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Bill Richardson to endorse Obama(merged)


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This is huge for Obama's campaign and personally I think that Richardson would be Obama's best VP candidate but we'll see what happens.

Bill Richardson to Endorse Obama


(CNN) -- Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico plans to endorse Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic race for president Friday, an Obama campaign spokesperson told CNN.

Richardson plans to join Obama at a rally in Portland, Oregon, at 12:30 p.m. Friday.

In an e-mail to supporters, Richardson said Obama will be a "historic and a great President, who can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad."

Richardson also said in the e-mail that he was touched by Obama's recent speech on race in America, saying he "understands clearly that only by bringing people together, only by bridging our differences can we all succeed together as Americans."

Richardson is the nation's only Hispanic governor. Hispanics have tended to support Obama's rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Richardson said the country is blessed to have two great American leaders and great Democrats running for President.

"My affection and admiration for Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton will never waver," Richardson wrote in his e-mail. "It is time, however, for Democrats to stop fighting amongst ourselves and to prepare for the tough fight we will face against John McCain in the fall."

Richardson, who served as United Nations ambassador and energy secretary in the Clinton administration, dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination on January 10.

He drew 5 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire primary and 2 percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses.

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You beat me to it. I began the same thread at about the same time. Great minds think alike.:laugh:

Here is the question I posed:

Doesn't it seem like a funny time for this announcement? I mean if he felt this strongly about Obama, why didn't he endorse him earlier?

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I think the timing could just be a subtle message from concerned Democrats, to team Clinton, that if you try to steal the nomination from the guy who has more delegates, and more popular votes, you're on your own.

Team Democrat is forcing team Clinton to accept defeat and fall in the party line.

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You beat me to it. I began the same thread at about the same time. Great minds think alike.:laugh:

Here is the question I posed:

Doesn't it seem like a funny time for this announcement? I mean if he felt this strongly about Obama, why didn't he endorse him earlier?

:cheers: That's right.

Well I suspected Richardson to come out and endorse Obama despite Richardson's history with Bill Clinton. There were some lightly publicized "private" meetings between Obama and Richardson back when all of the Dem candidates were still involved and debating and I got a hunch then. Also, after Iowa there were reports that a lot of Richardson supporters were moving to Obama's camp after Richardson had dropped out.

I do hope Obama picks him for VP though, he has the experience that Obama's criticized for not having, he's in touch with the youth and immigration/energy have been big parts of his political career.

Also, Edwards is still out there so we'll see who he comes out and endorses.

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You beat me to it. I began the same thread at about the same time. Great minds think alike.:laugh:

Here is the question I posed:

Doesn't it seem like a funny time for this announcement? I mean if he felt this strongly about Obama, why didn't he endorse him earlier?

I bet Obama called him and said, "if you're gonna do it, do it now. Otherwise if you do it in 3 months, we're barely gonna acknowledge it."

It definitely shifts the focus off of the Rev Wright and Grandmother stuff.

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James Carville compared Richardson to Judas...

“Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week.
I like ya James, but kindly shut the **** up. Just because someone's last name is Clinton doesn't mean they are automatically entitled to the endorsement of every major democratic figure.
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James Carville compared Richardson to Judas...

I like ya James, but kindly shut the **** up. Just because someone's last name is Clinton doesn't mean they are automatically entitled to the endorsement of every major democratic figure.

It's a little more subtle than that. Richardson's rise to national attention was directly because of Bill. They watched the Superbowl together this year and have long been buddies. So the comparison was not so much that of the Clinton's and Jesus, but of the Richardson to Judas by virtue of his stabbing his benefactor in the back.

Personally, I don't blame politics is a dirty business and the Clinton's are done. There really is no likely way for Hillary to win.

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It's a little more subtle than that. Richardson's rise to national attention was directly because of Bill. They watched the Superbowl together this year and have long been buddies. So the comparison was not so much that of the Clinton's and Jesus, but of the Richardson to Judas by virtue of his stabbing his benefactor in the back.

Personally, I don't blame politics is a dirty business and the Clinton's are done. There really is no likely way for Hillary to win.

I know that it's because of Bill that Richardson became as well known as he did. However, the Clinton's are acting like Richardson endorsed Obama just to spite them, which isn't the case. Richardson endorsed who he thinks is the best candidate. It's time for Hillary to wake up and realize that it isn't her.
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I think Edwards is sitting the fence until the last possible minute. He thinks he has a good shot in either administration.
I think he'll endorse Obama, he and Clinton beat the ever loving hell out of each other while he and Obama were a little more cordial to each other.
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I think Edwards will endorse Clinton and push her ahead of Obama before the convention.

