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PRESS RELEASE: Joe Gibbs To Retire As Head Coach; Remains in Redskins’ Family


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It has been a tough year for him with both the team and Sean and with his family, I don't blame him but I would have thought he would have finished out his contract. I will miss him and I think it is another sad day in Redskin nation. Good Luck Coach Gibbs and God Bless.

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We all should just simply be grateful for all of the amazing things Coach Gibbs has done for us. No other Coach could have handled and rebounded this year the way he did. He is a true leader and inspiration, and nothing but thanks and good luck Coach!

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Here we are again, Coach Gibbs leaving, and most likely our defensive coordinator taking over. I can only hope GW can fill in better than Petitbone did.

The talent level on this team is better than the team Petitbone inherited...the team Richie got was aging and in need of rebuilding...this one isn't in bad shape at all.

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Williams should take over! I believe this was the plan... guess we'll find out...

Williams head coach / Saunders OC... (my prediction)

Joe Gibbs... enough said! I'm glad to see Coach do what he needs to at 67!!!

Hail to Gibbs and everything he's done for our Redskins!!!

A Heartfelt Thanks from everyone of us should go to Joe Gibbs...

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I actually can't say I'm all that surprised at this decision. I think that the season really had a toll on Joe as well as Buges and perhaps some of the other older assistants. I don't think Joe wanted to be here without Buges and the old timers. Besides, it seems more evident that Gibbs wants to spend more time with his family now.

I do believe that while Gibbs remains the BEST at managing a football team, his football coaching was not as effective this time around. I love the guy and he will always remain the best in my heart. But the reason I mentioned that is what you would see on the sidelines during games. I saw a live game this season and watched every other game on tv. During just about any critical (especially after the Bills game), Gibbs was surrounded by his assistants giving him instructions. Especially evident was GW in his ear. It almost seemed like GW was telling Gibbs what to do and how to do it when it came to timeouts and out of the norm situations. In essence, GW had become the head coach in many respects it seems.

Gibbs has restored the Skins to an upper eschalon team. I think GW will continue that next year and beyond. Gibbs has had a profound impact on GW, the other coaches and all of our players. His effect won't be short-lived.

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I'm sad to see Gibbs retire; mainly because with change comes uncertainty. (this is why I have learned to hate the off season). Gibbs would not opt out of his last year unless he felt there was a good plan in place. Gregg Williams has won me over since he has been here and I agree he is the man for the job. We need continuity and the players like GW. I heard a Rabach interview this morning and he said he hoped GW gets the job.

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Sad to see him go, understandable though - this has been a tumultuous season to say the least. Glad to see he'll have more time to spend with his family, and I'm sure the ST tragedy put things into perspective for him.

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This is the 2nd time I've had to endure Joe's leaving but it's a little easier to deal with this time. I understand more about what he's been through and why he's doing it.

Still, it's hard losing a coach after a playoff appearance. When Richie Petitbon took over in 1993, I thought it would be status quo. I didn't know it would take us seven years to return to the playoffs. Naturally, I'm a little worried again.

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I started to think this was coming last night after watching coverage of his press conference. My take is this: it was a very hard season on him, he's almost 70, his grandson is sick and he managed to get the team into the playoffs regardless. Many teams would have folded just from the injuries, let alone Sean taylor's death. To rally the team the way he did, Gibbs put in one of the best coaching performances in history. It's always better to go out on top and on your own terms.

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I absolutely cannot believe this. Gibb's is definitely my favorite coach of all time, not just due to his proven record, but also his great morality and deep religious beliefs. Thanks God he was our coach this season, because I cannot imagine any other coach leading us all through these rough times. He only came back in 2004, and we have already seen Two Playoff berths. I would say that is a positive note in the Redskin's very recent History. With this new family closeness brought on by tragedy, I feel that we can do even better next season, I just wish Gibbs was there to lead us. :doh:

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