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The only thing that really worries me about Thursday night


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After the poor performance at FedEx on Sunday, I'm worried about being embarrassed on national TV on Thursday night.

Not embarrassed by our team. No. Embarrassed by our fans.

I wasn't at the game on Sunday (heck, I had to "watch" via the Redskins Radio stream and the NFL game tracker), but I've read the posts and the papers regarding the behavior of some of our so-called fans, and can only shake my head in disbelief at some of the reports.

I understand that some of the offending behavior was isolated to small groups of the stupid and the very stupid, such as shouting during the moment of silence or chanting against Joe Gibbs after the game, but the problem is that these sorts of things tend to spread and grow over time if left unchecked.

If you think it's time for Coach Gibbs to hang it up, I won't begrudge you that opinion. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to express that opinion, and if you're chanting your displeasure in public, especially in light of these horrible circumstances, then you are expressing yourself in 100% the WRONG WAY.

So for those of you who will be at the game, all I ask is that you support our guys as loudly and as warmly as you can. They need it. We need it. And should any fools rear their heads, drown the fools out.

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For the most part, the crowd was very good on Sunday for such a lack-luster performance on the field. Even a lot of people in the infamous club level at least yelled "fight for old DC" when we finally got the only TD of the day. It seemed very loud on defense every series as well. It's just that field goal after field goal rarely generates much excitement for the offense.

I did find myself arguing optimism with a few cynics all game but it was no big deal really.

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okay... I would imagine beer sales are a huge % of profit so that will never happen. And why the heck should those behaved fans be punished for the poor behavior of a few fans. If people are clearly intoxicated they should be removed that is where your breakdown in crowd control lies.

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They need to stop selling beer, or limit it to 1-2 for the night....I don't know stamp them or something, it is ridiculous.

I dont think in-game drinking is the real problem....$8 beers can be thanked for that. Its the 4-5 hours of drinking people do while tailgating that is the real issue. Not sure how you stop people from doing it though.

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That is true. The majority of the nation once again won't get to see this game. I think it's ridiculous that the NFL is trying to make the providers carry their network by making it the only outlet you can get the game on. It's like blackmail.

I don't understand though why they allowed the local stations in Green Bay area to show the game. If it's supposed to be on the NFL Network, then they should have had to suffer along with the rest of us. Are any of the DC area stations going to show the Skins/Bears game?


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After the poor performance at FedEx on Sunday, I'm worried about being embarrassed on national TV on Thursday night.

Don't be worried about being embarrassed on national tv because only 1/3 of the nation will get to see the game in their homes. It is not like Sunday night football, where every house hold gets the game.

I was talking to my wife last night and I told her that I was embarrassed to be a Skins fan these days. Like you said it is not because of the team. In fact, I can deal with losing. The winning will come one day.

I am embarrassed because we have a lot of unknowledgable and downright crude fans. I used to think we had some of the best fans in the league, I don't know what happened. Part of my feeling this way is because of this message board. I have seen too much "crap" posted here. I keep coming back for the news and the few good posts. The rest of my feelings come from watching the games and these so called football fans.

I hate the booing, I hate hearing people chant that the team and coach sucks (especially after what happened last week), I hate that they do not get loud when the defense is on the field and yet they won't shut up when our "O" is out there. This fan base has gotten ridiculous. I know there are some good fans still out there, and I hope they are leading by example.

I hear Gibbs say that we have knowledgable fans and they know as much as he does. I really hope he is being sarcastic!

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For the most part, the crowd was very good on Sunday for such a lack-luster performance on the field. Even a lot of people in the infamous club level at least yelled "fight for old DC" when we finally got the only TD of the day. It seemed very loud on defense every series as well. It's just that field goal after field goal rarely generates much excitement for the offense.

I did find myself arguing optimism with a few cynics all game but it was no big deal really.

Unfortunately, it also was VERY loud on offense. So loud, that it forced us into a false-start penalty on fourth-and-one from the two in the first quarter. And we still have problems with fans wanting to do the wave when the offense has the ball. A lot of our alleged "fans" already seem to be doing bang-up job in the embarrassing-the-good-ones deparment.

