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I FINALLY got a call back from Michelle last night. It seems that there were some discussions that went on Friday night after I went to bed and she was still up visiting another camp that I didn't know about and wouldn't have approved of, even if I had known about them. We also talked a little more about the jealousy issues and a couple of other things that were bothering her (and me).

We're going to get together tomorrow afternoon and hopefully get everything worked out. If we can't then things are going to probably have to backtrack to ground zero in the relationship, if it can continue at all.

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This just sounds wrong! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

HOF, come on. Get your mind out of the gutter.

My roommate and I have a pair of Norwegian Fjord horses that we own. This young lady, like most girls her age, think that horses are the greatest things in the world. Last fall, after her mother and I ran an event together I invited them all out to the farm where the horses are boarded for a ride. She thought this was just the greatest thing in the world and now every time I see her she thanks me and asks if we can do it again some time.

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I FINALLY got a call back from Michelle last night. It seems that there were some discussions that went on Friday night after I went to bed and she was still up visiting another camp that I didn't know about and wouldn't have approved of, even if I had known about them. We also talked a little more about the jealousy issues and a couple of other things that were bothering her (and me).

We're going to get together tomorrow afternoon and hopefully get everything worked out. If we can't then things are going to probably have to backtrack to ground zero in the relationship, if it can continue at all.

Good luck, Mass. Just be totally honest but don't push her opinions to the side. Sometimes girls think the craziest things and analyze things in a way you would never even think of (trust me, my boyfriend is often mystified about what goes on in my brain) so listen to them and TRY to connect to them. Even if what she says seems so far-fetched and crazy, girls are weird like that.

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She thought this was just the greatest thing in the world and now every time I see her she thanks me and asks if we can do it again some time.

I'll just leave this quote alone! :paranoid:

I'm just bustin your balls. Nice thing to do for the little girl by the way.

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Good luck, Mass. Just be totally honest but don't push her opinions to the side. Sometimes girls think the craziest things and analyze things in a way you would never even think of (trust me, my boyfriend is often mystified about what goes on in my brain) so listen to them and TRY to connect to them. Even if what she says seems so far-fetched and crazy, girls are weird like that.


thats like saying sometimes the sun comes out. :laugh:

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Good luck, Mass. Just be totally honest but don't push her opinions to the side. Sometimes girls think the craziest things and analyze things in a way you would never even think of (trust me, my boyfriend is often mystified about what goes on in my brain) so listen to them and TRY to connect to them. Even if what she says seems so far-fetched and crazy, girls are weird like that.

Thanks for the advice, MissU. Trust me I'm well aware of the "different" things that apparently go on in a woman's mind. I've been down that road more times than I care to remember.

I'm not intending to push her opinions to the side, but she and I discussed my "No Drama" requirement when we started seeing each other (I don't consider it dating yet). We had a small "drama" right when we started seeing each other so this is the second one inside a month. That schedule is just not going to work for me. I've got too many other stresses going on right now.

I thought I'd made it immensely clear to her that if she got a "Scott wants...." or "Scott needs... " or "Scott deserves...." relationship advice from any of my friends/family that she should be double-checking with ME before she took it as anything more than that individual's opinion.

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I sat down with Michelle for about five hours this afternoon, and I'm probably more confused NOW than I was yesterday. Right now we're planning on just taking some time apart from each other and seeing if she wants to continue any sort of relationship in the near future.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would appear that the Michelle experiment is ending in quasi-disaster. We sat down for about two hours this evening and tried to talk some things out, but it would appear that there are some issues on both sides that neither of us are willing to budge on and so it looks like we're going our separate ways. It didn't end as messily as it could have but it wasn't exactly pretty either. There's a very slim chance we could end up getting back together, but I really doubt that will happen.

Back to the drawing board.... or cave wall as the case may be.... for me.

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It would appear that the Michelle experiment is ending in quasi-disaster. We sat down for about two hours this evening and tried to talk some things out, but it would appear that there are some issues on both sides that neither of us are willing to budge on and so it looks like we're going our separate ways. It didn't end as messily as it could have but it wasn't exactly pretty either. There's a very slim chance we could end up getting back together, but I really doubt that will happen.

Back to the drawing board.... or cave wall as the case may be.... for me.

Sorry to hear this MSF. Hopefully this doesnt change the new MSF that seems to have appeared in the past few weeks. Definitely enjoying the sarcasm and humor in your recent posts.

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Sorry to hear this MSF. Hopefully this doesnt change the new MSF that seems to have appeared in the past few weeks. Definitely enjoying the sarcasm and humor in your recent posts.

Hopefully not. There were some things on both sides that lead to this. Things I expected from her that she wasn't able or willing to provide and the other way around. I won't claim otherwise. I told her that if she changes her mind she knows where and how to get ahold of me. I'm not holding my breath, however.

That sucks, dude. Hope your next endeavor in romance is more successful.

