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Sally Jenkins on Dan Snyder

skins fan1010

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This may be the first time I agree with her.

Snyder's Power Play

By Sally Jenkins

Saturday, January 26, 2008; E01

Maybe Dan Snyder's got a big hire in his back pocket. Maybe he knows something nobody else does, including his own coaches, players, and fans, whose patience he has exhausted. But the Washington Redskins still don't have a head coach, and meantime they've got too many assistants with fancy titles and big contracts, including the newly hired Jim Zorn. Maybe Snyder has a master plan, but at the moment it looks like nonsense, something a little boy would draw in crayon while he waits for the ice cream truck.

You know how sometimes kids stare in their food and see a face in it? Maybe that's how Snyder will make a head coaching hire; he'll see the face of the next coach in a grilled cheese sandwich. It makes as much sense as what he's been doing lately, stringing along first Gregg Williams and then Jim Fassel in job interviews. Who knows why each rose or fell in Snyder's favor, or why he has delayed naming a head coach and instead signed Zorn as offensive coordinator. The Redskins have let Al Saunders go, but they still lead the league in offensive coaches with titles, what with assistant head coach-offense Joe Bugel, and offensive coordinator Don Breaux still hanging around.

Who knows why Snyder needed so many job interviews with Williams, despite the fact that he has been the defensive coordinator for four years. The suspicion here is that Snyder wanted to see if Williams would be his football buddy, let him play X's and O's, and sit in on tape sessions as if they're video games. Can't you hear the conversation?

Snyder: Okay, I have some really, really, really important questions for you.

Williams: Fire away.

Snyder: What are your all-time favorite TV shows?

Williams: My favorite shows?

Snyder: Yeah. Mine are "Star Blazers," "Airwolf," "Super Friends."

Williams: I thought I was here to discuss the Redskins' position.

Snyder: And I really love "Land of the Lost," and best of all, "Kung Fu Theater."

Read the Whole Thing

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"Who knows why Williams seems to have fallen out of contention. Hopefully, it's because he preserved his self-respect and told Snyder: "I'll be your coach, but I won't be your pawn. My ideas are good ones, as you can see from the performance of my defense, which frankly is the only thing that's worked around here these last four years"

The best part of the whole article. She hit it just right!

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Lol, as I said in the other thread, bunch of Hypocrites.

Sally Jenkins has been a target of ridicule forever on this board. Sometimes nothing less that satan's spawn.

But when she says somethign that agrees with your current agenda, all of a sudden shes a prophet.

Bunch of Fakes

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Great Article, we deserve better as fans than we are getting from our cloak and dagger rumor dropping team busting front office. Yet we will file into Fed Ex next fall like brainless lambs, sacrificing our dollars for the memory of great Redskin teams gone by. Thats what Danny boy sells.

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Lol, as I said in the other thread, bunch of Hypocrites.

Sally Jenkins has been a target of ridicule forever on this board. Sometimes nothing less that satan's spawn.

But when she says somethign that agrees with your current agenda, all of a sudden shes a prophet.

Bunch of Fakes

Well in 1000 swings you got to get at least one hit

She gets the praise today for hitting this one out the park :applause:

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Lol, as I said in the other thread, bunch of Hypocrites.

Sally Jenkins has been a target of ridicule forever on this board. Sometimes nothing less that satan's spawn.

But when she says somethign that agrees with your current agenda, all of a sudden shes a prophet.

Bunch of Fakes

I just read your last ten posts. Did the prescription mail service stop bringing your meds?

People who behave as you do are sometimes bi-polar, but in your case I'd say there is only one pole, and its stuck up your *$$.

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Sorry, I'm not buying this crap. It's all speculation and its all meant to insult Snyder rather than inform anyone of anything. The Post has put out 3 hit pieces, including this one, today in retaliation for being kept in the dark, and looking like fools with Fassel and the Zorn news getting leaked after the news week.

Until something is made official I'm not buying anything these "journalists" say, because they've been wrong at every turn thus far.

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This is her second article of brilliance this year. (1st one about Gibbs a few weeks ago) Never thought I'd be saying that.

Who knows why Williams seems to have fallen out of contention. Hopefully, it's because he preserved his self-respect and told Snyder: "I'll be your coach, but I won't be your pawn. My ideas are good ones, as you can see from the performance of my defense, which frankly is the only thing that's worked around here these last four years."

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

And LOVED the scene she painted of Snyder going back and forth with GW about favorite movies and trying to get him to play video games with him. Hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I just read your last ten posts. Did the prescription mail service stop bringing your meds?

People who behave as you do are sometimes bi-polar, but in your case I'd say there is only one pole, and its stuck up your *$$.

No, my last 10 posts are ont he same subject, because I am sharing my voice, just like you.

There is no other topic worty of talking about right now.

So get off you high horse.

Just because I refuse to join the snyder witch hunt, and dont have my head shoved up Williams ass, doesnt make my postings wrong.

So turn down your nose, lose your "better than you" attitude, and post something worthwhile.

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This is just her way of saying she knows nothing - just like the rest of the media.

I have a strong feeling that the media will be the biggest losers when the process plays out.

What makes you think that? While they were wrong about the imminent hiring of Fassel, they were right that he was the leading candidate. They also correctly called the Zorn hiring, albeit prior to his change of heart. They've been pretty good so far given how tightly Snyderatto controls info.-maybe not getting to the fire but seeing the smoke as it were.

Besides, Snyder already played his trump card in cutting off their access to the team. Now, they've got nothing to lose and it's open season. Payback's a beyotch huh?

Ultimately it's the fans that are the real losers, as usual.

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Lol, as I said in the other thread, bunch of Hypocrites.

Sally Jenkins has been a target of ridicule forever on this board. Sometimes nothing less that satan's spawn.

But when she says somethign that agrees with your current agenda, all of a sudden shes a prophet.

Bunch of Fakes

Sorry, but I'm not following you, wbar. In another thread you labeled those of us that are critical of Snyder as lemmings which I can only take to mean that you think we're blindly following masses and have no original opinion for ourselves. Obviously there's some original thought going on here, though, if we're willing to revise long standing opinions of Jenkins when we come across a piece of hers that actually contains accurate insight.

Maybe we're not the fakes, lemmings, hypocrites, etc. you make us out to be. Maybe we're just expressing our opinions in much the same fashion as you are; albeit without the needless personal attacks and immature insults.

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No, my last 10 posts are ont he same subject, because I am sharing my voice, just like you.

Your voice is shouting at everybody else who posts anything anywhere that they are either:

1. wrong, dead wrong; or

2. a**holes;

Maybe you look for high horses because you want to see if anyone is higher than you.

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