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The Pukes Will Have A Losing Season This Year...


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The facts? The ones that say you only scored 17 points with two weeks to rest and prepare at home against a wildcard team that you beat twice before? The ones that say your offense sputtered terribly the last two series? TO only got 4 catches for 49 yards. Crayton had 3 for 27. Terry Glenn ( who most likely won't be playing for you much if at all) caught 2 passes for 30 yards.

You don't see a problem there? Of course not. JJ has you guys drinking his bath water. Whatever he says is gold, right?

Again, you are fighting for the sake of fighting, when the coaches walked, more defense was let go. I cant make this any more painfully obvious to you. Defense walked, that was it. Capers was offered a job, he declined it being the class act he is. The Cowboys werent looking to replace Garrett, in fact made sure he didnt go to Baltimore. Ray Sherman is still here Skip Peete, Wade Wilson and John Garrett, the defense lost Kacy Rogers, who i helped out of town, we brought in Rich Herrin, Dave Campo, Brett Maxie, and Todd Grantham.

All on defense, what does that tell you?

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I'm disappointed that you've lost respect for me but I guess I understand your stance. This doesn't change the respect that I have for you. I've enjoyed our discussions of substance, your knowledge of football and your sense of humor. Sometimes I'm guilty of getting baited and letting my emotions get the best of me but I've tried to work on that. I've been in the wrong plenty of times and I'm man enough to admit this. What I don't get is why no one takes tr1 to task even though "he's within the rules." For the record I've never felt embarrassed here. Not as long as tr1 is here. Perhaps apologetic for a verbal assault or for rule violation but never embarrassed over a football discussion.

First, if you don't know this about me , I'll "share" :D .

Unless a matter is really serious (which eliminates almost all message board scenarios) I am quick to let go of any friction and reboot. As I regularly strive to do, I have communicated in the past precisely what was involved in the gripes I have had with some of your posting and how it stretched/broke forum rules/guidelines. I have also noted regularly what I regarded as your positives IMV (though a cowboy fan, bitter rival of beloved bubba, and all :) ).

As far as taking tr1 to task, you are a smart man when not engaging tr1-related matters or too wrapped up in blue-n-silver glasses :D .

First I have no personal issue with tr1 anymore than any Redskins or Cowboy fan, including all those I have had to take an action with--though the guys that miscast my decisions might annoy me mildly and briefly. I even miss WOU (Chris) who I had decent PM conversations with several times but he became too committed to the dark side. I wasn't one of the mods who finally cleared him out but they were certainly right to do so.

And I have had fine PM conversations with tr1 though we have bumped heads once or twice in long-past threads. But I always point out that his posting behavior here, regardless of one's opinions on its merit or aesthetic, isn't material as long as he remains within the rules. How could it be otherwise as a loyal lifelong Redskins fan and veteran ES member?

tr1 has a "style" and we do not take people to task just for a style unless it causes extreme (:silly: ) turmoil to fellow ES members or breaks rules. And to put a fine point on that, we do not mean "turmoil" to visitors from rival teams. The rules have to be followed by all, but if none are broken what would he be "taken to task" for by admin? Upsetting visiting cowboy fans?

C'mon--I said you were smart enough to figure all this out, and you are if you detach. Now other Redskins fans come in at times and take him to task, and unless there is some sort of real problem generated there or rule broken, that's also obviously fine.

Again, as I have often pointed out, we allow a great number fo cowboy-fan posts to incude attacks on tr1's style and posting behaviors even when not inlcuding references to actual topic conent under discussison. That's granting extra leeway rules-wise. That's leeway Redskins fans don't always get in the stadium. And tr1 knows this and has never complained to staff, ever, about any cowboy fan. But the limit on that leeway is our call, of course, not that of a rival or even homeboy member. None of you cowboy fans get any actions for regularly lambasting tr1 when you feel you have caught him in error or folly. And he's always been man enough to deal with it in threads without breaking rules or bothering admin.

These long posts I do in here are simply my choice and no one else's "fault."

I could just do my thing and ignore all the claptrap. That's what the smart mods do. :laugh:

But when I choose to go through one of these "novellas" as DjTj calls them :silly: , it's not because tr1's actions has been my draw.

It's usually motivated by watching the cowboy fans give indications of beginning to implode again as a group, and I hope to stave off mod actions and raise the level of discourse for awhile at least. And also because at some point I tire of seeing what should be obvious to all continually missed while fingers flail at keyboards.

