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Coach Gibbs' Face on AOL's Front Page

Mark The Homer

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I agree with most of what you have written except the last two sentences. He shows a tremendous amount of faith in his players and if the players dont feel they are good enough to play then they shouldnt be making the big $$ and playing in the NFL. Thats a Pop Warner mentality. Do you think Parcells ever "showed faith" in any of his players? The guys one of the biggest A holes that the sport has ever known, players couldnt stand him, but produced winning teams (most of the time). Agree 100% on the clock. He is not a good 4th quarter time manager, no debate. As for the prayer comment, dont even want to entertain that with a response.

God Bless

You're right. But I also think morale plays a part in the players poor performance.

Football is like war. Generals lead their soldiers into battle and have them do the fighting. If soldiers don't believe that the General has faith in them, they will likely be defeated before they even step on the battlefield.

Gibbs doesn't show faith in his players. He rellies on the clock and praying to end a game. The players feel that they are not good enough to stop the other team, and then every thing goes to ****.

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The assistant coach in charge of Washington's defense, Gregg Williams, told his players Saturday night that he wanted to honor Taylor by lining up with 10 men instead of 11 on Buffalo's first snap on offense.

Williams did not, however, tell Gibbs, who said Tuesday that "probably in the future" he should be let in on similar plans.

So Williams plans this tribute and almost 24 hours later doesn't think to let the head coach know? "Probably in the future" he will let Gibbs know? Doesn't he have more respect for the head coach than this?

To me this illustrates one of the problems with the Redskins. The head coach isn't even in control of his own team anymore.

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I cant believe that joe gibbs didnt stop that pass from leaving Trent Edwards hands and gaining 50 yds with no timeouts and on their own 30 yd line.

How dare he not generate enough pass rush. Or cover.

How dare he let a safety happen on a horrible effort. I cant believe he calls himself a NFL Right Tackle.

:laugh: I'm actually more pissed at him because he did such a horrible job run blocking. What did Portis finish with...50 yds on 25 carries? Good job Joe ;)

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The only thing you can fault Gibbs with is having faith in:

J Fabs and T Wade (which he had to) - Sorry these guys are NOT starting NFL caliber. Getting RANDY back is going to be HUGE.

Reed Doughty (which he had to)- Look he is a steve tasker type of guy. He is a clone of Adam Archuletta (not just saying that because he is white). once again NOT starting NFL caliber.

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None of that falls on the players ... ? Coaches put the best product on the field they can it is up to the players to keep playing ... blown second half leads are more a factor of the players taking plays off than the coaches preparation... Gibbs doesn't run the wrong routes, he doesnt fall over, he doesnt have the ball bounce off his face guard.

It amazes me how much the fans put on the coach and how much falls on the fact we don't have a GM . There is no magic bullet other than patience ... we have seen this team shut down high powered offenses in Detroit and Green Bay we dominanted the Bucs and the Bill game and came away with losses. We hung with the Cowboys ..all signs this is a team that is on the right track ....but so many want to throw all that away see the likes of Espy, Mix, Betts, Jansen, Springs, Washington, ARE, Moss, Sellers, Cartwright, Heyer, Smoot all be swept out with him as the coaches new broom sweeps clean. You want to see another promising QB have his career stunted by a new offensive plan, another promising DB walk out of town because he is fustrated by the constant change...

..it sickens me and to be calling for Gibbs head this week of all weeks just makes it all the sadder

Excellent post.


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Coach Gibbs was brought back here for a reason,and maybe that reason was to help guys through this traumatic event that has hit our Redskins.I think he will be good for the team whether he wins again this year or not through his faith and leadership qualities.He will walk away on his terms and his only,the way it should be.

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So Williams plans this tribute and almost 24 hours later doesn't think to let the head coach know? "Probably in the future" he will let Gibbs know? Doesn't he have more respect for the head coach than this?

To me this illustrates one of the problems with the Redskins. The head coach isn't even in control of his own team anymore.

I think that perhaps this was a "defensive" team thing.. that in their own way, this was the defense doing something that only they could do. I.e., offense could not play with 10 men as Sean didn't play on offense. Perhaps GW got himself in hot water with Gibbs, but perhaps he never intended to tell Gibbs as this was his own little "thing" to do.