Who knows. This one was one of the better ones over time, but none of them have been spectacular. Who knows, maybe I'm just meant to be a bachelor for life.

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Hopefully not. There were some things on both sides that lead to this. Things I expected from her that she wasn't able or willing to provide and the other way around. I won't claim otherwise. I told her that if she changes her mind she knows where and how to get ahold of me. I'm not holding my breath, however.

Who knows. This one was one of the better ones over time, but none of them have been spectacular. Who knows, maybe I'm just meant to be a bachelor for life.

Aye, but hey...you're only 33. You've still got a bit of time.

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Hopefully not. There were some things on both sides that lead to this. Things I expected from her that she wasn't able or willing to provide and the other way around. I won't claim otherwise. I told her that if she changes her mind she knows where and how to get ahold of me. I'm not holding my breath, however.

Who knows. This one was one of the better ones over time, but none of them have been spectacular. Who knows, maybe I'm just meant to be a bachelor for life.

Just don't look for it anymore, once you stop looking for it, the right one will find you. Trust me on this one. My wife is THE BEST wife in the world for me and I was paying more attention to the 20 yr old that I was trying to date when we ended up dating.

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Aye, but hey...you're only 33. You've still got a bit of time.
Just don't look for it anymore, once you stop looking for it, the right one will find you. Trust me on this one. My wife is THE BEST wife in the world for me and I was paying more attention to the 20 yr old that I was trying to date when we ended up dating.

Thanks guys. Unfortunately I've been searching for 20 years or so and the longest relationship to date has been just under three months; so I'm not exactly holding my breath that the perfect lady is going to just pop up in front of me and we'll live "happily ever after".

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I'm sure the few of you who have been following this will get a good laugh out of this....

On Friday morning I got a phone call from one of Michelle's (the girl I WAS dating) friends asking me if I'd like to get together with her. We talked for a while and I found out some very interesting things. We talked last night on the phone for a while and it sound like she's a bit more my style than Michelle was, so we'll see what happens from here.

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Go for it! I think that's great. I'm sure it will cause a rift between friends, but oh well. They obviously aren't that great of friends or Michelle gave her your number and talked you up to her.

So good luck! Keep us posted!

The story I got on Friday was somewhat humorous....

Friday morning my cell phone rings. I don't recognize the number so I don't answer it (SOP for me). A moment later it beeps to tell me that there's a new voice mail. About 10:30 that morning I finally got a chance to listen to the message.

It's a female voice who tells me her name is Sarah and that she's an acquaintance of Michelle's. She tells me that she's heard we've broken up through a couple of Michelle's other friends because she and Michelle don't talk all that often, and wonders if I'd be interested in getting together with her and seeing if we've got anything in common. She left me her cell number and told me to call her whenever I got a chance. For the life of me I couldn't remember having ever met her.

At lunch time I called her up. It turns out she's Michelle's former roommate, and I met her briefly at a bar one night shortly after Michelle and I started seeing each other. After she mentioned that, I remembered her. It turns out we have some interests in common. She's aware of, though not a member of the SCA. She's interested in sports but not a real fanatic about any team or sport. We also have some other interests in common. I asked her what she thought Michelle's reaction would be. Sarah laughed. It turns out she'd called Michelle on Thursday night to find that out herself. Michelle's comment.... "You two stupid, backwards prudes deserve each other....." and it devolved into insulting both of us from there. So we're not really all that concerned about Michelle's reaction.

We got a chance to talk again last night for about an hour. Just some basic history and personality type stuff. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet her one day later this week or this weekend. We've gotta straighten out schedules first.

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Stupid, backward prudes, huh? LOL! If she believed that you were so backward and prude, why was she so worried about you talking to other females?


The "stupid, backwards prudes" comment doesn't surprise me. Part of the reason we broke up had to do with my lack of interest in casual sex. It turns out that Sarah moved out of the apartment they shared was due to a series of arguements over Michelle's boyfriends being in the appt. and other similar things.

Anyway, hope you get to meet Sarah and you two backward prudes hit it off! ;)

Hopefully so. We have a bunch more in common than Michelle and I did, so I'm hoping we get along.

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We got a chance to talk again last night for about an hour. Just some basic history and personality type stuff. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet her one day later this week or this weekend. We've gotta straighten out schedules first.

Hopefully she prepares well for her formal MSF interview. :silly:

Hope it all turns out for the best. Good luck :thumbsup:

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oh that sounds like a match made in heaven!! can't wait for the update :)

I hope at least it's a match made someplace other than where the last one was. Sarah sounds like she's much more grounded and down-to-earth, so hopefully we won't have a lot of the issues that Michelle and I did right off the bat.

Hopefully she prepares well for her formal MSF interview. :silly:

Hope it all turns out for the best. Good luck :thumbsup:

We've discussed most of the major issues that come up in the formal MSF girlfriend/relationship entry interview. I think she'll do fine. She's also a redhead which doesn't hurt her chances either.

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