As a site, as a staff, as a membership, broadly speaking, ES likes and has always liked having spirited jousting and good football talk with fans of rival (and any other) NFL teams. Hence the popular, active, lively (even in the off-season) forum dedicated to it.

Some message board member making a 90% negative, and even heavily biased, focus on a rival team their #1 cause on their home-team site is hardly some travesty of a transgression. Opinions on the quality of the arguments are expected, desired, and just fine (within the rules--can't say it enough). But every one here volunteers for every post they read and write and are thus the only ones responsible for their choices.

Now if all of that doesn't bring a big "oh...duh!" moment to some of you then you're not trying.

It's another ab-so-lute-ly gorgeous day in the Great Pacific Northwest and I am outie--have fun, amigos.

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THA, don't generalize.

Sock puppets abound in ES. To their credit, the mods put up with it constantly. There actually are fans who simply can't say anything good about their team (though I find them to be troubled individuals... :laugh: )

If you guys could ever come up with some convincing arguments, your stay here would be welcomed. Unfortunately, Skins fans present facts, you spout fiction and in the end, rival fans visiting our team's home board look...well, they look a bit pathetic.

Oh, and do I really know the pukes will suck this year? I think so...but, hey until the games are played, who really knows, eh?

I do know one thing, though: The pukes have eaten more cheese in recent times than any team that continues to be humiliated in playoff games.

They do continue to win in the 'expectations game.'

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The beauty of your existence is that nothing short of a SB victory can silence you and the games you play. Even when we do win another SB, you'll have plenty of tricks up your sleeve. You are quite enjoyable. My goal is to try to enjoy you more. You're very unique. Here I go again, speaking to you as if you were a normal person. :no: DAMMIT!

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Everybody but you guys seems to recognize the fact that your offense let you down. Your defense did fine. They only allowed 21 points. I mean, your offense was scoring that in it's sleep earlier in the season. 17 points and you don't think your offense was the problem? Seriously? :laugh:

Actually you're right. Anthony Fasano, aka "every skins new all-star TE," dropped a crucial TD tied at 14-14. That was a killer. The defense was just as guilty giving up a back breaking tying score to tie the game at 14-14 right before half on the heels of our offense marching down the field for what should have been a demoralizing (for them) long TD drive.

If you hadn't noticed, The Giants have a devastating group of pass rushers especially when they know you have to pass as we did down the stretch of that game. The bottom line is that we lost to the eventual champs who went on to beat the previously undefeated Pats. The giants were the better team that day.

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Your overall record doesn't tell the whole story. It doesn't tell how badly you played in december heading into the playoffs. No matter how much you try to polish it up by saying 13-3, anybody who watched your games knows that you looked bad the last few games of the season. You can't fool anybody by dragging out 13-3 every post. People watch the games. They know.

Yeah, we looked bad down the stretch losing to Philly and Washington but you are what your record says you are. One could argue that Wash wasn't as good as your late surge with Collins suggests but that would be silly. You did what you did, we did what we did.

The (second) Philly game was downright embarrassing and supports everything you're saying. After starting 12-1, most teams not named the Pats, are due for a clunker. Detroit simply did what bad teams do, which is show why they're a bad team down the stretch much like the Ravens folding Mon. Night against the Pats. We looked very sluggish vs. the panthers but the game looked like a blowout until T.O. went down and the Panthers were never a threat to win the game. At Washington you'll hold on to the fact that you beat us up pretty bad and that "our starters were in" etc. but the truth is, that wasn't a suprising loss. Wash will always be a tough place for us let alone the fact that we had absolutely nothing to play for, you had everything to play for, plus we had a few key starters out. My bottom line is that we were 13-3 nothing more nothing less.

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Some message board member making a 90% negative, and even heavily biased, focus on a rival team their #1 cause on their home-team site is hardly some travesty of a transgression. Opinions on the quality of the arguments are expected, desired, and just fine (within the rules--can't say it enough). But every one here volunteers for every post they read and write and are thus the only ones responsible for their choices.

Now if all of that doesn't bring a big "oh...duh!" moment to some of you then you're not trying.

It's another ab-so-lute-ly gorgeous day in the Great Pacific Northwest and I am outie--have fun, amigos.

Lol! I really miss my man (WOU) and all of his aliases. He really made things fun around here. Seriously though, thanks for sharing and allowing my previous little rant. I felt the ice thinning beneath me. :silly: Enjoy your weekend.

