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The Most Interesting Thing You've Ever Done With a Redskin Player/Coach


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Well I had a very interesting weekend. I have decided to share with you all what is my most interesting/crazy/fun experience with a Skin. However, I love hearing all the cool stories of interactions others have had (like the one guy taking shots with Lavar) so I decided to create this thread so everyone can share their wild stories.

So we all know Chris Cooley was married not too long ago, but did you all know Cooley was in attendance at another wedding this past weekend? Yup, it's true. Christy's cousin, a close friend of mine, got married. Christy of course invited him to her wedding, and those stories are good too.

So my friend brings Cooley over and introduces him to me. Real nice guy, very genuine was the impression I was left with. I had a good conversation, though it was mostly about generic stuff, not much football other than well-wishes cuz I felt it wasn't appropriate given the surroundings. Anyways, a little bit later, and a few drinks later, I find myself on the dance floor doing the electric slide with Chris Cooley. It was of course a lot of fun, and looking back I still can't believe I did the electric slide with Chris feakin' Cooley.

So that's my crazy/interesting/fun story. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

*On a side note, I also got to see a hot dog eating contest at the mall across from where we were staying, and it featured the Asian woman from VA known as the "black widow." Needless to say she won, putting down 38 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

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The coolest thing I've ever done was a friendly argue with Doug Williams on why he should leave Tampon Bay and go back to D.C. It was at his book signing, and a friend and I showed up in full Redskins gear.

I asked him how things were with Tampa, and he told me something like "oh I love it there, etc etc." So then I, being the sarcastic ass I am, asked him how he could go back to the team that drafted him and gave up on him lol. He just laughed and said they were paying his paycheck. I then looked at his hand, and sure enough, his Skins Super Bowl ring. I asked him what means more his current paycheck, or the ring. He just laughed and said he needs the paycheck to live, but the ring helped him write the book.

He was a good spirit, and it was definitely a fun time.

Edit: Living in Florida, especially Central Florida, opportunities to meet/see Skins players is VERY rare.

2nd Edit: Pic of me, Doug Williams and my friend Jack. Im in the Monk jersey.


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Met Buges at the 2004 training camp and got my picture with him and an autograph.

Coolest guy in the world, was my highlight of training camp.

Almost worked for Riggo doing construction, some next door neighbors (when I was a kid) did and almost hired me on as extra help. They got me Riggo and Don Warren's autographs.

I have more but I figured this would be a good start.

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My friend and I had an hour long conversation with Gary Clark back at his old restuarant a couple years ago. He's as fan friendly as any Skin and Cooley reminds me of Gary with his apporach to the fans.

Also at my health club back in the day played basketball with the likes of Darrell Green, Tim Johnson, Brian Mitchell, Alvin Walton, Ray Brown, Matt Turk, Stephen Davis, Albert Connell and NBAer Grant Hill among others

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played in a foursome at queenstown with my dad, his buddy, and cooley. one of the nicest people ive met, football player or not. he ended up eating dinner with us at teh tournament and we went out to the jetty on kent narrows afterwards. then saw him at training camp and talked to him again and he surprisingly remembered my name. very down to earth guy.

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This was a long time ago at my families resteraunt, but i used to sit down

and eat a steak n cheese with Raleigh McKenzie (ex Redskins guard) every time he came in. Well he would eat 2 of them in the time it took me to eat one! He was a trip to talk to, his had a slight lisp..

Ahh memories...


And whoever is talking about a 3way worthless.gif


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Back in '04 I went to Clinton Portis' house to install his internet/cable modem. He and another guy were there and told me that it was for his xbox, apparently there was supposed to be a segment on Monday Night Football where he was going to be shown playing Madden 04 or 05 against Roy Williams. The segment was never shown.

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Remember big Tre Johnson....I saw him at Annapolis Mall buying sunglasses. The guy was frickin' enormous, I got his autograph and he was an extremely awesome guy. The most surprising thing....his wife/girlfriend was about 100 pounds soaking wet. Lol.

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