I don't know.. I could see that happening.

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None of that falls on the players ... ? Coaches put the best product on the field they can it is up to the players to keep playing ... blown second half leads are more a factor of the players taking plays off than the coaches preparation... Gibbs doesn't run the wrong routes, he doesnt fall over, he doesnt have the ball bounce off his face guard.

It amazes me how much the fans put on the coach and how much falls on the fact we don't have a GM . There is no magic bullet other than patience ... we have seen this team shut down high powered offenses in Detroit and Green Bay we dominanted the Bucs and the Bill game and came away with losses. We hung with the Cowboys ..all signs this is a team that is on the right track ....but so many want to throw all that away see the likes of Espy, Mix, Betts, Jansen, Springs, Washington, ARE, Moss, Sellers, Cartwright, Heyer, Smoot all be swept out with him as the coaches new broom sweeps clean. You want to see another promising QB have his career stunted by a new offensive plan, another promising DB walk out of town because he is fustrated by the constant change...

..it sickens me and to be calling for Gibbs head this week of all weeks just makes it all the sadder

We DO have a GM...his name is JOE GIBBS...

yes, this all falls on him, moreso than at any other team...

he, allegedly, is responsible for

all personnel decisions

game management


player motivation

halftime adjustments

the list goes on and on and on and on...in fact, if you were to make a list of reasons that a football team fails and loses, and then were to put a name next to who was responsible, in whole or in part, for that thing, Joe Gibbs' name would be next to EVERY ONE...INCLUDING PLAYER EXECUTION....certainly along with the player's name...but it is the coach's responsibility to ensure that a player is a capable of executing in crucial situations, and if he consistently does not, then to replace him.....

its not like we had the absolute perfect game plan, everyone was where they were supposed to be, and portis trips on a blade of grass....no...this is certainly on the players...but who brought these players in? Joe Gibbs...who coaches these players? Joe Gibbs...who has final say on all personnel decisions? Joe Gibbs....

hrmm...a pattern emerges....

I love Joe...he wants his last year, he gets it...but even the man HIMSELF would tell you he has not done his job very well, and that a lot of things are going to have to change in order for this team to get better, and the first place the changes have to start are with him....part of this is because he is a fantastic human being...but part of this is because HE REALLY IS AN INSIGHTFUL, SMART MAN..HE KNOWS HE IS SCREWING UP BY THE NUMBERS AND HAS NOT DONE VERY MUCH TO REBUILD THIS FOOTBALL TEAM AS OF YET....

At some point, the conversation will occur (if it hasn't already) with Gibbs as to whether or not the best thing is to have him help in another roll...i will be very interested to see what his honest appraisal of that is...

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Mike Nolan is in his second or third year I believe. He's officially on the hot seat in San Fran.

I can't seem to find Mike Nolan's bust in Canton or his name on any Lombardi trophies much less three of them. He's made some terrible mistakes. There is no denying it but Joe Gibbs is a fantastic leader and an awesome coach. I am absolutely amazed at how quickly we forget A) what he has done in this organization for all of us fans, B) What he inherited and the 15 years between his first tenure and this one and C) The man who is up there right now steadying this ship as it traverses the raging river of these disastrous circumstances. I think many of you grossly underestimate what he has done for this organization and what he is doing for this organization. Even if you really truthfully don't believe he is the best man for the job the level of disrespect on a REDSKINS board is unreal to me. Sometimes you would think it was an eagles board. He is our head coach. He is our hall of fame three time superbowl winning coach and none of you should be disrespecting him. My :2cents:

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Any other coach would be fired by now.

That's a fact.

Come on, Joe. Let's get four straight wins.

Norv lasted 7 years here...we're going to let an X-cowboy's coach last longer than the hall of fame HC who took this team to 4 SuperBowls?


Joe Gibbs can coach as long as he wants from this fan!

This fan base is becoming pure lunacy

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Dude get a grip

Time management pales in comparison to Player execution.

We did not lose our last game due to time management. We lost cause when the chips are down our players DONT EXECUTE.

I dont know if its coaching, or lack of heart or conditioning or what. We fall flat on our faces come the end of the 4th Quarter. And we have ALL season long.

Who picked the players?

