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Who do you want to open the season against?  

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  1. 1. Who do you want to open the season against?

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I think the franchise as currently being run by Mr. Snyder has little resemblance to the Redskins owned by a Mr. Jack Kent Cooke...

I don't understand your point nneece. When I first started following the Redskins EBW was the majority owner, not Cooke. I liked Cooke as an owner, but if you've ever read a little about the man and not the owner, you could make a good argument that Cooke lacked integrity and character. He was despised by many in the realm of sport. On a personal level, I don't think Snyder has done anything that showed a lack of character or integrity (and no, I don't think chopping down trees qualifies as such).

Now, if there were people in the DC area who would not cheer for the Redskins when George Preston Marshall owned the team, and then got on board after he left, I would understand that. But Snyder certainly hasn't done anything remotely close to having the attitude if GPM.

But hey, if you think Snyder lacks integrity and character, and therefore believe the Redskins are a reflection of such, then go ahead and bail. I just don't share your viewpoint.



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It has nothing to do with loyalty to the team. It has to do with supporting a man that has shown he doesn't care about the team but about extracting dollars out of a very loyal fanbase.

I love the Skins but Danny only thinks about how to get his next dollar besides what he might say that is exactly what his actions dictate. He raises prices with out a foundation of winning to support it.

I support the skins, and am not a fairweather fan. Hard not to be when your squad has seen what 2 playoff wins in your memory.

But there comes a point when you need to stop supporting the man that takes this great fan base for granted.

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A fan is someone who goes through the ups and downs with their team... Sure, Dan can be an idiot sometimes, but ultimately we are rooting for the Washington Redskins... The history, tradition and the glory. I'll have to admit it's not as fun being a Skins' fan than it was in the 80's and early 90's, but it's still the Washington Redskins...


Exactly. And for that reason I see no conflict in continuing to support the Washington Redskins while being angry and critical of the front office and the manner it handles just about every situation. Some people seem to think it has to be one or the other. (That's not directed at you skinsrevival.)

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I think Mr. Snyder is showing us how not to develop a winning football franchise. The New England Patriots and Mr. Craft would be examples of a winning football franchise. We seem to have almost the polar opposite here at this point.

If you were referring to the past seven years, I would agree with you. I may be wrong, but I DO believe that this franchise and the FO are learning their lessons.

It would have been business as usual if DS had made some big splash head coaching hire such as Cowher or Carroll. Now that he is taking his time and conducting interviews instead of making a rash front page headline hire, the fans are ripping him a new one.

There are alarmist fans on this board who think that we're headed back to the 2002-2003 days of VC playing fantasy football. But most of you fail to realize that many of the FA signings of the last seven years were the result of a head coach or an assistant saying "hey, get me that guy." That practice MUST end, and I think it has.

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If you were referring to the past seven years, I would agree with you. I may be wrong, but I DO believe that this franchise and the FO are learning their lessons.

It would have been business as usual if DS had made some big splash head coaching hire such as Cowher or Carroll. Now that he is taking his time and conducting interviews instead of making a rash front page headline hire, the fans are ripping him a new one.

There are alarmist fans on this board who think that we're headed back to the 2002-2003 days of VC playing fantasy football. But most of you fail to realize that many of the FA signings of the last seven years were the result of a head coach or an assistant saying "hey, get me that guy." That practice MUST end, and I think it has.

Why has "hey, get me that guy" ended? We have a whole new round of "hey, get me that guy" coming with new coaches and new offensive and defensive schemes.

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For all of you fans that say you support the team no matter what, and that it doesn't matter who the Coaches are, Owner, players, etc.? I have a question.


It doesn't matter that you have a team that has Integrity and character? I think if there is any 1 thing that Joe Gibbs tried to instill in this franchise in his return, it's that integrity and character are of the upmost importance. Saying that you will follow the franchise no matter what or who makes for very lemming like fans. It also enables Danny and little danny to run this franchise poorly. Think about it.

YES, really.

I believe on the extreme ends, there are 2 kinds of fans.

On one end, you have the general population. Let's just say the DC/MD/VA area, for example. They're gonna put on their Skins gear, scream at the TV, and go to games, NO MATTER WHAT. They love their home team because they don't know any better.

