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We should go for Asante Samuel (cb from NE) in the Offseason


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This fanbase has battered child syndrome. You people just keep getting beat to death with high priced free agents so much that you've grown to request it.

Seek help!

Serioiusly guys, do you want to see a franchise that literally turned itself around in three drafts?

San Diego Chargers.

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Only FA that I want us to even look at this offseason is Jared Allen. The guy has a nonstop motor, is young, and will make an instant impact on our defense. However, I can forsee him getting, or demanding, a contract similar to the one the Colts awarded to Dwight Freeney. Unfortuantely I don't think we have the luxary of being able to go after any big name free agents. Not after all the cap space we wasted on Lloyd. :(

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This fanbase has battered child syndrome. You people just keep getting beat to death with high priced free agents so much that you've grown to request it.

Seek help!

Serioiusly guys, do you want to see a franchise that literally turned itself around in three drafts?

San Diego Chargers.

Yep and we even have a better QB

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Rogers is hurt and his career could be over with that injury.Springs is gone after this year.So I don't know if I would call it a luxury pickup.

trust me, if Rogers' career is potentially over with that injury, we'd have heard by now. yes its bad, its not that bad...

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Yep and we even have a better QB

That's debatable.

Funny how LT was so good he got Rivers into the Pro Bowl last year, :laugh:

Rivers still has time, though. This year isn't an indictment on him, by any means. Keep in mind he was just drafted in 2004 and didn't play at all until 2006. Both he and Campbell have plenty of time.

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Why does everyone on this board want to go after the bad-boy, cap-killing head cases? He fits a need, but he whined and stomped in New England over his contract so much that, if he comes here, he'll see the mess the franchise is and poison the locker room.

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On the one hand, he'll be ridiculously expensive.

On the other hand, Springs is declining rapidly and given his bloated salary for '08 won't be here next year, and Rogers won't be close to 100% (and his 100% was only average) for at least another year. Since GW's schemes rely so heavily on DBs, if we don't pick up an elite CB, we'll be back to our pathetic '06 defense.

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We can't afford him...next thread
we cant afford him by any means.
Samuel is gonna get 30 million guaranteed on an 80 million dollar contract.
There is no way we can afford Asante. But we do need a #1 CB. Smoot is a number 2 at best. Springs will be gone at the end of the season. And Rodgers is coming off a major knee injury and even if he does play every game next season(unlikely), he wont be a shutdown, number 1 CB.

^ enough said

Why does everyone on this board want to go after the bad-boy, cap-killing head cases? He fits a need, but he whined and stomped in New England over his contract so much that, if he comes here, he'll see the mess the franchise is and poison the locker room.

What they said...

No chance we sign him. Let's fix this team with the draft and the "properly priced" free agents..

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For all you "draft, don't sign" guys, does this mean you want us to draft a CB over DL this year? We're going to be absolutely depleted at CB, and would likely have to use our #1 to get a decent one, so no whining then about picking another DB over D-line. Rogers' won't be effective at all the first year coming off his injury and Springs has a salary of around $9m, which means he's gone. That leaves us with Smoot and a bunch of scrubs.

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