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Press Release: Zorn and Blache named coordinators


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MANY jobs have staff in place when the top dog is hired.

Many CEOs.

Always superintendents of schools. On occasion they can bring in additional people, but we are always here first.

But a CEO is usually not hired at the same time a COO and CFO are hired. If the CEO came in and the staff was in place for a few years, he or she would probably maintain the status quo for the time being. But no board would hire the junior officers first.

Say that your school board said we are going to open a brand new school and want you as principal. But before we hire you, we are going to hire the entire staff. Wouldn't you find that odd?

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MANY jobs have staff in place when the top dog is hired.

Many CEOs.

Always superintendents of schools. On occasion they can bring in additional people, but we are always here first.

You are correct. They have lots of staff in place. And then when the top dog comes in, he typically will bring in "his" or "her" team to run the show. I know because I have done it. And just look around the league, ie Miami.

This is so simple it is ridiculous. If the HC is to be accountable for how the team plays on the field, how can he not be allowed to choose his staff. This is serious business. And it brings me back to one of my previous points. There will be no proven coach that would accept a situation where he is accountable for the results, but can't pick his own staff.

Open your eyes folks. Stop looking around or past the sickening and obvious incompetence of brat danny.

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I had to stop reading after that sentence.

You really want people to understand your point of view, and you begin by calling Dan Snyder a brat?

So you run a business. That is wonderful for you and I hope your business suceeds. However, to compare your efforts to running a NFL franschise is rather silly.


Actually, I am proud that I used such a nice term. C'mon. He is at best a brat. Has to have it his way, no patience, greedy, selfish, pompous... I could go on and on. He is so immature and childish, and this is why it has not worked for him.

Sometimes to be first, you have to be last.

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It's a shame that Dan has so much to learn.

His reputation as a useless owner is well founded based upon the number of questionable decisions he has made.

I am sorry to see Coach Greg Williams gone, and be treated with the disrespect Dan has shown him. If he wasn't a front-runner or a heir apparent for the HC position, Dan should have had the ***s to tell him as such and not wasted his time.

Greg is an ok defensive guy ... and, no where near the class of Gregg!

Who in the right frame of mind would want to come to coach the Skins? Other than for money, I don't see anyone GOOD or TALENTED making visits to FedEx Field.

Once again, the FANS loose because of Dan's incompetence!

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WASHINGTON -- The Washington Redskins fired assistants Gregg Williams and Al Saunders on Saturday, promoted Greg Blache to lead the team’s defense and announced that a head coach would likely not be in place for at least another week.

The Redskins also formally announced the hiring of Jim Zorn, who agreed to a three-year deal Friday to lead the offense.

“The process of selecting a new head coach continues, although no hire is planned until after the Super Bowl so as not to distract from the championship game as well as to keep open all our options,” owner Dan Snyder said in a statement, his first public comments on a coaching search that began more than two weeks ago. IBSYS.ad.DartAdStrategy.renderAdBeforeWindowLoad("DartJavaScriptPosition","square",{"abr": "","addlSz": "","adId": "false","adParent": "adsquare","adServer": "http://ad.doubleclick.net","adZone": "","adType": "adj","beginDate": "","dcAdPosition": "","dcopt": "","endDate": "","excludeCategory": "","iframeWidth": "300","keyName": "ibs.dc.sports","name": "square","ord": 0,"pageType": "detail","pTile": "","qString": "","retroQueryString": "","segQS": "","siteLifeUser": "false","sz": "300x250","tile": 1,"useSection": "sports","useId": ""});[default_img_src][/img]%3C/IMG%3E"] [default_img_src]</IMG>

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“We are on track with our interviews,” Snyder added. “But in the interim we also are filling our coaching positions and re-signing several existing staff members.”

