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Why is gay marriage becoming accepting,but polygamy is just disgusting?


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It's funny...I lean conservative on just about every social issue. Yet I am fine with gay marriage. I think it's ridiculous that people fight against it. What's the harm in gays getting married?

I have yet to hear an even halfway convincing argument against either.

I agree completly, I just don't get it. I'm a heterosexual male and have no problems if two dudes or gals want to get hitched. If they're in love and want the same benefits as other married couples who am I to judge them. Sure I would feel bad should any of my future kids turn out gay, but it's their choice. Same thing with polygamy, hey if you can marry more than one guy/girl more power to you. Hopefully when I'm older I can look back at these times and chuckle when gays couldn't marry.:2cents:

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I've read that folks like you are the reason the anti-gay crowd are running around the country, modifying every law and constitution they can find. They know that you youngsters don't hate gays as much as they do, and they're about to lose their majority. So they're changing everything they can get at, because they want to force the folks who want equal rights to have to fight to change every one of the laws back.

(Well, that, and the large contingent who think that passing Constitutional Amendments for the specific purpose of denying equal rights makes a great get-out-the-vote scheme, if you're the party that caters to people who don't like equal rights.)


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Yup and thats why I'll be prosecution if I go into law.

I understand where you're coming from, I hate terrorists and think child molesters are disgusting.

The point is, the ACLU respects EVERYONES rights, period. I think they should draw the line more often, but they are set in their ways.

I don't agree with them, just trying to explain their point of view.

ok, we are on the same page. This is a good discussion and it's nice to debate with people who like to talk about their differences, or similar opinions without calling each other names. I mean, lets leave that for the cowpukes.:)

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How are the crutches treating you?

ah, thanks. I haven't had any alchol in 3 weeks.:mad:

about 3 more weeks to go on the crutches. I still can only put less than 50% of my body weight on my leg. Thank God for ES...LOL.

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The only difference between NAMBLA and the NRA is what they lobby for. (Well, that and all the guns.) :)

HAHA, I think you were being humorous. I am not a fan of the NRA either. To me, they are the extreme, such as some of the ACLU is extreme. The only thing I'm extreme about are my Redskins :)

2) So, now that we've dealt with the claim that they admit that they do rape children, we're left with them being people who admit that they think it ought to be legal to rape children.

And, again. That's a Constitutional Right.


Just to clarify, it's a constitutional right to rape children or have a group that advocates it?

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You are being simplistic. No one here is "ok" with that. And you do not really think that anyone here is "ok" with that. So why say it?

The ACLU is not "ok" with that either. The ACLU says that everyone has free speech rights, even scum like NAMBLA. Illinois Nazis have the right to march to express their repulsive view. Rush Limbaugh has a right of privacy in his medical records. And so on. The ACLU protects the right

We know about NAMBLA because we have had long NAMBLA threads on this site before. And we know about the ACLU because we have had long ACLU threads on this site before (and some of us are members of the ACLU and/or have done work for the ACLU).

ps - you said "I am of the mind of less government. If I want to pray in school, that is my choice. If I want to say "one nation under GOD" that is my choice." Actually, the ACLU would fully support you in both of those endeavors. They just would not support the government endorsing your prayer or invocation of God. The distinction is key.

The first paragraph sounded a bit rude, I've made it clear in my clarifying question (that you didn't seem to like) that my statements are not in a rude tone. I am all for a civilized discussion.

That said,

I know the ACLU would support me and my views. But it's my right to not like them for being defenders of Nambla/Terrorists, however the innocent picture people want to paint of said organization.

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No alcohol?

But they gave you good pain meds right? :D

Good luck, crutches suck...its your ACL right?

I'm stubborn when it comes to pills. I rarely take aspirin. But the first couple weeks, I've took them daily. Now just every other evening if its sore.

ACL, Yes. I went with the Hamstring tendon repair. Left knee

I'm getting a good upper body workout with the crutches though.:D

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I'm stubborn when it comes to pills. I rarely take aspirin. But the first couple weeks, I've took them daily. Now just every other evening if its sore.

ACL, Yes. I went with the Hamstring tendon repair. Left knee

I'm getting a good upper body workout with the crutches though.:D

Ooh the Hamstring option is painful...

At least you're gettin jacked...er "toned"


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Haven't you heard: Amendment 28: Congress shall pass no law respecting the prohibition of raping children.

