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If SD Wins, Biggest Upset Ever?


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Outside of San Diego, there probably won't be anyone who would bet more than $10 that the Bolts have a shot, much less WILL win. They've won eight games in a row and have NO pressure on them for the Championship game.

If SD does the unthinkable, would it be the biggest upset of all time in the NFL?

I hate cheering for such a big underdog, but I'd love to see them knock off the Pats.

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Yes, this would be a huge upset for the ages. The Pats simply are not going to lose at home to a depleted team coached by a guy named Norv.

BB being outcoached by Norv would be the biggest upset for sure. I'd like the Pats to lose this weekend so we don't have to hear about how great they are for the next 2 weeks.

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I can't decide which I would prefer.

Do I want the Pats to lose this weekend and not even make it to the superbowl.

Or would it be sweeter for them to get there and lose to the NFC representative

I think I'm leaning towards the latter ... though having them lose at any juncture would make me happy. :)


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Funny thing about this matchup,is I think the Chargers are most equipped to knock off the Pats than any team in the AFC if not the league!

They probably have the most talent on both sides of the ball in football IMO.

With LT,Rivers and Gates coming in hurt,I think it would be one of the top 5 biggest upsets ever...Specially with Norn as coach..!

I don't know if they can do it at Foxborro,but if you remember last year the Pats were getting beat when the interception and then fumble ended the Chargers season...

I look for this game to be much closer than most people expect!

The Chargers are 10-0 when winning the turnover battle and 1-5 when they don't...I think this game come down to turnovers IMO...The Patriots hardly ever turn it over,but if they do....then it's gonna get real interesting!

And I'll be rooting for the Chargers all the way!

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Two trends going in the Chargers' favor:

1. A few years ago, the Steelers were the favorites to go to the superbowl. They lost to New England, who went on to win the championship. Then the Colts were favored to go to the superbowl, only to be knocked out by the Steelers. Then Chargers were favored, but lost and the Colts won the superbowl.

Now it's San Diego's turn.

2. During the past four seasons, the Colts have either won the superbowl or lost to the team that won the superbowl. The Pats twice, then the Steelers, then they won, and now this year they lost to the Chargers.

Some people call the Colts chokers...but really, they just seem to lose to the REAL superbowl teams. Maybe the Chargers are the "real" superbowl team this year?

...I'd buy into these trends if it weren't Norv coaching. I just don't think he has what it takes to beat Bellichek. But hey, I am rooting for him like I never have before.

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I don't think Volek nor Rivers can lead that team to a victory. Rivers is too hot headed for his own good and I'm not sure Volek has enough moxie in him. LT is probably hobbled and Gates isn't himself. I don't think the Chargers have what it takes, so I guess in my mind it would be a huge upset considering I think they have no shot. I don't know about it being the biggest ever.

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I think they have a shot if they can keep New England from scoring on just about every possesion. I don't think anyone will win a shootout against them. SD has to put defensive pressure on the Pats much like the Eagles & Ravens did.

I'm just amazed that the Pats haven't had a game where things just didn't go right for them. I mean, every team has at least one game where the WR's just drop balls, or the QB misfires or the OL just can't get there assignments right. But it hasn't appeared that way for the Pats. Maybe this is the week.

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