Williams’ dismissal removes one of the early favorites to succeed Joe Gibbs, who resigned Jan. 8. Williams had been in charge of the Redskins defense for all four seasons under Gibbs and was popular among fans, but his confrontational style and poor track record at his previous head coaching stint with the Buffalo Bills did little to help his chances for the top job.

Williams met four times with Snyder to discuss the position, but it quickly became clear that the owner was more focused on other candidates, including former New York Giants head coach Jim Fassel and current Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo.

Williams told The Washington Post on Friday night that he was considering withdrawing his name from consideration. He and Snyder met Saturday morning to part ways.

A person familiar with the selection process told The Associated Press that the Redskins have granted the St. Louis Rams permission to interview both Williams and Saunders for coordinator positions. The person said the Rams had to seek permission because, even though Williams and Saunders were told they were being dismissed, the team hasn’t formally terminated their contracts. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the subject.

The person also said that Saunders, who ran the offense for the past two seasons, was never a candidate for the head coaching position. Saunders, like Williams, was considered a possible heir-apparent to Gibbs when he arrived in Washington, but he was never able to generate the type of consistent, high-yardage attack he had during his long stint as an offensive coordinator in Kansas City.

Saunders’ fate was sealed when Zorn, the Seattle Seahawks quarterback coach since 2001, agreed to terms on Friday.

A bigger surprise is the promotion of Blache, who has coached the defensive line and has held the title of defensive coordinator -- in name only, because the job was actually Williams’-- since 2004. Blache was previously the actual defensive coordinator for five seasons for the Chicago Bears.

“Greg Blache is an outstanding coach with deep experience. Players respond to him, and his co-workers respect him. He has our full confidence,” Snyder said. “We’re counting on Jim to continue Jason Campbell’s growth, while moving our offense forward.”

The moves mean that the new head coach—whoever he is—will find his top two assistants already in place when he takes over. Snyder expressed confidence in making the moves because both Zorn and Blache were highly regarded by the candidates he has interviewed.

“During our interviews with prospective head coaches we heard time and again how highly respected some of our 2007 assistant coaches were and who they would select to fill out their staffs,” Snyder said. “That intelligence is helping guide our hiring decisions.”

One current assistant whose job seems secure is special teams coach Danny Smith, who praised Zorn in the statement released by the team.

“I’m thrilled to be able to work with him again,” said Smith, who was a coach with Zorn on the Detroit Lions staff in 1999 and 2000.

Meanwhile, Snyder will have to wait until Feb. 4 -- the day after the Super Bowl—for a first chance to interview Spagnuolo and any other assistants working in the championship game. New England Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels is also on Snyder’s list of head coach candidates.

In addition to Fassel, who has met with Snyder on three occasions, the owner has interviewed Indianapolis Colts defensive coordinator Ron Meeks and Tennessee Titans defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz.

----I know that most of you have most likely heard the news by now, but I figured I would just post this particular account of the events in case it provides any new insight or perspective on the event.

no offense but this has been official for about 5-8 hours now
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But a CEO is usually not hired at the same time a COO and CFO are hired. If the CEO came in and the staff was in place for a few years' date=' he or she would probably maintain the status quo for the time being. But no board would hire the junior officers first.

Say that your school board said we are going to open a brand new school and want you as principal. But before we hire you, we are going to hire the entire staff. Wouldn't you find that odd?[/quote']

Yes.....if you are talking about the teachers.

If you are talking about my assts., not necessarily......as often those are PLUM assistants pulled from other schools that the big dog knows are good, but that I have not worked with so I would not know.

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All I have to say is this.....

Look at the teams who have won championships. They got there over time, not overnight. There are some exceptions, such as Gruden and the Bucs, but he won because of Dungy's team in place and an unfair advantage of knowing the Raiders moves. All others....the Colts, the Pats, the Steelers, the Ravens, and so on....got there over time. Building a strong foundation of player evaluation and picks, a coaching staff in place over time to have their system in place and everyone on the same page, and all of the coaches making sound player picks as to who fits and who does not. In all of those cases the team owner was not intrusive, they stayed out of football decisions. Maybe Snyder is striving for this and these changes reflect that, maybe not. I think these changes are steps in the right direction. We'll see when the head coach is picked and also when free agency starts. Nobody can forsee the future. Have faith Redskins fans!!