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The beauty of your existence is that nothing short of a SB victory can silence you and the games you play. Even when we do win another SB, you'll have plenty of tricks up your sleeve. You are quite enjoyable. My goal is to try to enjoy you more. You're very unique. Here I go again, speaking to you as if you were a normal person. :no: DAMMIT!

Actually, a playoff win might give me some pause.


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Again, you are fighting for the sake of fighting, when the coaches walked, more defense was let go. I cant make this any more painfully obvious to you. Defense walked, that was it. Capers was offered a job, he declined it being the class act he is. The Cowboys werent looking to replace Garrett, in fact made sure he didnt go to Baltimore. Ray Sherman is still here Skip Peete, Wade Wilson and John Garrett, the defense lost Kacy Rogers, who i helped out of town, we brought in Rich Herrin, Dave Campo, Brett Maxie, and Todd Grantham.

All on defense, what does that tell you?

It tells me you won't be doing anything in the post season this year.

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Actually you're right. Anthony Fasano, aka "every skins new all-star TE," dropped a crucial TD tied at 14-14. That was a killer. The defense was just as guilty giving up a back breaking tying score to tie the game at 14-14 on the heels of our offense marching down the field for what should have been a demoralizing (for them) long TD drive.

If you hadn't noticed, The Giants have a devastating group of pass rushers especially when they know you have to pass as we did down the stretch of that game. The bottom line is that we lost to the eventual champs who went on to beat the previously undefeated Pats. The giants were the better team that day.

I think they were the better team not only that day, but the better team down the stretch. Now granted, they couldn't beat the Redskins, but overall, they looked a lot better down the home stretch than Dallas did. Teams that get hot late in the season tend to do well in the playoffs. The obvious exception to that rule was the Redskins last year. We got our asses handed to us, but more often than not, it holds true. Teams that don't do so well late in the season despite looking good early tend to have trouble. I'm pretty sure we were telling you guys that before the post season. The thinking by you all was that you'd just be able to flip it on. I know I was telling you that you wouldn't be able to. A few others here said the same thing. But much like you thought Dallas would beat us regarless in that last game, you also falsely believed you could just hit the switch and everything would be fine. Am I right?

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Yeah, we looked bad down the stretch losing to Philly and Washington but you are what your record says you are. One could argue that Wash wasn't as good as your late surge with Collins suggests but that would be silly. You did what you did, we did what we did.

The (second) Philly game was downright embarrassing and supports everything you're saying. After starting 12-1, most teams not named the Pats, are due for a clunker. Detroit simply did what bad teams do, which is show why they're a bad team down the stretch much like the Ravens folding Mon. Night against the Pats. We looked very sluggish vs. the panthers but the game looked like a blowout until T.O. went down and the Panthers were never a threat to win the game. At Washington you'll hold on to the fact that you beat us up pretty bad and that "our starters were in" etc. but the truth is, that wasn't a suprising loss. Wash will always be a tough place for us let alone the fact that we had absolutely nothing to play for, you had everything to play for, plus we had a few key starters out. My bottom line is that we were 13-3 nothing more nothing less.

Like I said in the other post, it does matter what you look like late in the season. Hot teams stay hot, and cold teams stay cold. Usually. The Redskins were an obvious exception, of course. Your 13-3 record got you as far as it could as far as homefield advantage, time to rest, and time to prepare. The fact that your team didn't function as well as it had earlier in the season is what spelled your doom. I mean, the Giants looked pretty damn good the last few games with maybe the exception of the Redskins game. That game was windy as hell though, and neither team looked really good. The Giants were really impressive against the Pats, I thought. I think their momentum helped them a lot. Just as much as I think your lack of momentum hurt you.


Jumbo rules. It has to be said.

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I think they were the better team not only that day, but the better team down the stretch. Now granted, they couldn't beat the Redskins, but overall, they looked a lot better down the home stretch than Dallas did. Teams that get hot late in the season tend to do well in the playoffs. The obvious exception to that rule was the Redskins last year. We got our asses handed to us, but more often than not, it holds true. Teams that don't do so well late in the season despite looking good early tend to have trouble. I'm pretty sure we were telling you guys that before the post season. The thinking by you all was that you'd just be able to flip it on. I know I was telling you that you wouldn't be able to. A few others here said the same thing. But much like you thought Dallas would beat us regarless in that last game, you also falsely believed you could just hit the switch and everything would be fine. Am I right?

