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What if Campbell is not the man?Would now be the time to go after Brady Quinn?


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Yes, let's get another QB because JC has only been the starter for a season and a half. And let's make sure that starter is someone who's original team used 2 first rounders on to acquire and will make us pay through the nose to bring in, especially considering the cap hit that team would take in trading him. That would be a much better idea than say, drafting a QB in the 3rd since we'll probably have 2 picks there, and grooming him "just in case". -end sarcasm

Seriously, I'd rather have Zorn draft his guy IF there was some question about JC, than bring in an unproven QB who is going to cost us the farm to bring in. Derek Anderson has the potential to be a 1-year wonder, especially since he tapered off at the end, and the Browns aren't moving Quinn with how much they have invested in him, both money and draft picks.

btw- I am not for drafting a QB any time before the 6th round this year.

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are you serious?

what if there is a man waiting for you outside of your home with a gun?

what if you hit the super lottery?

what if..what if..what if..

we have a great QB and you need to stop thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Brady has ZERO starts and hasnt proven a daggone thing!!

I wouldn't go so far as to say we have a "great" quarterback...he did afterall turn the ball over 3 consecutive final drives vs, Philly, Dallas and Tampa Bay.

He's hard as heck to bring down due to his size but he second guesses his throws and throws picks.

He has show flashes and hasn't played a full season so it's a bit hard to annoint him as "the one". I want to see what he can do through 16 games...my hunch though is that if he were in there down the stetch, we would NOT have made the playoffs.

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we have the young starter, we have to old vet, all you need is the other young guy

but its not a crucial need. rather than waste assets on acquiring that guy, just draft him late, or just take one of the guys off the practice squads somewhere. Bramlet and Palmer are still floating around out there.

use our picks above the 6th round to improve the team now

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We do?

What's his name?

Because it certainly isn't Jason Campbell. He has never--NOT ONCE--been anything more than marginally above average in his 3 years here. Maybe you need to look up the definition of great, because it doesn't apply to any QB we have.

Not ONCE eh?

Detroit, 2007: 23 of 29 (79.3% passes completed) 248 yds passing 2TDs 0 INTs 125.3 passer rating

Philadelphia, 2007: 23 of 34 (67.6%) 215 yds 3 TDs O INTs 114.2 PR

You're schtick is weak as always

Maybe next time tone down the drama queen antics and don't deal in absolutes, especially when it's obvious you didn't even bother looking at JC's stats before declaring that "NOT ONCE" has he been anything more than "marginally above average."

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Need to find out about Campbell first before we start thinking about what to do if he's not the franchise QB.

He hasn't had much of an opportunity to this point.

:applause: Hopefully this year with having a good QB coach in Zorn we might see side of JC that we have been yearning for!

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Brady Quinn SUCKS...boooo to this thread

There is no way to justify this post, you don't even add nothing to this thread. :doh: Grow up.

Brady Quinn might end up being a big superstar and Jason Campbell might end up being a bust. I don't see us having both of them on our team though, Jason Campbell might end up being a superstar too, and then we are going to have a Quinn on as a backup? It isn't going to happen, but if it did and we didn't have to give up so much for him (which we would) I wouldn't be TOO upset.

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At the end of this year I believe that we will know what we have in Jason. Currently he is not at all prepared to run the west coast offense. He does have some mobility but his ball release is slow and his accuracy is less than it needs to be. Zorn said in his first presser that he didn’t want for Jason to wait until he identified an open receiver to throw the ball. He wanted Jason to throw the ball before the receiver finished running his route (ie. run to the left hash at the 30 and the ball will be there). I don’t think that Jason is close to that point yet but maybe Zorn can get him there.

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ummmm, the CLEVELAND BROWNS are STARTING ANDERSON over Quinn, and just signed Anderson to a pretty big contract, there are reasons for this my friends. Not to mention how many teams passed him up in the draft when they needed a QB(Dolphins especially), there is a reason for that too. I have to assume those guys know more than we do.......so, having said that, there has got to be something not right with him and I would not want to take my chances on him.

