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Can we picket for Gregg?(merged)


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Is there anyway to set up a picket at Redskins park in support of Gregg Williams?

I know it is off the wall but he has the defense where it needs to be and keeping Al saunders as OC and Jerry Gray DC would keep the continuity.

As head coach of the Bills in 01-03 Gregg Williams drafted alot of good players:

Nate Clements

Terrence McGee

Willis Mcgahee

Travis Henry

Chris Kelsay

Sam Aiken

Angelo Crowell

Ryan Denney

Coy Wire

Mike Pucillo

Aaron Schobel

I think that this team is in good shape and Williams is worth keeping. We need Dan to know what we want since we write his paychecks.


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I posted this in another thread, but let me do so here to

What if Dan wants Gregg as his head coach. Does he immediately jump out of his chair and start jumping on the couch like Tom Cruise shouting, "I love Gregg Williams" No, but he might behind the scenes immediately start working on a contract. Afterall, Williams is going to need a new contract as a HC. Snyder can't announce him as HC until the contract is worked out. It's just really bad negotiating otherwise.

Then again, he also may not want Williams. Who knows?

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I posted this in another thread, but let me do so here to

What if Dan wants Gregg as his head coach. Does he immediately jump out of his chair and start jumping on the couch like Tom Cruise shouting, "I love Gregg Williams" No, but he might behind the scenes immediately start working on a contract. Afterall, Williams is going to need a new contract as a HC. Snyder can't announce him as HC until the contract is worked out. It's just really bad negotiating otherwise.

Then again, he also may not want Williams. Who knows?

The league has rules about interviewing/hiring so I doubt very much if there is any contract talks are going on so soon!

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As head coach of the Bills in 01-03 Gregg Williams drafted alot of good players:

Nate Clements

Terrence McGee

Willis Mcgahee

Travis Henry

Chris Kelsay

Sam Aiken

Angelo Crowell

Ryan Denney

Coy Wire

Ryan Pucillo

Aaron Schobel

I think that this team is in good shape and Williams is worth keeping. We need Dan to know what we want since we write his paychecks.


He was also the one who convinced Joe Gibbs to draft Taylor over Winslow Jr.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How 'bout we just wait and see what happens before we stress ourselves to death....just a thought.

Agreed, whoever we hire, I want to give them one year. If they flat out blow, then it's time to fight back.

By fighting back, I mean, I wish it were possible for everyone to boycott going to home games. No more buying merchandise except from fakes and third party re-sellers. It's possible to happen, but as large as our fanbase is, we represent very few of the total Redskins fanbase.

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I'm going to do something unpopular and play devil's advocate and post some reasons against Gregg. I'm not against him, but tofrie brought up some interesting points.

1. Bad relationship with Ralph Wilson in Buffalo. (attributed to tofrie not to mention pretty much documented) Clearly this isn't something working in his favor. Whether we like Snyder or not he should be able to work with the guy he names HC.

2. 2006 and his attitude about it and during it. (attributed to tofrie). I personally thought he did good by taking a long hard look in the off-season and fixing the problems, but we don't know what it was like in house.

3. Arch. (tofrie says that Arch was Gregg's decision and Vinny was against Arch) If this is true it is a pretty big indictment. Especially considering the way he treated Arch during the year. If he hadn't chosen him, then it's a different story when he alienates the highest paid safety in the league, but if he handpicked him and then goes on to treat him the way he did, I can't go along with that no matter how bad Arch was.

4. Not telling Joe about the 10 man tribute. It was the right thing to do, but not telling Joe doesn't help a guy who may have had issues with authority figures in the past.

5. Up until this past weekend I didn't mind letting Pierce go. I understood the idea of not paying him more than Washington. But after watching him Qb a defense to the SB and realize he is clearly the leader on a defense that includes vets like Strahan, Sam Madison and stars like Osi, I really gained a new respect for the guy.

I'm not against hiring Gregg in any way. But I have certainly watched interviews with him at times and seriously questioned the idea of his attitude in the HC position. He has an arrogance that seems to work very well for being a defensive boss, but borders on Brian Billick territory when brought to the HC position.

If the things tofrie is saying are correct (and I have no reason to believe they aren't) then at least I now have an understanding for why Gregg will be passed over. I'm still looking for an understanding of why Fassel has so much steam (apparently).

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Snyder has done nothing to prove that he knows what he is doing outside of hiring joe gibbs. I'd rather not sit back and wait for him to hire the next Norv. We are already screwed now that Vinny has been appointed assistant owner and this will only get worse if we get Fossel, who hasn't even been contacted about coordinator jobs since getting fired from the ravens (who have such low standards for offensive coordinators anyway) much less head coaching jobs.

Unfortunately there is no option but to sit on our asses and hope for the best, even if 2 minds proven unfit to run a mcdonalds are the only ones at work. SEAN DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!

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Bhayesp makes a lot of sense.

That said, I think you gotta suck it up as an owner and go with the best option for now...hire GW and hope for the best. If not, at least you have him the chance he certainly earned and deserved. The defense has been terrific for three of the four years he's been here.

I think the tragic events of this season, and the ensuing bond among the players and coaches, who wanted GW to be the guy, trumps the other stuff. In addition to these factors, there was a statement of commitment to continuity as Gibbs was leaving. Nothing about this situation suggests any continuity.

This will feel like a completely different team next year. I don't think that's a good thing. Fans wanted comfort, probably more than anything else, after Gibbs left. GW provided that in a way that nobody else could.

It's a shame how things have played out.

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the only thing Dan has shown an aptitude for is making money...he has been a complete and total failure as an NFL owner.

What's wrong with this sentence? Isn't the ultimate goal of the owner of anything to make money? In sports ownership, you do have the added factor of trying to win, but the goal of any business is to make money.

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