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Gibbs is better than you think


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I agree with the original poster. While some of the play calling has frustrated us all at times, I really think the reason we don't have a wildcard locked up, or-- better yet--why we are not vying for the NFC East right now is MOSTLY because of poor player execution. I can point to at least three games that THE PLAYERS more or less gave away:

  • Giants Loss--Portis' fumble towards the end was a killer and the same game where Campbell underthrew Sellers on 1st and 10 on that goal line stand;
  • Green Bay--Moss' dagger fumble and his overall horrible play; and
  • Tampa--what did we have like six turn overs in that game?

Granted some poor clock management decisions and overly conservative play calling has not helped at times. But these key MISTAKES BY PLAYERS in my opinion have cost us more than anything Gibbs has done or not done.

If I had a vote, I too would vote for FOUR MORE YEARS for Gibbs!

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I think he is still a good motivator and it's obvious these guys are playing hard for him. Credit the entire coaching staff for weathering a ridiculous amount of injuries and tragedy. I just hope he continues to let the offense open up, and sticks to what he does best now which is keep the team focused and motivated while letting GW and Al do their thing.

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Congratulations, we've all just entered the "No-Spin Zone." I mean, you can't even have a rational discussion with people that say ridiculous things like this. They are beyond the realm of reason.

His spin isn't any worse than that from a knob like you who blames Gibbs for everything. :rolleyes:

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Still "in the hunt?" We should already be eating our prey. Gibbs has singlehandedly cost us at LEAST 2-3 games with his inability to manage the clock, timeouts, and failure to abandon his conservative-play-not-to-lose gameplans. We should already have a playoff spot clinched given the amount of talent on this team. This is a good team, with good players. It's a good team that is being mismanaged down to mediocrity. I love how people pat him on the back for his ineptitude on this forum. "OH wow he's so great we're still kind of playing for something!" Guess what: We'd be playing for a lot more if he didn't suck.

When you reward incompetence you get the status quo. I see we're still rewarding incompetence around here.

You're one of those "The Glass might as well be empty" guys, even though "The Glass is Half Full" .. aren't you?

I'll bet you crack little old ladies over the back of the head with a baseball bat when all they want to do is cross the street.

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Congratulations, we've all just entered the "No-Spin Zone." I mean, you can't even have a rational discussion with people that say ridiculous things like this. They are beyond the realm of reason.

He is stating a fact. Facts cannot be "spun."

*YOU* created the "No Spin Zone" by declaring that your opinions are the only ones with merit!

Coaches coach. Players lose games.

Judging by all of your posts on this board, might I suggest that you find a new team to cheer for? Life is too short to be angry all the time.

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everybody has to stop with loving Joe Gibbs. He doesn't have it anymore. He has single handledly lost a few games this year. He is way too conservative and he proved that his coaching style doesnt work in today's game. Fans have to put there love for ths man( i also love him) and realize that he is not fit for this team.

I would suggest a young and up and coming coach in the likes of a Jason Garrett or a guy of that nature. A coach that actually would call the shots and not just a figure head who looks lost on the sidelines out there. Im not bashing Gibbs, its just that his time as an NFL coach is over.

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I agree!!! What I have liked is that Gibbs has brought stability back to the team. :helmet: :logo:


Exactly what has lacked in the last decade and a half: true leadership, stability, and someone to bring this team together. Adversity has brought this team together with the most heart and soul ever, while the last 4 years Gibbs and Gregg Williams have tweaked the players for battle, getting better every season. We now have all of the ingredients.....and even with the injuries, we are making things happen anyway. Taking Gibbs out of the equation will do just what it did every time we got a new coach over the last 15 years: THROW THINGS OFF KILTER and STOP THE UPSWING.

No Gibbs=No Guidance. Stay, Coach! :point2sky

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everybody has to stop with loving Joe Gibbs. He doesn't have it anymore. He has single handledly lost a few games this year. He is way too conservative and he proved that his coaching style doesnt work in today's game. Fans have to put there love for ths man( i also love him) and realize that he is not fit for this team.

I would suggest a young and up and coming coach in the likes of a Jason Garrett or a guy of that nature. A coach that actually would call the shots and not just a figure head who looks lost on the sidelines out there. Im not bashing Gibbs, its just that his time as an NFL coach is over.

