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South Carolina Republican Debate Thread

Toe Jam

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So if what you are saying is true, then what does that say about the electorate?

Unfortunately, and truthfully, the masses are complete idiots and could care less about this country's future as long as they have American Idol and Big Brother to watch on TV and keep updated on Britney's and Paris Hilton's antics. Most voters are uninformed idiots.

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Fred did a pretty god job and needed it. He's fading. Like I said he got in it too late.

I think he has enough time to compete, besides the others aught to be getting to be old news after already running for a year.

Obviously there is no one candidate pulling away yet.

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Unfortunately, and truthfully, the masses are complete idiots and could care less about this country's future as long as they have American Idol and Big Brother to watch on TV and keep updated on Britney's and Paris Hilton's antics. Most voters are uninformed idiots.

All I can say is that I need to build a big bunker for the "End of the World Party."

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I really like Huckabee, but his ideas and ways he wants to do things with Illegals and some other things just don't sit well with me.

After this debate I think I am leaning towards Fred Thompson. Wasn't a personalble as Huckabee but he was more in line with what I want a president to do for this country.

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By whom? Not the electorate of the United States.

All opinion polls have him around the Bill Richardson level of approval. He raises some good points but he is too much of an incomplete package to be elected.

He will by the nuts who said won the debate. The people who think the republican party is going back to what it was in the 60's or 30's are fooling themselves. In the 60's the dems were at the peak of their power. Goldwalter lost in a landslide. The republicans strayed when they voted for George Bush and followed his big government policies.

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He will by the nuts who said won the debate. The people who think the republican party is going back to what it was in the 60's or 30's are fooling themselves. In the 60's the dems were at the peak of their power. Goldwalter lost in a landslide. The republicans strayed when they voted for George Bush and followed his big government policies.

He didn't win the debate. He brought up his usual points that no one wants to hear, got some points on that, then proceeded to get slammed by Huckabee, Thompson and the rest for being a fringe isolationist.

It's sad that he is the only one that is really talking about the economy (Thompson did a bit as well) but he and Guiliani were the losers tonite.

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Whoaaaaaaaaaa apparently 35% of the people texting saying Ron Paul won!!! ZOMFGZZZZZZZZ!!!

Ron Paul could debate the democrats and they say he will win. He could debate Ronald Reagan and he would win.

Ron Paul made some points but in this republican party looks like a loon. He would come off better in the democratic debate.

He comes off like an idiot on some things. His supporters- probably all of his supporters here are flooding FOX just like they did for other debates. Remember, where ROn Paul got his money from. You do a phone poll and Thompson will come out as a winner. Do a focus group and Thompson comes out as a winner. It's about time he woke up from the dead.

I think Mccain will fade simply because his views aren't in line with the Republican party. These debates are going to finish him.

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Ron Paul could debate the democrats and they say he will win. He could debate Ronald Reagan and he would rain.

Ron Paul made some points but in this republican party looks like a loon. He would come off better in the democratic debate.

He comes off like an idiot on some things. His supporters- probably all of his supporters here are flooding FOX just like they did for other debates. Remember, where ROn Paul got his money from. You do a phone poll and Thompson will come out as a winner. Do a focus group and Thompson comes out as a winner. It's about time he woke up from the dead.

I think Mccain will fade simply because his views aren't in line with the Republican party. These debates are going to finish him.

RP always comes off to me as a loon. When he talks, it's big words and rambles about things in such a way that I think makes people not care.

I don't see his views as being that much conservative. Some of the people who have posted here are right, he would seem to be more in place at a democrat debate.

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I love it. Just because people can't understand what Paul is saying and just because he isn't in line with the current republican party, ie. Fox news, people are labeling him a loon. Why do some of you try so hard to fit him into one party or another. For once there is an independent thinker who is using economics and the constitution to guide his own individual platform. The American public has swallowed the 2 party system and now appears to be poised to lose the very freedom democratic elections were created to be, choice and freedom. If there were no party system you would see how different all the candidates would be: Huckabee would be lobbying to change the American symbol from the Bald Eagle to a statue of Jesus, Rudi would take speech lessons to learn how to stop talking and slobbering at the same time and acctually stand for something, McCain might acctually have a plan on how to accomplish his goals, Thompson would go back to playing the president on TV, and Romney might stop babling incoherently and say something that makes sense. Just because you don't understand what Paul is saying doesn't mean he isn't right. There have been a lot smarter men than you or I who have shaped this countries politics and economics.

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I understand Ron Paul is a looney toon and has no chance at winning the nomination. For those that laugh at him and support these other suits, do you ever listen to what he actually says? Yes some things are a bit off but the bit about the U.S. supporting pakistan with its dictator and going to war with Iraq to spread democracy had to make sense. When he talks about how weak our economy is and that we are spending a trillion dollars on the war what do you not understand?

I started to like Romney a little bit but last night he proved to be a pretty big jerk and very childish.

Mccain lost me with his he doesn't want to trade comments.. but he really lost me when he couldn't read his speach in New Hampshire without looking down at a piece of paper the whole time and still making mistakes.

Rudy wheres dresses and seems a little bit too caught up with the stay on offense.

All together this is a pretty sad bunch we are in trouble.

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Huckabee on Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough:

"Fred Thompson needs to take his metamucil"


Isn't their a Friends or a Seinfeld issue that deals w/ being to slow to think of a good line when it would be appropriate so you have this great come back, but the oppurtunity has passed you by?

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Isn't their a Friends or a Seinfeld issue that deals w/ being to slow to think of a good line when it would be appropriate so you have this great come back, but the oppurtunity has passed you by?
Yeah, that was on Seinfeld. It was funny too. In this instance though, the interviewer asked him about Fred's apparent rancor and calling Huckabee a "liberal" during the debate. It was still funny in this case.:)
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Carl Cameron is the biggest douche in the world. Ron Paul is doing better than Guiliani and Thompson and he gets the most insulting question of the night asking him if he has any electability?

I'll probably end up voting for whoever the republican nominee is, but I am really starting to despise them with utterly childish responses to Ron Paul IE. "Stop reading Ahmadiniejad's press releases", "They only want to trade burkas".

Whenever they are forced to rethinking the fundamentals of our foreign policy, they come back with stupid crap like this. Why can't they respond with a thought-out reason why they disagree with non-interventionism instead of sophomoric one-liners?

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Carl Cameron is the biggest douche in the world. Ron Paul is doing better than Guiliani and Thompson and he gets the most insulting question of the night asking him if he has any electability?

I'll probably end up voting for whoever the republican nominee is, but I am really starting to despise them with utterly childish responses to Ron Paul IE. "Stop reading Ahmadiniejad's press releases", "They only want to trade burkas".

Whenever they are forced to rethinking the fundamentals of our foreign policy, they come back with stupid crap like this. Why can't they respond with a thought-out reason why they disagree with non-interventionism instead of sophomoric one-liners?

I agree with you and felt the same.

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