You couldn't see my quote of Larry, I fixed it. Hopefully my question makes a bit more sense now.

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Ooh the Hamstring option is painful...

At least you're gettin jacked...er "toned"


Funny you say that. My doctor and anyone I talked to said the patella option was much more painful for women. My long term recovery may take a bit longer. And much less chance for long term pain when kneeling or when it gets cold. Funny thing is a buddy on my softball team tore hers and has surgery in 2 weeks. She is going w/ the patella surgery, so we can compare. haha.

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Funny you say that. My doctor and anyone I talked to said the patella option was much more painful for women. My long term recovery may take a bit longer. And much less chance for long term pain when kneeling or when it gets cold. Funny thing is a buddy on my softball team tore hers and has surgery in 2 weeks. She is going w/ the patella surgery, so we can compare. haha.


My girlfriend tore her ACL and MCL seperately but shes kind of a wimp so she went with the cadaver option. I don't know much about any of them, just that recovery sucks.

I had minor arthroscopic knee surgery just for some clean up and I couldn't kneel for a while, and still get somewhat uncomfortable if I do. I have a feeling yours will be a little worse.

Not to be all doom and gloom or anything...

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I had shoulder reconstruction surgery 8 1/2 years ago. I was still a cop for another 5 years after that. I got into some rough fights and it held up. But I would say that recovery was about the same amount. I'm still deciding whats easier, dealing with only having the use of one arm or one leg?

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I had shoulder reconstruction surgery 8 1/2 years ago. I was still a cop for another 5 years after that. I got into some rough fights and it held up. But I would say that recovery was about the same amount. I'm still deciding whats easier, dealing with only having the use of one arm or one leg?

Hmm I'd say both would suck

And I'm never going to try and fight you...

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Hmm I'd say both would suck

And I'm never going to try and fight you...


eh, I'm too old anyway. Even my K9 partner (yes, I got to keep him when he retired), who is now 10, walks like an old man...

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The first paragraph sounded a bit rude, I've made it clear in my clarifying question (that you didn't seem to like) that my statements are not in a rude tone. I am all for a civilized discussion.

That said,

I know the ACLU would support me and my views. But it's my right to not like them for being defenders of Nambla/Terrorists, however the innocent picture people want to paint of said organization.

I'm sorry if I was rude.

Of course it is your right not to like anyone or anything. I just felt that your expressed reasons for doing so here were pretty weak.

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I'm sorry if I was rude.

Of course it is your right not to like anyone or anything. I just felt that your expressed reasons for doing so here were pretty weak.

ok, not taken as such then.

I guess we all have an opinion to not like someone elses opinion.:laugh:

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As mentioned before, I am prior law enforcement and prior military. So, anyone who defends terrorists or child molesters, I don't like. So for all of the "good' that the ACLU does, the statement of yours that I bolded is reason enough for me to not like them. I draw a line at that. But hey, I can't stand defense attorneys either. Maybe that is after I saw a 3 yr old shot in the head while she was asleep and then watched the public defender try to reason why the guy shot her. :whoknows:

If the system doesn't work for the guilty, it doesn't work for anyone :2cents:

That defender is there to make sure the prosecutor does his job. If you start saying "well, this here is a bad person, and he doesn't really deserve a defense..." that is an extremely slippery slope and one that is contrary to everything this country stands for.

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If the system doesn't work for the guilty, it doesn't work for anyone :2cents:

That defender is there to make sure the prosecutor does his job. If you start saying "well, this here is a bad person, and he doesn't really deserve a defense..." that is an extremely slippery slope and one that is contrary to everything this country stands for.

Actually, the way I think of it is that the only reason that I trust the system, the reason why, for example, when I read about somebody getting convicted, that I assume he was guilty, is because I know that he had an advocate working for him, and that the jury had to listen to both sides. (Whether they wanted to or not.)

For example, when those Border Patrol agents got convicted for shooting that guy in the back: I didn't know what the details of the case were. I didn't see the evidence. I didn't listen to the testimony.

But I knew that the defendants had a lawyer, and that they had an opportunity to tell their side of things. And that the jury unanimously decided that they were guilty.

And that makes it good enough for me.

If having a defense attorney wasn't a universal right, then I couldn't trust that the system was producing justice.

(I still understand that it doesn't always produce justice, anyway. But I figure it's about as good as humanly possible.)

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