With all of the injuries and tragedy to this team and we are one game out of the playoffs with two games to go and you guys think that Gibbs "has lost it?!" Are you out of your flippin' minds?!

As to Jason Garrett .. PLEASE! No more Crackgirlz castoffs!

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I'll continue to maintain that since his arrival Joe has done a fine job as head coach. You don't replace a guy who has done what he has done here. Do I think he has done a great job? No way but replacing him at this point would be a major mistake.

And for the record, JG has not done well as President/GM. The team needs a legit GM who can implement a plan to build the team with a solid foundation of O-Line, D-Line, and QB.

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Guest ComebackKing

I totally agree with all that has been said.

The couple questionable coaching issues that come up are nothing compared to the leadership and stability he brings to the team. Gibbs is a great man and a great coach I'm always behind his decisions and love his record in December, (45-13 or something really good) he gets things done at important times and keeps a team together very well.

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i think the players loyalty to joe gibbs is a good barometer for his importance to this team. has any player said anything bad about gibbs? loyalty like that is earned. i am loyal to gibbs. win or lose, i hope gibbs stays here as long as he wants. does that make me a homer? maybe. honestly, winning isnt everything. i love to watch skins football (even thru the frustrations).

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Everybody says Gibbs is too conservative. Ok, fine. Maybe. But here's the thing: MAYBE, just MAYBE he knows a little more about his team than we do. MAYBE he knew that if they flung the ball around in the second half, JC, a starter in his first year, would throw more INTs while trying to close out games. MAYBE he knows that this team has flaws and MAYBE he is trying to cover up some of those flaws. The one decision he can't get off the hook on is the 2 time out thing. That was his fault. But he stood up and accepted blame on that immediately.

Gibbs didn't make Moss drop 6 balls and fumble another in GB. That could be 1 win.

Gibbs didn't have Moss, Portis and JC all fumble in the first 5 minutes of the TB game. That result could have been different.

Gibbs didn't allow a screen pass to go 50+ yards for a score in the Philly game they lost. That could also have been a win.

Look, it's all history at this point, but the fact is, with a young QB, you're going to be a little more conservative.

My vote: Gibbs, come back PLEASE. another year with a more seasoned QB and maybe a healthier team. Personally, I like my chances. I'll take Gibbs as my coach any day.

Another thought: You're just as apt to get the next Norv Turner as the next Joe Gibbs (part I for this argument). You change coaches, systems, it's a risk, and you never know what you're going to get.

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Hey everybody!!! This is a time for us all to come together and root our beloved Skins to victory...let's not waste time bickering and trying to show each other up. I too hate the "play-not-to-lose" 2nd half gameplan, but folks, with just 2 games to go, our SKINS ARE STILL ALIVE! I know in my heart that they make the play-offs if they win these next 2 games, and if Gibbs will adopt a play-to-win attitude, I would welcome his presence for as many years as he wants to coach.

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You know I have bashed Gibbs and I think he deserved some of it. However, when his contract extension has been discussed it makes me happy. I want no other coach than Joe Gibbs. Through thick and thin I needed to wake up and realize he is the best thing for this team. I know it now and everyone else should as well. I challenge you to think of any one person who would be better suited for the job. There isn't anybody. No college coach (see Bobby Patrino and Steve Spurrier). No current coach in the NFL. Gibbs will get us there. It is written and so it shall be.

It would be great if Gibbs finishes out his 5 year contract. Beyond that, I don't see contract extensions in the cards.

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Many people are concentrating on Joe Gibb's errors this season and yes there as been a few. However not many people seem to praise Joe for what happened at the Eagles in week 2. Just before half time how many people were thinking 'just kick the field goal' but we ran one last play with a pass to Cooley for a TD. In my opinion this play won us that game.

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Congratulations, we've all just entered the "No-Spin Zone." I mean, you can't even have a rational discussion with people that say ridiculous things like this. They are beyond the realm of reason.

Well, Although I haven't agreed with many coaching decisions this year and I can see your point, the lackluster play got us into those precarious situations... don't you agree?

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