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I had to stop reading after that sentence.

You really want people to understand your point of view, and you begin by calling Dan Snyder a brat?

So you run a business. That is wonderful for you and I hope your business suceeds. However, to compare your efforts to running a NFL franschise is rather silly.


And actually, to say that I can't compare my efforts to running a NFL franchise is a bit much since you do not know the business I run.

But this is not about me, it is about looking at poor business principles, and brat danny shows many signs of not being able to manage people and situations. I really do not have to say much, I mean... look at his results. The only continuity that brat danny brings is continuous chaos, uproar, discontent, friction and crippling change. He is a total disaster and this is the one thing that needs to change.

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Yes.....if you are talking about the teachers.

If you are talking about my assts., not necessarily......as often those are PLUM assistants pulled from other schools that the big dog knows are good, but that I have not worked with so I would not know.

Fair point. And I would tend to agree.

Next question: do Blache and Zorn strike you as plum assistants?

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If done properly, I don't see the problem with hiring the assistants first.

Dan Snyder has spent a lot of time gathering intelligence on his team and what it needs. He interviews coaches and throws out names of assistants they might find acceptable. Zorn and Blache rate highly with more than one HC candidate.

But is Zorn available? Until Zorn signs, all three positions are up in the air.

The new HC isn't going to come into a situation with assistants he hasn't pre-approved.

Suppose you sign Schwartz as HC and then Zorn doesn't sign? Who do you want as an OC?

By the way, JLC reported that the Titans have asked the Skins for permission to speak with Gregg. Did you read that?

[Yes, I know Zorn signed. I was speaking hypothetically to explain that the process made sense.]

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Fair point. And I would tend to agree.

Next question: do Blache and Zorn strike you as plum assistants?

Blance was ALREADY the Defensive Coordinator....GW was an Asst. Head Coach. All THE DAN did was take out the layer between the DC and the Head Coach. He was good enough then, so I have to say he will be good enough now.

As for Zorn......all I can say is those gulls have beaten us in the playoffs. He brings in experience and an offense that I think will benefit Jason. Plum? Maybe not.....but at least a peach.


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For Immediate Release

January 26, 2008

“The process of selecting a new head coach continues, although no hire is planned until after the Super Bowl so as not to distract from the Championship game as well as to keep open all our options,” Snyder added. QUOTE]

I for one think it would be a welcomed distraction. I am soooo sick of the rehashed regurgetated NE/NY topics. Same thing over and over again. The 1st week tween championship games and the SB are OK. After that it's re-deaux.

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:doh: I cannot believe this. Honestly I seriously thought Dan had learned something from Joe Gibbs. I really felt he and grown as an owner.

It appears the media has been right the whole time on gregs situation and I will bet money that Fassel is the new HC.

It's not that I think fassel is a bad coach. I think he is ok. I think Zorn is good and I think Blache is a good choice.

My issue is in how all of this was handled. It shows Dan's complete lack of respect for common decency for the man who has lead this defense for the last four years. How would anyone deal with a situation like this?

I also blame the media for their completely tactless handling of this. All they have done is inflame the fan base and caused so many loyal skins fans PAIN!!!

however as classless as they have been It does appear that most of what has been reported has been true. If that is the case then it also appears ownership planted the Greg disrespecting gibbs rumor which is beyond belief.

This leads me to believe Redskins management is petty and completely without morals but i can't make myself believe that because this is totally at odds with how he behaved during the Sean Taylor Tragedy.

I am one very disapointed Fan. I expected Dan, Vinnie and the media to handle all of this with class. I guess I expected to much.

Al and Greg,

Best of luck two you both....


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