually happen: Players drop off in results and they become complacent.

He is an injury prone player that has an ankle issue which didn't slow him down last year, but could prove to be a future issue as he is not getting any younger. He can ask, but shouldn't expect a rasie until next year which is the normal time to give someone a new deal anyway. If he holds out, that says a lot about his mercenary character.

Get your ass to camp Plaxico, you *****.

You are wrong about this one. The point is plax put it out on the line for the G'men. He played hurt and instead of hamming it up to the press he kept it to himself. In this game of Football you need to make your money while you can. Plax is looking for one more final deal to ensure he and his family are financially set for a long time. I wouldnt go around calling him a Mercenary. Just 3 months ago the entire City of New York probably would have started a collection to get the man his money.

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You are wrong about this one. The point is plax put it out on the line for the G'men. He played hurt and instead of hamming it up to the press he kept it to himself. In this game of Football you need to make your money while you can. Plax is looking for one more final deal to ensure he and his family are financially set for a long time. I wouldnt go around calling him a Mercenary. Just 3 months ago the entire City of New York probably would have started a collection to get the man his money.

Well, I didn't call him a mercenary... I said if he holds out, then that is what his character will resemble. It may have seemed that I was calling him that now, but it wasn't my intention.

Secondly, right is right and I am not wrong about this. If you sign a binding agreement, stand by it... period. Redskins players take less money every year to remain with their teammates and sign new talent. Obviously there is a money management issue in NY if these guys can't live comfortably on NFL Salaries, appearances, and endorsement deals.

Third, if Plaxico would have done the right thing and had the numbers his first two years as a Giant, this wouldn't even be an issue.... I would agree with you and say "Give him more money", but he didn't. I seem to recall he was even benched for his insubordinance.

Lastly, If $25 million dollars isn't enough to keep you and your family comfortable for your whole life... may God strike me dead right now. On top of that, Plaxico has another big contract coming to him (He is young enough) He needs to pay his dues like and I hate to say this T.O., Chad Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, etc. You can't tell me that he deserves their kind of money can you?

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EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) - New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress is refusing to practice because the Super Bowl champions haven't renegotiated his contract.

I love it. :applause: The ego's get a boost with the ring and then it crumbles. I don't see a good year for the SB champs and it seems to happen to all SB winners the following season.

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Burress ... has three years remaining his six-year, $25 million deal. He will earn $3.25 million this year, $3.5 million in 2009 and $3.75 million in 2010.

Yea, hes worth more than that under the current standards; however, by signing a long term deal (6 years) guarantees you income in case you get hurt, lose some skills, or whatever.

Let us say your a freelance consultant. In "real world" work 6 years means 6 years... Why are NFL players bound by a different set of standards?

If he wanted to sign a short term deal, and see what happens, then thats what he should have done. Roll the dice Big Boy. You wanted job security, and you have it.

Can't have best of both worlds.

He signed his deal, and should stick to it.

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Maybe the older I get, the softer I become. Am I the only one "torn" by this? On one hand, I think it's BS because it's not like he's getting paid the vet minimum. On the other, I see that owners don't honor contracts anymore then they want to, so how is this different? What makes it hard to swallow is that this fight is fought in view of the public an dit almost always makes the player appear in a bad light.

We as fans making a fraction of what these players make think they're crazy, selfish and greedy, when they're getting to do something most of us can only dream of doing: making big $ playing football! What we are naive about is that we would most likely do the same thing. If you could get a 25% raise from work just by publicly stating you wanted the raise, even if others in your office weren't doing it, you most liikely would.

We've got to realize, it's a business. The owners are just as much, if not more, "greedy" businessmen who want to keep/get money and not give it away. When a player feels he's outperformed his contract, let him complain about it and try and get more money. It's the American way. If it hurts the team enough, they'll either ignore it, cut him or give him a raise. It's a business. As competitive as players/owners are, they are WAY more concerned about the money aspect of the game.

Now if your name is Scott Young and your trying to get a new deal....Go ride your bike on the Schuylkill Expressway.


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