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Michelle Obama: America is ‘Just Downright Mean’


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I acually like her. She's the loud black woman who just won't shut up!@!

I hope the media covers her more, the more she opens her mouth, the more she hurts her husbands chances.

I do believe that the HOPE and the CHANGE Obama is talking about is that he "hopes" his wife would shut up and that what she says won't "change" people mind about electing him president!!

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Luck? Public education? Government assistance? :whoknows:

I think the question the Obamas ask themselves is how they can use their success to help others that have not been as fortunate as them ...

Hey, like I said, I don't have a problem with what she says because I've been ****ing the same stuff. I'm glad someone in influence is speaking out.

ETA: I like how you put in your propraganda in there. What about ambition, fighting and clawing, striving for better things, reaching for the top.

You know, the American Dream!!!

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No :laugh:
but it would be terrible strategy. (Although if asked in abstract are all politicians full of ****, I'd probably say yes... every single one of them is in tire need of an enema and colonoscopy)

We'll let you handle the needed procedures.

I think much of what she complains about is real. See my breakdown above. Part of me fears we are at a real tipping point in this nation and that we need to make some really tough, hard, painful decisions to work our way out of it and move forward. I am pretty convinced that the next President is going to be hated and incredibly burdened by weight of mistakes that he inherits (some of which Bush inherited to, but chose to ignore)[/

I agree, which is why I think that McCain is better suited to do the a-kicking that is required. After he cleans house then an inspirational guy like Obama can take over.

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The point is that she is complaining about not having any money and how hard it is and they aren't poor. Kinda like Edwards making all his statements about the poor when he was getting $5000 haircuts.

The point you are missing is that she isn't complaining about not having money. She's drawing contrasts between her life now and where they were not long ago and where many others are who are not so fortunate.

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On the subject of a 1.6 million dollar house. Around DC, I'm seeing rinky dink townhouses for 700,000. A 1.6 million dollar house isn't anywhere near a mansion around here.

I agree, some/many condos in the DC area cost more than my house, however she is still piss moaning about her school loans, while paying a 4 to 5k a month mortgage, right?

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I agree, some/many condos in the DC area cost more than my house, however she is still piss moaning about her school loans, while paying a 4 to 5k a month mortgage, right?

It has been the God-given right of all Americans since we dumped tea into Boston harbor to complain about taxes and our bills. You don't think that Adams and Han**** were wealthy? Most of our Founding Fathers were stinking rich, but they still groused about taxes and bills.

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It has been the God-given right of all Americans since we dumped tea into Boston harbor to complain about taxes and our bills. You don't think that Adams and Han**** were wealthy? Most of our Founding Fathers were stinking rich, but they still groused about taxes and bills.

I agree with you, however they shouldn't talk about increasing taxes in the next sentence.

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I agree, some/many condos in the DC area cost more than my house, however she is still piss moaning about her school loans, while paying a 4 to 5k a month mortgage, right?

When did they buy that house? Were they still paying off loans at the time?

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This witch is even WORSE than Hillary. And I thought that was physically impossible.

I have never seen more of a sense of entitlement, of smugness, or of whining from any political spouse in my lifetime.

Listening to Michelle Obama cry time after time about what a tough life she has had is a bit disgusting- considering she is married to a guy who might be President, has a net worth of over 3 million dollars, and she gets to jet around the country giving speeches.

Try LIVING IN EGYPT AND HERDING SHEEP if you want to know what a tough life really is you spoiled unpatriotic @#$@#..


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Weird that when McCain says things that are real and hard he is a maverick, fighter who won't be intimidated. Willing to say what is on his mind, even at the cost of what people think is PC.

When it is its Michelle Obama its....well this post says it well:

She's the loud black woman who just won't shut up!@!

I wonder how much us men are programmed to just be pissed off when a strong woman is put in public. I kind of hate Hilary Clinton, and I wonder how much of my OWN bias is from that fact.

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I agree with you, however they shouldn't talk about increasing taxes in the next sentence.

:laugh: Well done. I was neatly pinned in that maneauver. :laugh:

In seriousness, as I said before, I think we are at a tipping point and will have to endure pain to right ourselves. That most likely means absorbing the hit of greater taxes. There's too much to do in terms of infrastructure, research and development, energy, health care, the war, etc. to imagine that there will not be an extra burden placed on our backs.

I think the worst of the Bush Administration was this notion of "We are in the most important crisis of our lifetimes. Terrorism must be fought with all we have got. But Americans shouldn't have to pull their weight. Just go on living. Don't buy war bonds. Here's a tax break."

While we are talking about the sense of entitlement of the poor... there is also a sense of entitlement stemming from all of us. We want to fight the war on terror, but we don't want to pay for it. We want to improve the educational system, but we don't want to pay for it. We want safe roads and bridges and new more efficient oil refineries, but we don't want to pay for it.

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This witch is even WORSE than Hillary. And I thought that was physically impossible.

I have never seen more of a sense of entitlement, of smugness, or of whining from any political spouse in my lifetime.

Listening to Michelle Obama cry time after time about what a tough life she has had is a bit disgusting- considering she is married to a guy who might be President, has a net worth of over 3 million dollars, and she gets to jet around the country giving speeches.

Try LIVING IN EGYPT AND HERDING SHEEP if you want to know what a tough life really is you spoiled unpatriotic @#$@#..

Uh oh. It looks like Michelle Obama has just cost her husband AFC's vote.

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Uh oh. It looks like Michelle Obama has just cost her husband AFC's vote.

No no, he was never going to vote for Obama.

He is still working on gathering people for his Rudy Giulliani bandwagon. His political insight and superior knowledge of everything in the world allowed him to know from the start that Giulliani would be by far the best Republican candidate. :laugh: :laugh:

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No no, he was never going to vote for Obama.

He is still working on gathering people for his Rudy Giulliani bandwagon. His political insight and superior knowledge of everything in the world allowed him to know from the start that Giulliani would be by far the best Republican candidate. :laugh: :laugh:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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