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Ron Paul being interviewed by Glenn Beck right now on CNN Headline news


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I was just trying to understand your point (back to you believed that social security taxes weren't part of the individual income tax), and your last post at least seemed to suggest that Paul's interest in eliminating the IRS didn't mean that he was for eliminating the income tax (i.e. you can still collect income taxes w/o the IRS; just like eliminating the IRS doesn't mean you would eliminate social security taxes, excise taxes, and cooperate income taxes because they can be collected w/o the IRS.).

I was just trying to see where the point logically concluded too. That's all.

I've said more than one time that I'm for eliminating the individual income tax. I'd just do it in a revenue neutral manner over a period of time. I'm less bothered by the IRS, then all of the buisnesses that have blossomed around the individual income tax, and how those people don't really generate wealth.

If you're telling me that Paul will eliminate the IRS, but do so w/o changes in the flow of money to the goverment (i.e. still collect individual income taxes), I don't really see the great advantage of that (you'll still need people to collect the money and to find and prosecute tax cheats so those functions of the IRS will have to be shifted elsewhere so I'm not sure what the advantage really is), but I'm not going to complain to louldly either.

I think Paul is more saying that there wouldnt be a need for the IRS if the personal income tax were eliminated. I've differentiated the SSI tax from what we commonly call "income tax" because there is a specific appropriation from our paychecks that are indended just for that program. (I hate that tax too though!!) I'm actually OK with an agency like the IRS, just not one that is intended to collect taxes on my personal income and becomes so darned bloated and large that people assume that we "need" it to survive.

I apologize for accidentally confusing things! I'd like to think that we may have somethings in common in regard to taxation but maybe different ways to address it?

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I didnt realize that! Are they Federally funded lights too? (serious question, I'm not up to speed on much of this) Also, I'm not sure what Congressman Pauls views are on the interstate highway system. I would think that he would consider it constitutional, but honestly have no idea because I've never heard it discussed with him.

The Constitution allows the federal government to construct and maintain roads. Dr. Paul has spoken on the Interstate Highway System before and explained that it had a lot of support because of its national defense purposes. BUT, he also pointed out that it has led to a lot of unintended consequences like urban sprawl, dependence on cars and gasoline, etc.

I onced half-joked with friends on a road trip that the Interstate Highway System killed professional baseball. :)

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