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Radier's Porter wearing 'NATS hat during ESPN interview


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i would like Porter

as long as we don't let him slack off he would be a good #2 opposite Moss


i really am to the point where i dont think Santana is a reliable #1 anymore. when he is on his game, sure, he is an outstanding WR. but that is getting more and more rare - either injuries or poor play have been plaguing him for virtually all of the past couple of years.


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ON NLF LIVE, they're interviewing WR Porter and he's talking about his free agent options... They called him "a RAIDER FOR NOW..."

This guy is practically BEGGING for us to notice him! He would definitely fill the "big receiver" need... And he's a FREE AGENT, so no trade bait (like OCHO SDTINKO)...

Now that we're getting the restructure process going, we'll have cap room too!!

Chief I hate to rain on your Jerry Porter parade but the Nats hat on the west coast is meerly symbolism for westside or west coast. He is looking for his next big pay day that is all...

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i find it interesting that people talk so much crap about chad johnson being a cancer, selfish, etc but they want joey porter on their team?

Porter whines about everything and is the complete opposite of a team player. too much baggage. let him stay in oakland

I agree. He's a whiny *****, but at the same time, he's going to be cheap and being $16 mill over the cap, we can only be so picky, ya know? I certainly hope we have more options that this clown, but if he's a cheap, big WR with speed like that, he's got to be at least an outside option.

EDIT - $7 million over the cap. Thank you, Mr. Cooley! :D

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Tons of athletes rock Nats gear. In fact there was a thread about the same thing not long ago. It doesn't mean a thing. That said, I would love to have the guy that took two shoulders of steel from the one and only Sean Taylor and lived to tell the tale. The Raiders beat us that game and it was embarassing

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You know, I was wearing a Caps hat the other day. I was hoping the Redskins would notice me... but they didn't.

Seriously. Why is it, that when an NFL player wears some form of sports memorabelia from the DC area, ALOT of ES'ers assume he wants to join the Redskins? Puh-lease quit wasting thread space with this stuff.

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Could someone post a pic of the hat in question? I don't follow baseball anymore and haven't bought a cap in I don't know how long.

As far as Porter, he was a good WR in Oakland. The problem there was when they brought Moss in there was so much focus on him that Porter appeared to disappear. Porter is not a bad WR, he's way better then Rod Gardner was, he might be worth getting, but I wouldn't break the bank on him.

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Even if he did want to come here, he is hardly the possession receiver everyone is calling for. Here are his receptions over his seasons in the NFL.

2000- 1

2001- 19

2002- 51

2003- 28

2004- 64


2006- 1


From these numbers it seems he either dissapears or is injuerd during games. His year with the most receptions was the year Randy Moss was on the opposite side.

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Its not like it was a Redskins hat, he's from DC he's probably a NATS fans. Why go after a pain in the butt like Porter when a team guy like Bryant Johnson is available. I will beat this horse until FA. Bryant Johnson has the size,speed and hands we need. We know he is a team guy playing behind Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin. Plus he's a good route runner which many receivers even elite receivers are not. Jerry Porter will be 30 when the season starts Bryant Johnson will be 27 and he grew up in Baltimore not that it matters.

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I have a St. Louis Rams hat in my collection so... :whoknows:

I think I wore it a few times as a kid when I didn't know any better, dates back to when they first moved there. I've broken it out twice when they played Dallas while we weren't playing, it's 1-1.

I also have two Bucs visors I got as giveaways at the annual Tampa game, haven't ever worn those though.

Anyway, I'll take any big receivers that don't cost us too much. (ie high draft picks)

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Even if he did want to come here, he is hardly the possession receiver everyone is calling for. Here are his receptions over his seasons in the NFL.

2000- 1

2001- 19

2002- 51

2003- 28

2004- 64


2006- 1


From these numbers it seems he either dissapears or is injuerd during games. His year with the most receptions was the year Randy Moss was on the opposite side.

I agree:

He will turn 30 during Training Camp.

He has never had a 1,000 yard season.

In 8 seasons he has played 16 games 4 times (starting 16 games twice).

He got these stats opposite Jerry Rice, Tim Brown and Randy Moss (i.e. about what we could expect from him opposite S. Moss - IOW these aren't fluke career stats where he was triple covered).

He isn't a TD machine: His best year [2004] he had 9 TDs which tied him for 12th in the league

This isn't an insane signing for some teams, he doesn't "suck" (his 2007 Avg on his 744 yrds off of some bad QB's put him 8th in the league) but I do not think he makes sense for the Redskins next year - spend to get a CB or lineman.

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