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Ron Paul being interviewed by Glenn Beck right now on CNN Headline news


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BY LIMITING SPENDING. He said those exact words. You eliminate your highest expense and guess what? You have extra money!!!!

If you have a 500 dollar cable bill, and all of a sudden switch to basic cable, guess what??? you have extra money to use elsewhere...

I don't understand how this concept is eliminated from your thinking?

LImiting spending? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh, you don't say?. Who do you think you're talking to, a bunch of first graders.

The problem is what the good doctor wants to eliminate. Take, for starters, military spending. He is basically advocating gutting the military, which is in line with his stupid, isolationist foreign policy. I think most Americans want lower taxes and government spending cuts. It's just that the sane ones don't agree with how Paul wants to do it.

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Here you go. Show us the math.



$1,163 billion - Individual income tax

$869.6 billion - Social Security and other payroll taxes

$370.2 billion - Corporate income tax

$65.1 billion - Excise taxes

$26.0 billion - Customs duties

$26.0 billion - Estate and gift taxes

$47.2 billion - Other

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Mike, I'm on a blackberry and can't see it well but I don't see where this differentiates between personal and corporate tax allocation

It's all money in the pot. All you can do is subtract 1.163 TRILLION dollars and make a budget that will not gut America and turn us into an isolationist third world country All while paying down the national debt as Paul says we need to do. :rolleyes:

I'll get you started and cut the EPA like you want. You only have 1. 162 trillion to go. :laugh:

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Boy this is truly ridiculous. I can't believe we have people on here actually arguing against eliminating the IRS! Are you serious? Where will we get the money? Amazing! The government takes and takes and takes and gives us, our children, thier children, and thier childrens children, a 9 trillion dollar debt.

The question should be, is Washington D.C. the best place for working Americans hard earned money to be spent on unconstitutonal programs, in unconstitutional ways? Or would that money be best served in our pockets, enjoying the fruit of our labors? Free to be spent the way WE see fit.

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I thought the interview was good.. I'm glad Beck pushed him for clarification on a lot of things. I'm also glad to see RP clarify he is NOT a stupid "truther", but of course people will piss and moan why he didn't go into HOW he would get rid of stuff like the IRS. No one can explain that crap in 5 minute segments and I think most people would turn into zombies.

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Mike, so you refuse to answer the question of where specifically does the personal income tax money goes? What's wrong man? Don't like the answer? All you provided was a general tax allocation chart. Doesn't cut it bud

It goes to a combination of things. The national defense, social services, infrastructure, the NIH, the NSF, NASA, and paying interest are combination of things.

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Mike, so you refuse to answer the question of where specifically does the personal income tax money goes? What's wrong man? Don't like the answer? All you provided was a general tax allocation chart. Doesn't cut it bud

Dude you cannot be that stupid so I'm going to assume you are raising this straw man because you do not want to face reality.

The federal budget does NOT work that way. THERE ARE NO SUCH FIGURES. ALL of the money coming in is totaled and balanced (in theory) to what we are spending.


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Mike, so you refuse to answer the question of where specifically does the personal income tax money goes? What's wrong man? Don't like the answer? All you provided was a general tax allocation chart. Doesn't cut it bud

This post makes zero sense.

Money comes in from various sources. Fills the pot. Money goes out to various expenditures. Empties the pot. That's all.

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I thought the interview was good.. I'm glad Beck pushed him for clarification on a lot of things. I'm also glad to see RP clarify he is NOT a stupid "truther", but of course people will piss and moan why he didn't go into HOW he would get rid of stuff like the IRS. No one can explain that crap in 5 minute segments and I think most people would turn into zombies.

The problem is that he goes on the Alex Jones show and sucks up to the "truthers" there.

I also think if you are going to make a broad statement like getting rid of the IRS and income tax then you need to give at least SOME idea of how you would do it.

(And BTW SnyderShrugged- Last I heard the IRS managed corporate income tax as well so since he wants to do away with the IRS, I guess you actually have to cut another $370.2 billion. Good luck :laugh: )

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all of those budgetary figures represent ALL income taxation, which I assume you know includes the corporate income tax (which is very constitutional, I may add) among various others. (AMT, capital gains, excise, estate, etc).

The DOD budget is paid for through these other forms of taxation.

If you looked at my chart, you'll see that they've broken most of these things out seperately (not capital gains, which is collected via the IRS by a normal tax form. Does Paul believe in collecting capital gain taxes?)

Excludingg things including pay roll taxes and corperate income taxes (which makes up the category personal income taxes), personal income taxes make up over half of the goverment take.

You are onto the main point, I believe, that despite the fact that the personal income tax is 100% intended to pay for the interest to the Fed, for some strange reason it appears that it isnt even being paid (at least directly). This is yet another example of the mystery of government waste.

I'll be glad to concede my argument once any one of you can show me a verifiable link to something that shows where one penny of federal personal income tax is allocated towards governement services. Believe me, I've done the research and you can too.

If you've done the research, maybe you'd actually like to post some proof. Until then you're just blowing smoke.

If the federal goverment was simply losing more than 1/2 of its income that would come up somewhere. The simple fact of the matter is that you can sum up of all of the money the goverment takes in minus personal imcome taxes, and it doesn't come close to paying what the goverment pays out.

The income tax on our personal wages does not go towards anything and is simp,ly lost in the leviathan of beurocracy

that we all know is the federal beast.

I thought it went to pay the interest to the federal reserve. Which is it?

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It goes to a combination of things. The national defense, social services, infrastructure, the NIH, the NSF, NASA, and paying interest are combination of things.

No it doesn't. If you are certain then why is it taking you hits so long to answer in detail? What portion goes to each department you reference? Where are you getting this info? You usually have links. Post them please.

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No it doesn't. If you are certain then why is it taking you hits so long to answer in detail? What portion goes to each department you reference? Where are you getting this info? You usually have links. Post them please.

Dude you are making absolutely NO sense. I'm having trouble even reading your post. But if you are saying what I THINK you are, you are making even LESS sense.

Do you honestly think that the government says " we are going to use this INCOME tax to pay *this*, and Tariffs to pay *that*? Is that how you honestly think it works? :doh:

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No it doesn't. If you are certain then why is it taking you hits so long to answer in detail? What portion goes to each department you reference? Where are you getting this info? You usually have links. Post them please.

Again, you are making no sense. From an accounting point of view, money comes in and it goes back out. What makes you think that a specific dollar that comes in is designated on arrival to go back out to a specific expense?

Is that how it works in your house? You get your pay in cash, neatly labelled for what expense it goes to? You rush home and put the correct 117.63 in the sock labelled "car payment," put the correct "82.05" in the sock labelled utility payment, etc. And if you put the "wrong" dollar in the wrong sock, do you pull it back out and switch it for the dollar in a different sock?

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Mike, I'm on a blackberry and can't see it well but I don't see where this differentiates between personal and corporate tax allocation

You are being dishonnest again SS.

He CLEARLY shows that 1.18 Trillion doallars is collected through PERSONAL income tax.

338 Billion from Corporate income tax.

Then he shows where all goverement money is.

It clearly shows that half of total us revenue is collected from PERSONAL income tax. If you elminate that, you elminate half your revenue. Since Half the revenue is not being spent on debt repayment on intrest, it is save to say that personal income taxes pays for a little bit of everything.

If I have two jobs, once pays 25k and one pays 75k, can I point to which job pays for food? No. But if food makes up 50k a year, I know that I can't just leave the job that pays 75k a year and still eat.

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