With what bulldozer? Edwards doesn't have that kind of influence unless he's driving a Caterpillar. His current ride is more like a John Deere.

Hillary isn't going to win all of the remaining states by more than 60-40 margins, which is what she'd have to do to win the delegate war. Edwards won't change that.

And without the delegate count, giving Clinton the nomination (and it would be a gift) would accomplish the following:

1) Tens of millions of voters learn and remember for a generation that in the Democratic primary, voting doesn't matter

2) Complete party meltdown at the top

3) The weaker candidate, dead on arrival, runs against McCain

4) Guaranteed loss in the general election.

5) Yet another Time Magazine cover asking, "Is the Democratic Party Dead?"

6) More Michael Dukakises and John Kerrys as future nominees

Not sure why Edwards would tip any scales here.

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I think it's interesting that so many of the Clinton mouth-peices are saying, "Oh it doesn't matter" or "We will let the voters decide not the super-delegates."

Despite the fact that up until last week both Bill & Hillary were seeking Richardson's endorsement.

She didn't have much to say on Florida or Michigan either...until she was behind and needed them to count.

Face it if her last name wasn't Clinton and this was someone like John Edwards (for example) people would be calling for him to drop out and support the front runner.

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Wow. I'm impressed how much I agree with everyone in a thread for once. I have long thought Richardson as a great VP choice for Obama because of his Foreign Policy background. Not to mention he may be able to help out with the Latino vote. I question some other aspects, but Obama would clearly need someone with a Foreign Policy background and the more experience the better.

The James Carville quote stuck out to me in a big way. It just comes off as sour grapes from a desperate campaign.

Clearly Hillary is gunning to take the nomination, because she's running a statistical dead heat when you run the statistics in any normal manner. Her ego has been astonishing to me throughout her campaign. She seems more than willing to bring the entire Democratic party down with her and no one at the top of the DNC seems willing to publicly let her know she should kindly step aside to save the party.

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Clearly Hillary is gunning to take the nomination, because she's running a statistical dead heat when you run the statistics in any normal manner.

If the Clinton campaign would perform the correct statistical test -- by looking only at the upcoming contests and the currently existing delegate deficit they face -- the results would yield anything but a statistical dead heat. Their uphill climb is basically a sheer, perfectly smooth cliff wall.

The only way for her to stand on top is to blow up the entire mountain, bring it all crashing down, clamber atop the rubble and pretend to be a legitimate candidate. It's basically over unless she truly wants to destroy the party and her presidential hopes.

Her ego has been astonishing to me throughout her campaign. She seems more than willing to bring the entire Democratic party down with her and no one at the top of the DNC seems willing to publicly let her know she should kindly step aside to save the party.

Couldn't agree more. I'm hoping that her inability to see beyond the end of her own witch nose will bring down the wrath of the Democratic party and ruin her Senate career, too.

But unfortunately, we've seen how the Democrats treat people who harm their country and their party: give them more money and more power. How many zeroes would you like on this check, sir or madam?

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With what bulldozer? Edwards doesn't have that kind of influence unless he's driving a Caterpillar. His current ride is more like a John Deere.

Hillary isn't going to win all of the remaining states by more than 60-40 margins, which is what she'd have to do to win the delegate war. Edwards won't change that.

And without the delegate count, giving Clinton the nomination (and it would be a gift) would accomplish the following:

1) Tens of millions of voters learn and remember for a generation that in the Democratic primary, voting doesn't matter

2) Complete party meltdown at the top

3) The weaker candidate, dead on arrival, runs against McCain

4) Guaranteed loss in the general election.

5) Yet another Time Magazine cover asking, "Is the Democratic Party Dead?"

6) More Michael Dukakises and John Kerrys as future nominees

Not sure why Edwards would tip any scales here.

Very good post :applause:

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Seems to me if Obama wins he would have to at least try to get Hillary as his VP. As much as she's unlikable, there are plenty of Democrat supporters who say if she loses they will vote for McCain. Maybe they are bluffing. But to be safe, Obama gets those votes if he keeps her as VP. Then he can relegate her to twiddling her thumbs for the next 4 years. I've seen all the editorials that say nether will seek the VP nomination but everyone always says that.

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