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I know I will get BLASTED for this thread and that's fine...I totally understand the love for JC and expect it!I love him as well and pray he becomes our franchise QB...

But the fact of the matter is,we haven't had a franchise QB since Theismann! :doh: Friends it's been over 20 years!

We need to give Ramsey...errr..I mean Jason Campbell one more year and then he is out the door. We can't keep coddling Jason Campbell...but I'll give him one more year because I want a franchise QB and I hope he is the one.

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Not ONCE eh?

Detroit, 2007: 23 of 29 (79.3% passes completed) 248 yds passing 2TDs 0 INTs 125.3 passer rating

Philadelphia, 2007: 23 of 34 (67.6%) 215 yds 3 TDs O INTs 114.2 PR

You're schtick is weak as always

Maybe next time tone down the drama queen antics and don't deal in absolutes, especially when it's obvious you didn't even bother looking at JC's stats before declaring that "NOT ONCE" has he been anything more than "marginally above average."

And the Award for the Post with the Most Ownage goes to....

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cleveland is probably going to hold out for a first rounder for him. with jason on board i dont think that quinn is a need and he probably wouldnt want to come here anyways because he would be in the same situation as he is now. besides i think that jason is better than quinn.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say we have a "great" quarterback...he did afterall turn the ball over 3 consecutive final drives vs, Philly, Dallas and Tampa Bay.

He's hard as heck to bring down due to his size but he second guesses his throws and throws picks.

He has show flashes and hasn't played a full season so it's a bit hard to annoint him as "the one". I want to see what he can do through 16 games...my hunch though is that if he were in there down the stetch, we would NOT have made the playoffs.

I will guarantee you that even Montana/Elway/Favre didnt make all of their final drives into TDs. Manning isnt perfect either believe it or not.

Why is it that we hold our own QB to such a high standard that is almost unreachable yet we cut slack for other QBs when they slip up? Collins stunk against Seattle but we all seem to think he is a great re-sign.

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I understand you sentiments...But isn't that even more reason to consider the move...If Brady was here,he would be learning just like the rest of the QB's...

What if JC isn't grasping at the new offense at all and we start 1-5 or something...?Or what if(god forbid) he get's injured again?Or reinjures that same knee?

Does Collins give us a better chance to win over a young gun in Quinn?

No, because he wants to be a STARTER NOW and he would COST alot more than a LATE DRAFT PICK. That coupled with JC still has a chance to prove himself... And to your IF JC gets hurt can Collins step in, I think that question was already answered last season during the last 4 games.

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The fact is, Jim Zorn, while not proven as a head coach, knows the QB position. If he thought JC wasn't worth developing, we would be searching for a young stud to develop along with Zorn. Zorn sees a lot of potential in JC and franchise QB potential. That's enough for me. Quinn is already all about show business and commercials and he hasn't done anything. Overrated.

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We do?

What's his name?

Because it certainly isn't Jason Campbell. He has never--NOT ONCE--been anything more than marginally above average in his 3 years here. Maybe you need to look up the definition of great, because it doesn't apply to any QB we have.

Has any QB been considered great after his 12th game? Are there any great QB's that have netiher a great OL nor a great set of receivers?

Rookies make mistakes and it's very easy to get down on JC from my armchair and say, how come he threw such-and-such interception? Would the lack of a running game contibute to that? Would the ability of the opposing team to get pressure with just their front four because our line is so bad and the other team gets to keep 7 men back in coverage?

Against Detroit, he had a 125.3 rating and in the loss to Philly he had a 114.2 rating. You're right. That's not once, that's twice that he looked great. Or at least very, very good considering the injured Smurfs he had for WR's and the swinging doors he had for an O-Line.

Unfortunately, until we get the pieces on the offense to give him time and targets (in the form of young OL and taller WR), and a running game that produces more than 3.8 yards a carry, we don't know what we have. Everyone (sorry, everyone but you) says he has flashes of brilliance and many say he is not accurate or doesn't have the mental ability to make a great QB. I think he does, but I won't know until he starts getting some time to throw.

And neither will you.

And on the Brady Quinn thing, pass is the best response I've heard so far.

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