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WP: Pierce Present Clouded by Past


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Screw Pierce... We have an identity: We're the Washington Snyders!

CEOs on the warpath!


And to Antonio:cry: just stop. We taught you how to play and you choose to get out of here. He was offered a good contract. DUDE!!!!! your in the superbowl, let it go!

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Snyderatto dropped the ball and he's not letting them off the hook for it.

I'm not letting them off the hook for it either. I love Fletcher but, at the time, wouldn't Pierce have been cheaper?

I'm not happy with what Antonio has had to say since he left but I'd probably be bitter too if I were forced out of a job I really wanted to stay in.

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He's right. And I think you guys are looking at this wrong. He truly LOVED being a Redskin. Otherwise, he'd have let this thing go a long time ago. Esp at the Super Bowl!!

If he truely loved being a Redskins, he'd be here. Fact is, he left for a slight raise over what he would have gotten here. Smoot did the same thing.

Pierce had the opportunity to stay and he chose to leave. There is no other way to spin it.


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London Fletcher poops out an Antonio Pierce every morning. **** Pierce. I'm glad his big mouth isn't on this team and I wish he would STFU and stay out of this team's business. You got your own locker room problems to worry about so shut up and worry about your own team.

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If he truely loved being a Redskins, he'd be here. Fact is, he left for a slight raise over what he would have gotten here. Smoot did the same thing.

Pierce had the opportunity to stay and he chose to leave. There is no other way to spin it.


You do not know the exact numbers of the contract that was offered and you do not know how it was structured. What is clear is he did not get a lucrative deal from N.Y. and what is clear is if we would have matched the offer he would still be a skin. It is also clear that our orginazation has earned a reputaion of overspending on what players have done elsewhere. Yes Smoot did the same thing but Smoot completely flopped in Minny and kind of came back humbled When he came back he said he made a mistake but Gibbs also said that they made a mistake and felt bad about it. So it looks like both parties are to blame same goes with Pierce he deserves a bit of blame but he also has a reason to feel the way he does.

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First of all, do you guys really think AP would be bringing up the Redskins of his own accord when he's at THE SUPER BOWL? Come on...it's typical media baiting...I was listening to Sportstalk yesterday and they were patting Andy (of the Sports Reporters) on the back because he got the first questions in to AP when he spoke, before anyone else could. The first one was a generic, "How happy are you to be in the Super Bowl?" type question...the next 4 or 5 were ALL about the Redskins. ALL of them. So, it's not like he went on a tirade about how much he hates the Redskins. I highly doubt if the reporters from anywhere else were asking him about Snyder and the Skins. And I'm sure he's more than happy to talk about something else. But local reporters know he used to play here, left on rocky terms and is having success elsewhere...therefore, they wanna hear HIS input on the craziness. It's not that difficult to understand nor is it this whole "all I talk about is my ex" sentiment that so many of you seem to be reading into it.

Also, if you ever get a chance to LISTEN to any of these interviews, I highly recommend it. I don't know what Les was talking about with him sounding all sorrowful and hurt. That's an interpretation, but to me, he sounded matter-of-fact. Like, "this is MY opinion of it, point blank. *shrug* I'm not whining about it. I'm not crying about it. this is just the way it is from where I stand. end of story."

The thing that I think is being missed (or misread) is the tone...which is always a risk when you're reading quotes instead of hearing them. I strongly encourage forming your own opinion from the SOURCE before you start carrying the banner, based strictly on reading someone ELSE'S interpretation, which might be different from your own. :2cents:


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We decided that Mark Wilson was not worth paying extra money to, but Clinton Portis was.

We decided that Arch Deluxe was not worth paying extra money to, but LaRon Landry Was.

Did you forget that we gave Archuleta the richest contract for a safety?

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Gregg said the defense could survive without Antonio Pierce, so Snyder let him go.

Gregg said the defense would be better with Adam Archuletta, so Snyder went out and signed him.

This past year, even after the debacle with AA, Williams said the defense would be better with London Fletcher. So Snyder went out an signed him.

But these things don't help the "Blame Snyder for everything" cause, do they??????

If it was Gregg Williams, don't you think Pierce would say something about Williams? Obviously Williams made those quotes after Pierce was already gone. What do you expect him to say?

"No, we're going to suck ass now that Pierce is gone."

If Williams was the reason Pierce is gone, then why would Pierce still keep in touch with Williams?

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We decided that Mark Wilson was not worth paying extra money to, but Clinton Portis was.

We decided that Arch Deluxe was not worth paying extra money to, but LaRon Landry Was.

Mark Wilson!? Mark Wilson!?

You're going to need an extension ladder on that one because you are seriously reaching.

Archuletta replaced Ryan Clark. Nice try though.

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If he truely loved being a Redskins, he'd be here. Fact is, he left for a slight raise over what he would have gotten here. Smoot did the same thing.

Pierce had the opportunity to stay and he chose to leave. There is no other way to spin it.


I think it comes down to this.

He wanted to be a Redskin.

Then Snyder disrespected him.

He no longer wants to be a Redskin.

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I cant stand him. Hes at the superbowl and this is all he can talk about? If he really wanted to stay here he would have, he wanted the money and he bolted.

We signed him as an undrafter free agent out of the powerhouse of college football Arizona and he feels disrespected? He should be greatful for the opportunity which he has done the most with. Good for him, now get over it.

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If it was Gregg Williams, don't you think Pierce would say something about Williams? Obviously Williams made those quotes after Pierce was already gone. What do you expect him to say?

"No, we're going to suck ass now that Pierce is gone."

If Williams was the reason Pierce is gone, then why would Pierce still keep in touch with Williams?

Come on now. We both know Gregg wouldn't say that publically.

Behind closed doors, though, it was said. By Gregg, to Dan.

Since everybody hates Snyder anyway, he took the fall for it.

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AP is hurt he really thought he was going to a redskin for the rest of his career after hearing that he was a core redskin they just let him go. I can understand his feeling.

I can understand his feeling too, but not his mouthiness. And they didn't let him go, he chose to leave to chase the big money after a surprisingly good but not outstanding year.

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Come on now. We both know Gregg wouldn't say that publically.

Behind closed doors, though, it was said. By Gregg, to Dan.

Since everybody hates Snyder anyway, he took the fall for it.

So that's why Williams and Pierce still maintain a close relationship? Because Gregg is actually a backstabbing piece of dung?

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Dear Jim...

Is the LA jinx, the ghost of Ryan Clark and the Spirit of Antonio Pierce (or simply Pierce) the perfect mantra for the next 30 yrs of Redskin football? Meaning no Super Bowls in your life time for you Snyder. By-the- way I'm glad Snyder is 4 year solder that I.


LA , Ryan Clark and, well, Antonio Pierce

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Come on now. We both know Gregg wouldn't say that publically.

Behind closed doors, though, it was said. By Gregg, to Dan.

Since everybody hates Snyder anyway, he took the fall for it.

How long have you been a fly and what color are the walls in Snyders office?

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So that's why Williams and Pierce still maintain a close relationship? Because Gregg is actually a backstabbing piece of dung?

Perhaps it is. :)

Gregg's ego has been well documented. But nowhere did I state that Gregg badmouthed AP. My quote was the the defense could "survive" without him. He was right for 2005 anyway....

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