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Well, I decided to try an MSF style of marriage tonight...for background, I've already told my wife about this whole situation to get her take on it.

Anyway, we're cleaning up after dinner, and she goes looking for our lighter, which was on one of the coffee tables.

Me: "That is not where the lighter belongs, it belongs in the drawer."

Her: "What? (rolls eyes, turns away)

At that point, I gave her a swat on the ass..."Put it in the right place next time!"

She looks at me with this incredulous look on her face, a half smile, and then BAM, quick as lightning, her hand shoots out and she has me by the balls. She's quick when she wants to be. Then she threatened me with no dessert.

(She lets go, turns away)

I smack her on the ass again. "You DO NOT touch the man of the house like that unless you're told!"

I'm not ashamed to say that at that point, with the look she gave me, I decided it would be best to leave for a different room, lest my nuts suffer again. I would have to say the MSF style of relationships/marriage was an Epic Fail in my household.

I still got dessert though:drool:

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Well, I decided to try an MSF style of marriage tonight...for background, I've already told my wife about this whole situation to get her take on it.

Anyway, we're cleaning up after dinner, and she goes looking for our lighter, which was on one of the coffee tables.

Me: "That is not where the lighter belongs, it belongs in the drawer."

Her: "What? (rolls eyes, turns away)

At that point, I gave her a swat on the ass..."Put it in the right place next time!"

She looks at me with this incredulous look on her face, a half smile, and then BAM, quick as lightning, her hand shoots out and she has me by the balls. She's quick when she wants to be. Then she threatened me with no dessert.

(She lets go, turns away)

I smack her on the ass again. "You DO NOT touch the man of the house like that unless you're told!"

I'm not ashamed to say that at that point, with the look she gave me, I decided it would be best to leave for a different room, lest my nuts suffer again. I would have to say the MSF style of relationships/marriage was an Epic Fail in my household.

I still got dessert though:drool:


My girlfriend is latina...I know better than to speak to her like that, even in jest :D

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<Sigh> I have been reading this thread even though I haven't been responding to the posts as of lately. Oh my goodness. I have so many things that I want to say, but I have no idea where to begin.

I feel like you aren't looking for any kind of relationship, partnership, negotiated cohabitation, etc. You are looking for someone/something who you can control. I would be ashamed of myself if I were you for treating her the way you have-spanking her (regardless of whose idea it was), and having to decide on her punishment. She isn't an object, or an animal for that matter.

The sad thing is that she obviously cares about you a lot, and your rigidity and lack of any form of compromise will eventually push her away and cause her to get really hurt in the process. This is not fair to her. If you are happy being the way you are, fine, but don't hurt others in the process. And hurting her is exactly what you are gonna end up doing.

I know you don't have any intentions of compromising w/ her or any woman for that matter. If you are dead set on this fact, then why not stay a single man? You have to understand that ANY type of relationship, whether it's a personal or business relationship, will involve some type of compromise. Since you can't or don't want to do this, you are being extremely selfish by looking for a woman to get involved with. You want what you want, and it's your way or the highway. Fine, but don't drag someone else into this convoluted world that you're living in. It's just plain selfish.

I know you have different views than most about gender roles, and I am not going to debate those with you. You have a right to your opinion. But, when you tell us that she will get spanked (and how many she gets depends on the seriousness of the offense) and debating what her punishments should be in the event she screws up is absolutely outrageous. I hope you understand that, no matter how necessary you feel these things are, this is borderline abusive.

As much as I am opposed to your ideas of women's roles, there is a big difference between her taking care of you and the home and her being completely controlled. She has no say at all in this weird thing you two have going. It's as if you need to control her every move, and if she sways a little too far off course, she gets a spanking? Scott, I thought better of you than this.

Finally, I think you should also consider that there may be something really wrong with her psychologically if she allows you to treat her the way that you have been. No person deserves to be treated like a second class citizen or an object. And, frankly, if someone is willing to be treated as such, they obviously have some serious issues that need to be dealt with.

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i agree with brandy. :applause:

She either has reeeaaallllllllyyyyy low self esteem to let you spank her when she does something wrong, or she's just crazy. If that were me, i'd be running to the hills with a brand new number and a new life because i think you have a stage 5 clinger on your hands.


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Phoward, this is something serious, not the "game" that a lot of couples play for sexual purposes. This is about discipline and correcting improper behaviors, nothing more.

Scott, this is what I'm talking about. This is beyond outrageous behavior.

Well, I decided to try an MSF style of marriage tonight...for background, I've already told my wife about this whole situation to get her take on it.

Anyway, we're cleaning up after dinner, and she goes looking for our lighter, which was on one of the coffee tables.

Me: "That is not where the lighter belongs, it belongs in the drawer."

Her: "What? (rolls eyes, turns away)

At that point, I gave her a swat on the ass..."Put it in the right place next time!"

She looks at me with this incredulous look on her face, a half smile, and then BAM, quick as lightning, her hand shoots out and she has me by the balls. She's quick when she wants to be. Then she threatened me with no dessert.

(She lets go, turns away)

I smack her on the ass again. "You DO NOT touch the man of the house like that unless you're told!"

I'm not ashamed to say that at that point, with the look she gave me, I decided it would be best to leave for a different room, lest my nuts suffer again. I would have to say the MSF style of relationships/marriage was an Epic Fail in my household.

I still got dessert though:drool:

Friend, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to watch you get ***** slapped right in the nuts! LOL

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I just got this really sick feeling in my stomach after I read that. Its just mind boggling (or bottling) that someone would actually allow that.

Sorry Scott, I think you may have taken it too far with that. I understand your views on life, but that just isnt right.

That's because this whole relationship is the epitome of very sick behavior. It's demeaning, reprehensible, outrageous, psycho, sick behavior.

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Friend, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to watch you get ***** slapped right in the nuts! LOL

You have to understand, I've already told her about this MSF relationship to get her take on it, so she knew exactly what I was doing. That and the fact that I had an ear to ear grin while this was going on (except for the nuts part.)

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Obviously this thread is headed in a less than positive direction. Before it gets too out of hand it would probably be best for the Staff to just shut it down and save us all the headaches that will probably occur if it continues on.

I've replied privately to a few of the most recent respondants, and if anyone wishes to continue discussing this they can contact me privately. There will be no more public updates on this topic.

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