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Santana Moss - What changed?


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Santana Moss completely dominated in 2005, being only beaten in yardage by Steve Smith. He single handedly took over multiple games, even losses. He had the miracle in Dallas, the crazy game against the Chiefs, and a ridiculous performance versus the Giants. He did all that without a second WR threat (David Patten - who Brunell never threw to, James Thrash, Taylor Jacobs).

But I'm seeing more and more REDSKINS FANS coming down hard on Moss and claiming he's just a #2...

Why???? What happened????

Also, are his injuries an excuse... Or not?

Just curious, because I'm a big Santana fan and hope he has another monster season as a Redskin.

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He's #1. Nothing changed just injuries. If he can stay healthy he can stay with momentum and be good if not better than 2005. If you get injured and keep getting plagued by injuries it is hard to come back and be completely dominant. He will be alot better this year with a big WR on our team

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In order to be a number 1 receiver, you need to be dependable. Santana just isn't dependable at all. I think 05' was just a fluke, as you can see that 05' was a huge increase from his average yards per year. He needs to stay in shape and protect his hamstrings and groin. I believe he is better than 700-800 yards, but i doubt he can get to 1400 yards again. He just can't stay healthy.

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In order to be a number 1 receiver, you need to be dependable. Santana just isn't dependable at all. I think 05' was just a fluke, as you can see that 05' was a huge increase from his average yards per year. He needs to stay in shape and protect his hamstrings and groin. I believe he is better than 700-800 yards, but i doubt he can get to 1400 yards again. He just can't stay healthy.


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Moss is a clear cut#1. He has been injured and JC has yet to perfect his deep ball. If there was one thing Brunell was good at it was dropping deep balls right in Santana's arms. This was a tough year for him but he really came on strong at the end.

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His game is one dimensional, totally dependant on his speed. If he has any tweak, he becomes ineffective. Can't explain all the drops that hit him in the hands last year, but the last few games he did seem to be catching his old stide. I hope that continues next season, because when he can burn down the sideline and beat his man, he is a real threat.

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Moss is a clear cut#1. He has been injured and JC has yet to perfect his deep ball. If there was one thing Brunell was good at it was dropping deep balls right in Santana's arms. This was a tough year for him but he really came on strong at the end.

Look at his stats. He's gotten 1000 yards twice. He's always around 800 yards, and missing about 2 games a year

my point....one amazing season does NOT make you a "clear cut" number one. He's a consistent 800 yard guy and would be a great complementary WR. Not to mention he's a great deep threat. He had one amazing season, but these numbers prove that he had a fluky 05.

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2005 first year of the 5 yd rule. Smaller guys took the biggest advantage as they couldn't be bumped and would have a running start. Alot of teams know Moss doesn't play inside the hashes and he waits on the double move all game. Good corners know that. Against Minny, he was against McCauley, Bears depleted secondary and Reeves vs Dallas. He isn't a #1.

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I blame it on the offensive approach. When Gibbs was calling the plays from out of his own playbook, the offense took on a life of its own. Moss was able to break Bobby Mitchell's record in just his first season as a Redskins. Then here comes Al Saunders with this complicated 700 page playbook. I think Santana's injuries just tells a small fraction of the story. A lot of the time in 2005 Moss was getting man to man coverage. Besides Saunders complicated system, defenses were playing a lot of zone 2 cover and zone 3 cover and the QB had to check off to other options.

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Moss' strength has always been his "big twitch" musles - i.e hamstrings and quads. Those have also been his curses as they are the most supseptible to pulls by any player who relies on speed first. When healthy - and with other options underneath available, such as Cooley - I think that he is no doubt a #1. Add a true #2 first/#1 possible reciever, and I think that Moss - and the new reciever - will bring back memories of "The Posse".

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2005 first year of the 5 yd rule. Smaller guys took the biggest advantage as they couldn't be bumped and would have a running start. Alot of teams know Moss doesn't play inside the hashes and he waits on the double move all game. Good corners know that. Against Minny, he was against McCauley, Bears depleted secondary and Reeves vs Dallas. He isn't a #1.

I could definitely be wrong, but it seems to me that the "5 yard Bump" rule that I assume you're talking about was instituted a while before 2005...

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i love tana, but his hands need to improve in the short game. there were a few games earlier in the year, particularly the green bay game(which he pretty much lost for us), where he dropped a lot of 8-10 yard passes. in the WCO he will be a great number 2 receiver as long as we get a good possession guy

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Top reasons why Moss is not a number 1 WR

1. True number 1 don't drop normal passes (When i say normal mean passes that WR could catch. I was about to say easy but in nfl all passes is not easy)

2. True number 1 can make other team double him

3. True number 1 make number 2 WR look like number 1

4. True number alway want to be in game nomatter how bad they playing

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i like santana but its all about his speed. thats pretty much his only strength...but hes still a numero uno

He adjusts to the deep ball better than anyone else in the league, but we havent seen as much of this since JC took over at QB

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He isn't a true #1 WR. He is small, he is a speed guy. Gary Clark was a fantastic WR- good hands, great speed...but he wasn't Art Monk. Moss is IMO the same as Clark he CAN be a #1 but he is too 1 dimensional to be the go to guy. He is best used in situations where a good 2nd WR gets doubled and Moss gets to beat someone deep 1 on 1. Last year he wasn't healthy and should have gotten to 1,000 yards without injuries...Gary Clark got to 1,000 yards plenty of times but he wasn't a true #1 WR.

We still need a guy with steady hands and a big body...we haven't had that since Monk left.

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When healthy, Moss is a #1. The problem is that he gets hamstring injuries. Another problem is the lack of chemistry between him and Campbell. It just doesn't seem that they're comfortable with each other. Campbell throws nice deep balls to Randle El and other receivers but when it comes to Moss, it's a different story.

When Moss got healthy at the end of last year(and Collins at QB), he showed that he is a #1. He was doing great in the Seattle game as well, and was wide open for a deep bomb(over 50 yards I'm pretty sure) but Collins got hurried by Kearney. Damn Kearney almost single handedly beat us that game.

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Back in 05, it was him and Cooley as the only two targets on the team. Only two places for the ball to go. Then they added ARE for 06 and 07 and a new offensive scheme. Gibbs/Saunders spread the ball around more. ARE, Moss and Cooley were all within about 10 catches of each other. Granted Moss did have a bad year with the drops and playing on a bad hamstring for half the season, but I don't think his best years are behind him.

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Top reasons why Moss is not a number 1 WR

1. True number 1 don't drop normal passes (When i say normal mean passes that WR could catch. I was about to say easy but in nfl all passes is not easy)

2. True number 1 can make other team double him

3. True number 1 make number 2 WR look like number 1

4. True number alway want to be in game nomatter how bad they playing

1.JC overthrowing short passes over already short wr.

2.Moss gets doubled all the time, watch the games my friend.

3.Flat out B.S.

4.One game, in reference to the Green Bay game, he was hurt. Previous reports mentioned Moss could barely even get his shoe on, yet he gutted it out and started.

Im not gonna say Moss is a number 1, every year, but if healthy he can ball with the best of them.

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