On the other end, you have the SERIOUS football fans that have too much free time and football knowledge than one human should rightfully possess. In some extreme cases, there are hardcore college fans that cheer for their favorite players and coaches and can't even pick a favorite NFL team.

I'm neither extreme, I'm somewhere in between. I know enough about individual players and coaches to say who I like and who I don't like on our team AND who I want and don't want to pick up in FA/hire as a new coach or coordinator or want and don't want to let go from the roster/staff. HOWEVER, barring what happened to the Baltimore Colts (the team moving to a new city), nothing will EVER change the fact that the Skins are my favorite team.

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Why has "hey, get me that guy" ended? We have a whole new round of "hey, get me that guy" coming with new coaches and new offensive and defensive schemes.

I perceive this differently. I think that with the promotion of VC, there is now a clear delegation of responsibilities within this organization. This is pure speculation on my part, but I don't think that the new coaches and assistants will be able to play the "hey get me that guy" card anymore.

The Redskins were highly successful in the eighties because there was a clear delegation of responsibilities. Bobby Beathard was a great personnel guy and JG was a great coach.

I fully welcome the move towards letting the coaches coach, and letting the personnel guys get the players. I'm not as pessimistic as most fans on this board, but we'll see how this plays out.

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"For all of you fans that say you support the team no matter what, and that it doesn't matter who the Coaches are, Owner, players, etc.? "

Can you call yourself a fan if you don't?

Is this one of the trolls from the FO? 1 post, yeah right...

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I perceive this differently. I think that with the promotion of VC, there is now a clear delegation of responsibilities within this organization. This is pure speculation on my part, but I don't think that the new coaches and assistants will be able to play the "hey get me that guy" card anymore.

The Redskins were highly successful in the eighties because there was a clear delegation of responsibilities. Bobby Beathard was a great personnel guy and JG was a great coach.

I fully welcome the move towards letting the coaches coach, and letting the personnel guys get the players. I'm not as pessimistic as most fans on this board, but we'll see how this plays out.

Telling me that little danny is now in charge of this does not make me feel better...

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whys i gotta be loyal to that **** faced assy loser snyder as he drives this team into the ground?? explain that. why should i spend all my monies on a ticket package with 90 dollar preseason games thrown in and 8 dollar beers... **** that. i'm not so blindly loyal that ill buy tickets to a team that i know well be 7-9 at the BEST.

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Been said in other threads dog. There is a million threads on this topic.

If we want to support the team than let us do it.

I'm gone ride with my squad regardless.

Syder aint going to sell the team.

we need to get over it.

I dont like snyder either, but I cant do nothing about.

I 2nd that.

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this just does not make sense -- lets say all the roller coasters are broken at disney land -- and the management refuses to fix them... but you love mickey mouse do you still go to disney land?

It makes perfect sense u dope. The Redskins are still operating...u idiot...they still are playing the games. They arent shutting down and are halting playing games. They havent shut the team down at all. Have they lost a single game in 2008 yet? Are you just conceding that the team wont be showing up the games and no games will take place?

So by your masterful logic u should just sit back...not root or cheer on your team and just wait for them to do well (or wait for the ride to be repaired by your great logic)...then once they are "fixed" in your book or "winning" then you can hop back on and root for them again....fairweather fan is what u are.

Your an embarrasment to the fanbase. Root for the team you claim to love or dont...its really that simple. Sit back and act like u dont root for them and then when/if they start to win again u can come back and claim to be a loyalist.

If your gonna use some analogy just keep it simple and say your amusement park has some ownership that has changed things...i dont know come up with something thats not apples to oranges. By your analogy the Skins would shut down and not play a game..thus of course i wouldnt go....your analogy is way off.

Cowboys are always looking for new fans...go be a Cowboy fan.

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Yes, let's truly be the jokes of the NFL and the sports world. **** that. I will cheer on this team no matter who leads it, no matter what happens.


I just posted this in another thread but I feel it applies here as well (actually it applies in more than half of the threads on the board right now)

The Snyder haters need to get a grip, that is the bottom line. There have been about 30 Snyder bashing threads, enough is enough.

Like it or not, he is the Washington Redskins owner for a very, very long time. You whiner's might as well stop the ****ing and hope for the best. I am.

