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Can we let Zorn stay after THIS?! (Zorn in Dallas uni)

Beauty is Only

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are you serious with this? the man had to make a living somehow. I'm sorry, but if dallas wanted me to come paly football for them and they pated me, as much as I LOVE the redskins and HATE the cowboys, I would still go play my ass out for that paycheck. This is rediculous.

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what exactly was he suppossed to do? say, "no, I can't wear this uniform because I may be the Head Coach of the Washington Redskins someday?"

hell, if they offered you any uniform to play in the NFL, would you turn it down?

I hate the cowboys but if cowboys offer me 2 year or 1 year deal i accept in a min

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1) You wouldn't be the first idiot to come here with some bs about Zorn, someone from the FO or one of the players and make a claim that we should get rid of them for no reason. Are you really surprised people think your thread is lame?

2) Once again you're reminded? Read your sig again before you go running your big mouth about how people should understand your lame thread.

3) Dead pan humor? Did you leave something out? What part of your post was funny?


you took the words out of my mouth.

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It's the offseason.

We aren't chasing every free agent who's a free agent.

We, as fans, are bored.

And some of us are cranky, too.

I didn't think the post was that bad; I understood that it was sarcasm from the beginning. Maybe it's just me and my lack of understanding about what's important, but I believe this has been blown way out of proportion. In the absence of any other news, I don't believe an attempt at humor (whether I deem the attempt funny or not) needs to be so heavily scrutinized. But - that's just me.

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1) You wouldn't be the first idiot to come here with some bs about Zorn, someone from the FO or one of the players and make a claim that we should get rid of them for no reason. Are you really surprised people think your thread is lame?

Posting a picture of Zorn in a Dallas uniform is BS? How so? And this makes me an idiot as well? I guess the qualifications for idiocy get broader every day.

No, I'm not surprised people think this thread is lame. After gauging the quality of many of the posts here over the last couple of months, I'm surprised this site hasn't imploded on itself. There's very little civility and logic here anymore. The post I'm replying to is a case in point.

1)2) Once again you're reminded? Read your sig again before you go running your big mouth about how people should understand your lame thread.

If you don't like this thread, there are many others you're welcome to visit. In fact, if you don't like a thread, it's not required that you post in it or even open it. Did you know that?

I'm really not sure what the size of my mouth has to do with this.

1)3) Dead pan humor? Did you leave something out? What part of your post was funny?

You're proving my point.

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Don't worry, I thought it was pretty funny. People on this site like to go insane for no reason and pick on newbies.

Actually, I'm not so much a newbie (nor am I worried). I joined a few years back and was more active early on with posting, but not so much lately. I find my football knowledge is not up to the level of many here, so I generally prefer to read rather than post, save for the rare instance where I might actually contribute something meaningful to the thread.

Generally, if there's a thread I don't care for, I just ignore it. I read a post or two, then move on. A number of posters on this board attempt to belittle others to make themselves look clever. Would that it were not so.

Thanks for the encouragement, though. We abstract thinkers have to stick together.

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You know whats really annoying. Is all the people that everytime someone becomes a FA, cut from a team, or even this team is looking to trade him, We should get this guy, lets trade for him, this guys old as dirt but lets sign him anyway, blah blah blah. This thread is much better than that crap. I knew as soon as I read the title that people would be bashing you. I knew you were kidding from the get go so heres to a great season. HAIL

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1) You wouldn't be the first idiot to come here with some bs about Zorn, someone from the FO or one of the players and make a claim that we should get rid of them for no reason. Are you really surprised people think your thread is lame?

2) Once again you're reminded? Read your sig again before you go running your big mouth about how people should understand your lame thread.

3) Dead pan humor? Did you leave something out? What part of your post was funny?

Why are you so irritable? If you don't like the thread, just overlook it. You're way too serious, if you're actually being serious that is.

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