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gibbs is still the man and i dont care what anyone thinks.

when you consider the state of this team when he took over...... after the "ole ball coach" set us back about 10 years, i think joe has done a great job of bringing talent to this team.

it takes time to build a winner and im willing to give joe all that he needs!

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Lindell has hit 17 straight FG's. He stroked the 51 yarder before it got nullified.

You REALLY think the timeout gaffe cost us the game?

No, but for some it's the straw that broke the camels back. others have even done the math and came up with Gibbs would have to go 2-2 to match the same record as the 4 seasons prior to Gibbs (spurrier, Schottenheimer, Turner, Robiskie) a grand total of 28.

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I think we might have a Parcells type situation here. We have got enough players to make a solid run but still need a couple of pieces to be complete. 1 solid draft and a crop of 2nd-3rd tier FA will do the job. Parcells was old-school like Gibbs and limited the talent of the team

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Dude get a grip

Time management pales in comparison to Player execution.

We did not lose our last game due to time management. We lost cause when the chips are down our players DONT EXECUTE.

I dont know if its coaching, or lack of heart or conditioning or what. We fall flat on our faces come the end of the 4th Quarter. And we have ALL season long.

Well, Gibbs picked (draft, FA, & trades) the players who are not executing. (he is the de facto GM). And Gibbs is coaching the players who are not executing.

He got the players he asked for and is telling them what to do. And he claims that character is #1 (the players will listen to him).

He either has hand picked the wrong players or is doing a bad job coaching good players. Which is it?

So who's fault is it?


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If Gibbs would admit to himself that there are certain things he can't identify with in todays game and allow Saunders and Williams to freely do things, these losses wouldn't happen. Gibbs needs to understand this is a different time and game and the success he had before has nothing to do with now. There is more to the game of football than being Super Smart, especially when you now have 350 lbs men running 4.3 40's and doing back flips. All these coaches need to understand no matter how many schemes and packages they as coaches have, if there isn't athletic ability to perform in these schemes you will lose.

The problem with the skins are there are too many chiefs and not enough indians so to speak and all the coaches are too arrogant, YES even Gibbs!

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You can't really compare Gibbs first stint to his second. The first time, he was coming in as a proven offensive coordinator for the Chargers who had incredible offenses with Fouts and company. There was a different mentality when it came to players. There was no parity, no free agency, no egos, no nonsense expect coaches coaching and players loving to play for the love of the game.

This second time, it's just an entirely different NFL. If the Joe Gibbs of 25 years ago coached the Redskin team today, the results wouldn't be much different from 2004-to the present. You can't compare Gibbs from '81'/'92 to the Gibbs of today. It was a different era, different mentality, different circumstances pertaining to the National Football League as a whole.

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If our players aren't executing, can you really put all blame on the players? I don't think so. I also blame the head coach. After all, he is the guy who brought all these subpar players here. Bringing exceptional players(and releasing those who aren't getting the job done) is a part of a coach's job. Also, if players aren't executing, it must be because they aren't coached properly. Any way you look at it, it is Gibbs' fault. It's time for him to go. He is a terrible coach, and the only reason he's here is to make money and use it to expand his NASCAR operation. I respect him for what he did for us in the past, but enough is enough.

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Hold on. Timeout!! Timeout!!! Ring a bell?

That timeout call was far from at the root of why we lost that game on Sunday. There is a litany of reasons and the timeout is far from the top in my mind.

Redzone offense being one of those things...a big one!

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If our players aren't executing, can you really put all blame on the players? I don't think so. I also blame the head coach. After all, he is the guy who brought all these subpar players here. Bringing exceptional players(and releasing those who aren't getting the job done) is a part of a coach's job. Also, if players aren't executing, it must be because they aren't coached properly. Any way you look at it, it is Gibbs' fault. It's time for him to go. He is a terrible coach, and the only reason he's here is to make money and use it to expand his NASCAR operation. I respect him for what he did for us in the past, but enough is enough.

You think he's here for money and promotional purposes??? Are you insane?

Yeah, Gibbs doesn't have enough money...he going to work the demanding hours that being a NFL head coach demands at his age, with his medical conditions for the money...He can sit at home with his grandkids without ever having to worry about money...


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