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After the poor performance at FedEx on Sunday, I'm worried about being embarrassed on national TV on Thursday night.

Eh, NFL Network is not on every Cable network, therefore its not really a "National" Audience. I wish we had the network I'd actually be able to watch it. Oh well.

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I sat in about the middle of section 412 on Sunday, and it was nearly impossible to get those around me to stand up and cheer for the defense on 3rd downs.

When most of the crowd is quiet, sitting in the cold watching a boring game slip away, it makes those who are loud and obnoxious all the more noticeable.

I think our fanbase is just exhausted. I know that I feel that way sometimes. The close losses, wins where we barely squeak by mediocre teams, inept offense, just wears on you. And with Taylor's death, I think its just a dagger in the heart for most of the fanbase. Unless you're a die-hard like myseld and most on this board, I can understand why its hard for the casual fan to get exited and energetic.

Winning cures everything. Give us some wins and you'll hear the crowd come back to life. I know that I'll always sing HTTR - the full version - after every score, and stand up and yell (and physically force those in arms reach to stand up too) on 3rd downs, but I can't do anything about the other 95% in my section.

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They need to stop selling beer, or limit it to 1-2 for the night....I don't know stamp them or something, it is ridiculous.

No way, then the empire would not make bank on us fools. $8 a pop, please. I was in Tampa, and got import drafts at the game for 6.50

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When our coaches didn't defer the kickoff and let the defense go on the field first, I knew their was a disconnect between the coaches. And when we settled for that field goal on our first drive I said "Here we go again". This team has drained its fanbase of all emotion prior to 21 passing away. So don't blame that on our lackluster cheering. After halftime, I got a beer and started some noise but it was totally hollow. Sad but true. Everytime we play a game I try to figure how we are going to lose this one.

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I don't understand though why they allowed the local stations in Green Bay area to show the game. If it's supposed to be on the NFL Network, then they should have had to suffer along with the rest of us. Are any of the DC area stations going to show the Skins/Bears game?

Games on cable must be made available OTA (over the air) to the teams' primary markets.

Are any of the DC area stations going to show the Skins/Bears game?

Channel 20 has the local rights to this game ... whether they carry the HD feed remains to be seen. I'll DVR the NFL-N feed.


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I haven't heard one good thing about the FedEx experience all year. Not one. All I've heard is complaints about violence and cursing, how the fans are stupid and either sit down the whole game or are screaming and shouting when the offense is on the field. Or that they are classless and yell insulting chants at Gibbs. It's embarrasing.

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I haven't heard one good thing about the FedEx experience all year. Not one. All I've heard is complaints about violence and cursing, how the fans are stupid and either sit down the whole game or are screaming and shouting when the offense is on the field. Or that they are classless and yell insulting chants at Gibbs. It's embarrasing.

I think the people that whine about the Fedex experience would complain about winning a million dollars(it should be 2 million or in one dollar bills). I have fun at the stadium everytime I go(3 games this year and over 50 in my lifetime). The experience is what you make it. I cheer as loud as anyone, but where is it my place to complain about someone that paid $50 to $400(or more) for a ticket because they dont want to cheer or stand when I think they should?

Yes, anytime you get 80 to 90 thousand people together in a small area with plenty of alcohol available some are going to act up. But you have to expect that, it always will be that way at any stadium or event, even high school football games. Im only embarrased by the way our team plays and is coached.

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All 89,000 fans at the game Sunday were horrible. Yeah, that's it. It wasn't just a few fans, it was everyone! Not one person had a good time. No one cheered. Everyone was loud on offense. The fans caused the false start. Forget the fact that they are professionals and should be able to deal with distraction, that false start was all on the fans. 90% of the crowd was Bills fans. Every Redskins fan got into a fight with another fan. Everyone was drunk and belligerent. I've been going to games since 1932 and this is the worst ever. Our fans are worse than Philly fans. I got yelled at when I stood up. I had to walk through 6 inches of vomit. The ramps are uphill both ways.

Did I miss any?


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