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Just heard on ESPN's 1st & 10


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It's hard to not say we aren't the worst team in the division but so what this division is the best in the league and the teams are sepearated by an inch. But worst team in the league "WHATEVER!" Miami, Jets, Lions, Chiefs, Ravens are just a few who are worse, Skip Bayless knows zilch!:doh:

oh yes we had 3 team's go to the playoff's the last 3 years...not only that but the e-gals were 8-8 the worst team of the east.:rolleyes:

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Skip Bayless just flaps his gums about subjects like an old man with diarrhea. A never ending stream of s**t coming out of his a**. Skip sometimes comes up with some good analysis but is a Cowgirl backer. Just like many of the ESPN analysts. They all say we are the worst team in the Division but we keep proving them wrong year in and year out. Wade Phillips gets hired by Jerry Jones and the Cowboys and they are automatically going to the Super Bowl. When Dan Snyder makes a hire it is "The best they can do this year is 6-10 or 7-9 and they will be last in their division." How does that happen?

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Eh, offseason predictions are worthless. The only thing analysts can go off of is where teams finished up. And by our draft position, I'd say we are the 21st worst team in the leagues (11th best). And we're getting back all 22 of our starters. How exactly do you sink 21 spots?

Now, I will say that a new offensive scheme and a rookie head coach are certainly not reasons to elevate us to the status of world beaters. There will probably be some growing pains. But falling to last in the league as a result of said growing pains? Not likely.

I won't expect us to go 19-0, but I sure as heck don't expect us to be anywhere near 0-16 either.

ESPN keeps this sort of douchebaggery up, and I'll be Skip-ping them all together.

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I am their biggest sucker.
I am Skip Bayless's raging bile duct. :laugh:

"[H]is father immediately began calling him Skip or Skipper — his father's pet name for his mother during their courtship." (wikipedia)

So in other words...Skip is named after his MOTHER. :laugh: They should have just called him a****** and been done with it.

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**** it, I like the cellar. Bring on the hate. The guys have to feed off of it. Wait till we yard stomp our way through the division on a playoff run at the end of the season. Like we have 2 out of the 3 last years. The more jackasses like skip that choke on the boys, ginas, and the eagles, johnsons the better. Bring on the hate. We should start a stickied thread where we compile all the hate, have them show the team before games. Then we should take that thread and shove it up skip bayless' ass.

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I was listening to 1st & 10 just now, durring "second" down they were talking about who had the easier schedule the Pats or the Gnats, Skip said that the Midgets had the easier opening schedule because "they open against Washington who is not only the worst team in the division, but probably in the league right now". He then went on to down play St. Louis and other teams, but came back to say that the Midgets had the much easier week 1.

I hate Skip, and I don't think he knows :pooh: about :pooh: but God I would for somebody to permantly shut him up.

How do you guys feel about him saying this about the Redskins?

As y'all know from us Cowboys fans-Skip has been a notorious Cowboy-hater since the mid-90's when he wrote smears and lies about members of the org while being a sports journalist here in the area.

Anyhow-don't sweat 90% of anything he says. He THINKS he's smarter than he really is, but it's quite the contrary.

As for the Skins "being the worst team in the division"-they will be just as competitive as the other 3 NFCE teams. IMHO-I feel the Skins have a pretty good team in '08-especially with alot of their young talent(Montgomery, Heyer, Doughty, Landry, Cooley, Campbell, etc) blossoming, gelling, and coming into their own. And plus you guys got an extra 1st day compensatory pick-which should help out quite a bit too.


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That would suck to have to play devils advocate AGAINST your own team. The way he bashes Romo sits to pee baffles me, I can see why TO though.

Which is one reason why I wished we didn't get TO-it only gave Skip more ammunition to use his own mouthpiece to trash my team on the national airwaves.

BTW-I believe Skip's a die-hard Eagles fan, FWIW. He always gushes over them, and makes excuses for them when things go wrong.

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I'm sure this has been said over 10 times already in this thread but I'll say it anyways..

Skip Bayless is a ****ing moron. Never, ever should you listen to any opinion he has. I would listen to just about anyone on any topic rather than his dumbass.

Sorry, I really really hate Skip.

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I kinda think everyone needs to re-evaluate your expectations for the Skins in 2009. Like it or not, this will be a rebuilding year. Campbell is learning a new offense again, so we're probably going to struggle. The Front Office is clearly building for 2010 or even 2011, when one can reasonably expect Campbell to start to show mastery of the WCO.

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We are the worst team in the division and maybe even the worst in the league. Hell maybe even the worst in the HISTORY of the NFL. We made NO moves this offseason, we are constantly in CAP HELL, we lost our hall of fame coach, we lost most of our coaching staff and we have Snyderatto running the show. 0-16 here we come!

With the first pick of the 2009 NF Draft the Washington Redskins select: ?????????


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I'm not sure why so many people act as if the Giants are world beaters. They got hot at the right time and won the Super Bowl. Kind of like what the Steelers did a few years ago. Look at what they did the year after. It isn't a guarantee the Giants will be better than 8-8 to be brutally honest. The Redskins have a good shot at winning that game.

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How Skip Bayless is even on a sports talk television show is BEYOND me.....him and Woody Paige dont even know what there talking about at all....they are just there because they know how to talk....thats about it.

Even that....I can see how people can say on paper we may look like the worst in the division....Giants just won the superbowl, Cowboys won 13 or 14 games last year, and the Eagles were on fire at the end of the year last year and got Asante Samuel (which the media makes out to instantly make them unstoppable).

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There's some truth in the skeptism we face this year.

1. A new HC = new system so it will take time to adjust for all (poor Jason).

2. Our schedule sucks 3 straight roadies against NFC teams. We either start fast or we'll be looking for that December miracle again.

3. The draft will play a major roll. We did nothing in the offseason because we cant afford to so we will rely heavily on the draft. Most of the other teams in our division have depth. Dallas has two first rounders, Giants will address Safety and Iggles will go WR in the first(Jackson/Thomas/Kelly).

4. Conditioning: Rocky has degenerative knees, Rogers recovering from serious knee injury. Santana married and taking time to recoop. His wheels are always in question. The OL hasnt been healthy and together for some time. Have to get use to play with each other and there old. Lets hope they hold up this year.

CB is a sore spot with me! SS is old and injury prone and wont be here next year. Smoot gets hurt on every play : ) and Rogers I mentioned.

I'll stay optimistic. I hope we have a great season that takes us to the promise land, but we have serveral factors working against us. We need to address CB at #21. There are far too many good CB that will fall to us. WE can address the rest later. As I stated b4 on other threads. We are going to need some of these draft choice to step in right away and make contributions for us to have any success this season.

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He's a ****ing idiot. Plain and simple. Outside of the Pats game, we had a shot to win every game we lost last year at the end of the game.

That isn't me being a homer speaking. It's fact.

**** him. **** New York. **** Dallas and Philly too.


My feelings exactly you throw out that Patriots game we were in every single game should have beaten the giants both teams if it wasn't for that second half collapse. Should have beaten the so call great Cowboys twice if it wasn't for the turnovers. **** that a-hole as well as the giants, cowpukes, eagles.

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