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It makes perfect sense u dope. The Redskins are still operating...u idiot...they still are playing the games. They arent shutting down and are halting playing games. They havent shut the team down at all. Have they lost a single game in 2008 yet? Are you just conceding that the team wont be showing up the games and no games will take place?

So by your masterful logic u should just sit back...not root or cheer on your team and just wait for them to do well (or wait for the ride to be repaired by your great logic)...then once they are "fixed" in your book or "winning" then you can hop back on and root for them again....fairweather fan is what u are.

Your an embarrasment to the fanbase. Root for the team you claim to love or dont...its really that simple. Sit back and act like u dont root for them and then when/if they start to win again u can come back and claim to be a loyalist.

If your gonna use some analogy just keep it simple and say your amusement park has some ownership that has changed things...i dont know come up with something thats not apples to oranges. By your analogy the Skins would shut down and not play a game..thus of course i wouldnt go....your analogy is way off.

Cowboys are always looking for new fans...go be a Cowboy fan.

u the tard dude.

obviously if snyder put a redskins bow around his hot steamy dump you'd happily swallow it down. well i personally am sick of crap he's peddling. i'm sick of his mismanagement. and at the end of the day he's providing a crappy product to the customer. i ain't buying. now wen the team is 4-12 next season whose gonna look like that assy faced moron that spent 5 grand on nose bleeds to watch a really bad team?

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Let me ask you a question...why doesn't the team have integrity? because they didn't hire Gregg Williams? because they got rid of Al Saunders? Is that why the team has no Integrity or character? Because if those are your only issues, then it is your opinion that this team doesn't have integrity or character...the players are the same( they are under contract), the defense is similar except without GW, and i feel the team is better off without Saunders, yes he had a good offense in KC but here it didn't do squat...just because you feel slighted by Dan and Vinny, i am glad Gregg Williams isn't the coach and i am glad Saunders isn't here anymore, and if we get Spags as HC i will be even happier

Voice, nothing wrong with not wanting Al, GW, Joe Gibbs and whoever else you were dissatisfied with but do you endorse the methods that Danny used? Like, keeping GW stringing along, knowing that he wasn't going to hire him. The only reason why he got fired now is because he instituted the meeting. Not informing the coaching staff about their status? Knowing full well that he was letting them go as he was in the process of hiring a new OC. Having Joe Gibbs call the coaches and apologize for the way that this whole situation was being mishandled. Having Fizzel tell the press that he felt manipulated by Danny Snyder and the funniest thing I'm hearing now is that Steve Mariucci is now the lead candidate for the HC position. How does that grab you?....:laugh:.

Yeah, you can forget about Spags coming here. He knows a dysfunctional organization when he sees one. Do you really think he's that desperate for a HC job to come here?....:laugh:.

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What happens when that float gets into the playoffs?

Everyone jumps back on, right?

Making the playoffs has been done. It's time to advance.

Besides, it doesn't matter. Dan will decide the flowers on it aren't pretty enough and will decide to rebuild it. He won't even grow his own flowers. He'll try to grab them from the dumpster behind other teams' buildings.

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u the tard dude.

obviously if my snyder put a redskins bow around his hot steamy dump you'd happily swallow it down. well i personally am sick of crap he's peddling. i'm sick of his mismanagement. and at the end of the day he's providing a crappy product to the customer. i ain't buying. now wen the team is 4-12 next season whose gonna look like that assy faced moron that spent 5 grand on nose bleeds to watch a really bad team?

Wow, i had no idea the fanbase consisted of true degenerates. I will root for the team no matter what...say what you want. I rooted for the team after Gibbs 1 and will root for them after Gibbs II. I dont jump teams or cancel my fanfare just cuz i dont agree with the ownership...its not a perfect world. There are 31 teams at the end of the season that have fans that arent happy...only the Pats will have satisfied fans.

All other teams will have something to complain about...but at the end of the day they will still be FANS and wont turn their backs on their teams. If they do...they are fairweather just like you.

I will be here if we lose or if we win. A fan til the end. People are acting like the Redskins were a dynasty under GWilliams and company....we won ONE PLAYOFF GAME in 4 years under him being here. We made TWO playoff appearances and struggled just to get to the playoffs those 2 years. We werent some super bowl team that now has a coaching dilemma. For the record i would have preferred we stick with Saunders/Williams but it didnt happen....doesnt change by love for the team that they coach.

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