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Colin Cowherd To Talk About Sean Taylor


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Rapid backpedalling in effect. Classless-- "i based my statements on my consultations with mike wilbon, stephen a smith, antwell rolle"

"i'm admitting that i was wrong" (this is sweet considering when he said last week that "MY GUT TELLS ME, AND MY GUT IS NEVER WRONG!!! That this is not random and it is a result of Sean Taylor's background."

Thanks for apologizing- but take responsibility for it yourself- PUNK.

Take a page from our beloved (if embattled) coach- if you F-up, at least take the blame, don't do a ray-ray or a billick and blame everyone else on YOUR error! :mad:

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Hey Colin...to quote a rather large jackass, "Just because you clean the carpet doesn't mean the stain isn't still there." (He said that)...Too little too late jackass.

He was going on what everyone else said...oh yeah God Forbid you do any work on your own.

This clown lost me as a listener and is making me happier than ever that I am no longer working in the media.

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He is apologizing for being wrong, but NOT for having a strong opinion. He said he gets paid to give his opinion, and to be aggressive about it.

He thinks his opinion had warrent because of Sean previous past, but says he does not mind admitting when he is wrong.

Compared it to his dad who was an alcoholic. Said he was dry for two years and then got pulled over by the cops. They all thought, because of his past, that alcohol was invloved, but no one would take his word that he wasn't drinking.

Cowherd said his opinion had merit because of Sean's past but that he was wrong about it. Said he didn't talk about it the day Sean died and the day of his funernal out of respect.

He seemed to have a little remorse, but still not backing down about what he said, just how he said it. He said he hadn't had a chance to listen back to his tape fully, but commented that he might have said a few things too aggressively.

A half hearted apology if you ask me.

*Edit - He is still on and now saying that it was out of respect that he was even talking about him in the first place. He doesn't talk about people or teams that people don't care about. And the very fact that he was talking about Sean Taylor's death was because he deserved to be talked about.

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Good for him.

He spread the responsibility, but I'm glad he mustered up the balls to take care of this before this is gone and forgotten.

The guy is a pompous jackass and has bad taste in vodka, but his drivel is still more entertaining than the other guys on the radio when I'm driving to school (Opie and Anthony couldn't suck any harder and Ed Norris' callers make me change the station whenever I listen). I wish WJFK's signal was better past Annapolis.

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So he admitted that his statements last week were incorrect, which everyone in the world knows, and then tried to pass the buck on who's fault it is, which is what we really cared about hearing an apology for. Good job Cowherd, it's amazing you've conned your way through having a show this long.

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It was a rambling mess if you asked me. He basically said he was wrong but he justified his opinion by saying he "consulted" with top black writers, as if that makes what he said okay. We all think Wilbon was wrong too. He then rambled about how he presents his show, how it is aggressive and thats what we want. Funny though, when the Duke LaCrosse story broke he totally ignored it until the facts came out, which turned out to be the right thing to do. The bottom line is that he should have done the same thing with this case, but he got anxious and thought he could nail the story before anyone else and shoved his foot in his mouth.

He sort of said he was wrong without really saying it. He defended his reason to not apologize by comparing himself to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity (don't see the connection there). He sort of said he was insensitive on that day. And then went on the boast about his aggressive style and how he makes ESPN and local affiliates gobs of money. Which I guess, is another reason to justify him being wrong.

In the end to me, he came off as trying to be contrite without really being contrite. His speech had more boasting and self defense in it than humility, which wasn't enough for me.

BTW...What is this story about Sean Taylor's SUV being shot up 12 times. I've never heard that one before.

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Why would you consult Stephen A. Smith about Sean Taylor?

Excellent question. He "consulted" a couple of amateur sociologists who just happen to be black, but who knew absolutely nothing about Sean Taylor the person. BRILLIANT!!

Instead, how about consulting some people who actually KNEW Sean Taylor? How's that for a novel idea?

Cowherd's notion that these black writers "knew" something about Sean Taylor simply because he too was black, is inherently stupid and probably even racist. I guess I'm an expert on Brett Favre because I'm white? WTF?

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He took a couple of calls and still refused to apologize. He should have had Drew Rosenhaus on so that he could hear some of the good (facts) about Sean. Since he wants to lean on people for opinions. Why not lean on those close to him.

Then again this is a guy who leaned on Len Pasquarelli for reasons not to vote Art Monk into the the HOF, instead of asking people who played with him. So this pattern of leaning on the wrong people is not surprising.

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He lost me as a listener with his blatantly sexist remarks. So, I wasn't tuned in when he made the assinine statements about a man he never knew.

He still isn't being accountable -- by saying he consulted with Wilbon, Steven A., and the other guy. It's no different than a bunch of school kids gossiping about someone they never knew.

I hope more people continue to boycott his show. Bad enough I can't listen to TripleXESPN from 10am - noon because of this creep. I tune into SportsTalk 980 - then at noon I tune back to TripleX to listen to Bram and Larry.

And boycott PTI!

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Excellent question. He "consulted" a couple of amateur sociologists who just happen to be black, but who knew absolutely nothing about Sean Taylor the person. BRILLIANT!!

Instead, how about consulting some people who actually KNEW Sean Taylor? How's that for a novel idea?

I agree, I'm black and I thought that was totally lame. Yet, he still takes the "opinion" of Antrell Rolle as fact. And keeps saying that he was warned to leave south florida. HELLO, he has his whole family there, he was there for a weekend protecting his future wife and kid, who were probably scared from the last break-in. He refuses to acknowledge to rest of the facts of the case or even mention them.


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