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Sean Salisbury out Chirs carter In


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ESPN has upgraded its NFL analyst lineup by hiring Cris Carter, late of HBO's Inside the NFL, and jettisoning Sean Salisbury.

ESPN's statement on Salisbury's departure was less than effusive: "Sean Salisbury has made many contributions to our efforts for the past 12 years. We thank him and wish him all the best."

Part of Salisbury's statement read: "I have created a brand and it’s time to expand into other opportunities in TV, radio, Internet, publishing, movies and public speaking, among others."

Scratching your head over the "movies" reference? Lest you forget, he appeared in The Benchwarmers and The Longest Yard.

masthead_subpages.gif Question: Who's going to try to bully John Clayton now?

Remember when he said "If the Skins make the playoffs I will walk buck naked to Washington"? Hmmm he never honored that one. What was funny on draft day 2006 Gibby called him out and he was nowhere to be found.

All I have to say about salisbury is this

Adios Salisbury, and don't let the door hit you on your way out. To hear him talk, you'd think he was the second coming of Johnny Unitas. His arrogance is unbelievable, for a scrub who did squat as a player. We'll miss ya like a toothache!

Let me know what you guys think

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Always thought the Steak was bit pompous and arrogant. I never understood, nor do I currently understand, the level of absolutely CERTAINTY with which some of these analysts preach when making predictions about events that are so clearly unpredictable.

$50 says he's on the NFL Network staff by Friday. Count on it!! 100%! You heard it here!

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"If the Redskins go to the playoffs, I'll march to DC naked"

Do you guys remember that comment. I liked him though, he really supported Art Monk when he kept getting denied from the Hall.


EDIT - The irony is that the video depicts Salisbury as the butt of the joke, but if you keep watching, it eventually shows our off season moves that year, including Arch Deluxe, B-LLoyd, Al Sanders, and Christian Fauria.

Gibbs: "Brandon Lloyd is a classic outside receiver. ... Arch is a hitter, fits well here with Sean Taylor. We think we have a good one-two punch at safety." :laugh:

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Prepare for a bashing...

A bashing eh? If you knew that you could have just mentioned that this was already up and being beaten like a rug in ATN, lent a hand to someone that might not be aware of it and earned yourself a brownie point as well, that can be traded in for valuable prizes.

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I think Im in the minority but I thought Salisbury was one of the best analysts on ESPN. The comment about him being a backup speaks to his point. Just because you were a great player doesnt mean you will be a good analyst (see Smith, Emmit).

I think hes a really smart guy, hope he latches on somewhere

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A bashing eh? If you knew that you could have just mentioned that this was already up and being beaten like a rug in ATN, lent a hand to someone that might not be aware of it and earned yourself a brownie point as well, that can be traded in for valuable prizes.

As long as the brownie points are from you!

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Yeah, I never understood why Salisbury got so much face time on ESPN. He was an okay QB, and no more than an okay....whatever he was on ESPN.

I heard Cris Carter on Mike and Mike this morning and he was fantastic. Definitely sounds like an upgrade at ESPN. Maybe Carter will replace Emmitt on NFL Countdown.



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The Clayton incident was bush league. Very immature and unprofessional on his part.

I don't buy for a second that the "Crypt Keeper" comment was why he got cut. Heck, Clayton *wasn't* answering the 'official' 4 downs question; I understand Steak's frustration. It's obvious that ESPN liked Salisbury slamming Clayton or they wouldn't have kept going with the segment week in and out. And the host during the Crypt Keeper incident (sounds like Wingo?) is laughing his rear off. There's obviously more to why he's gone, like the Johnson cell-phone self-portrait. That and, well, he stunk at analysis.

I'd also say that ESPN is getting into the habit of burning personalities out. They put Salisbury in a situation where people flock to the sets to watch him be unprofessional. Wingo's laughing should help you understand the encouragement this child-like play is getting. Once the act gets old, *bam*, off he goes. Kinda like Mr. Tony's "vacation" from radio. How's Cowherd working out for you guys now? Or Joey T's pairing with TK in the booth on MNF. You watch because it's not working, then *bam*, goodbye Theisman.

Or take Emmitt Smith, if he gets canned, or Michael Irvin. Both of those guys I enjoy, but in ESPN's desire to get the causal fan, they just keep putting on a new "famous athlete of the week". There's never any intention of providing these guys a good career path. ESPN is looking to burn up their names for quick profit, then dump em unless they're *really* good.

ESPN looks like a dope when they do this kind of stuff.

That said, Salisbury is worthless when it comes to breaking down the NFL. I'm glad he's gone. He can really hold his own in a showdown (check YouTube; there's some good stuff of him thinking on his feet), but he thinks he's a god. He's not. Adios. Being hired & fired by a network with questionable practices doesn't mean you're any good. ;)

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