Guilty. I definetly thought the boys' would turn it around in the playoff game....though they didnt look totally bad until the 4th IMO. But They were just not insync with eachother and missed the crucial plays that count in games like that. Between Fasano and Crayton and Ellis combined with Henry's missed tackles, O-Line malfunctions..... got very very agitating.

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and just like the 9-7 Redskins you lost your first playoff game

so basically being "13-3" :rolleyes: doesn't mean squat

end of story

The Cowboys have gone as far as the Redskins have during the past 12 years.

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Guilty. I definetly thought the boys' would turn it around in the playoff game....though they didnt look totally bad until the 4th IMO. But They were just not insync with eachother and missed the crucial plays that count in games like that. Between Fasano and Crayton and Ellis combined with Henry's missed tackles, O-Line malfunctions..... got very very agitating.

So do you think addressing your secondary over your offense, in particular your WR's was the way to go this offseason? In your shoes I'd be kinda disappointed and worried because there are no new noteworthy WR's on the team.

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So do you think addressing your secondary over your offense, in particular your WR's was the way to go this offseason? In your shoes I'd be kinda disappointed and worried because there are no new noteworthy WR's on the team.

Again, this is really pummelling it in your head. Ranked 2 offense, ranked 5 defense. Which would you address? KNowing WR is not your weak point.

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Again, this is really pummelling it in your head. Ranked 2 offense, ranked 5 defense. Which would you address? KNowing WR is not your weak point.

I'd look at what happened in the playoffs. Or late in the season for that matter. It was the offense. It was the QB play and WR. Pretty obvious to anyone who watched the games and isn't brainwashed by Jerry.

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So do you think addressing your secondary over your offense, in particular your WR's was the way to go this offseason? In your shoes I'd be kinda disappointed and worried because there are no new noteworthy WR's on the team.

Not only yes but hell yes the secondary was what needed addressed

Lets see at WR we have an Elite WR in TO a good WR in Glenn and a serviceable #2 in Crayton then some young guys we are developing

CB we have an Elite CB in Newman a good CB in Henry after that was what? Oglesby? Ball?

By far CB was where the help was needed

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Not only yes but hell yes the secondary was what needed addressed

Lets see at WR we have an Elite WR in TO a good WR in Glenn and a serviceable #2 in Crayton then some young guys we are developing

CB we have an Elite CB in Newman a good CB in Henry after that was what? Oglesby? Ball?

By far CB was where the help was needed

Couldn't you have done both? Besides, we both know Glenn is not gonna be any sort of factor. He's done.

I think both of those units needed to be addressed, but you guys seem to think only CB was the problem. I gotta question that.

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I'd look at what happened in the playoffs. Or late in the season for that matter. It was the offense. It was the QB play and WR. Pretty obvious to anyone who watched the games and isn't brainwashed by Jerry.

Yup, and again, it was stressed in the off season when they let the whole offense coaches go, Romo sits to pee got replaced, we drafted 5 WR's and 2 new running backs. Yup, the offense sputtered, wasnt the defense that gave up big plays, but all of Craytons drops deflated the whole offense. You sees it good.

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Yup, and again, it was stressed in the off season when they let the whole offense coaches go, Romo sits to pee got replaced, we drafted 5 WR's and 2 new running backs. Yup, the offense sputtered, wasnt the defense that gave up big plays, but all of Craytons drops deflated the whole offense. You sees it good.

You just keep hitting your head against that brick wall.

It couldn't be more obvious that you're brainwashed. Just because your staff didn't address the offense doesn't mean your offense wasn't a problem. You keep on keepin' on.

Edit: Just to further my point, look at TO's production his last three games. 21, 37 and 48 yards respectively. 1 TD.

What did Crayton do those games? 46 yards, 54 and 65. 0 TD's.

BTW, TO didn't play the last game and Crayton had all of 8 yards.

I don't know exactly how dense you'd have to be to overlook those numbers and put it all on the defense, but I imagine it would have to be pretty dense.

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You just keep hitting your head against that brick wall.

It couldn't be more obvious that you're brainwashed. Just because your staff didn't address the offense doesn't mean your offense wasn't a problem. You keep on keepin' on.

Come on, you are saying Dallas goes 13-3 and doesnt have a clue as to how to fix their team. Come on, there is hating on a team than there is down right not getting it. Just to say that tells me you dont get or give respect to football or any team, especially one that holds many records.

Just give it a rest and talk to someone else on your level.

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