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Is it ok to filter **** but not goddamn?


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Here is my take on it.

Personally, it's not offensive to me. However, I think that if you're going to filter some words you might want to filter others that could be considered a cuss word. I doubt there are any kids or really young teens on this board, but if there are, I would hate to be responsible for them using it because they think it's okay and then mom knocking some teeth out.

That's a very slippery slope. Suddenly we can't say ****bag or mekrab. That would suck (well, it would actually **** as we would no longer be able to type suck).

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It's an arbitrary line, just as any other line society draws for itself.

Why is the speed limit 25 instead of 20?

Why is the voting age 18 instead of 16?

Why is the drinking age 21?

I'm sure there are 17 year-olds that are perfectly capable of drinking responsibly, or voting responsibly, and there are 23 year olds who probably have no business making those decisions. But the line is at 21 and 18, respectively, despite what some certain individuals are capable of.

The profanity filter is another such arbitrary line. There are more words that offend people than the ones filtered, but the staff has decided that line they have picked serves the most people most effectively. There are words I find offensive that are not filtered out here. I don't say them myself, and when I see something offensive to me I'll say so. Other than that it's not really worth worrying about.

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I think the moral to this story is...

Censor yourself if you feel uncomfortable.

I have heard things from friends of mine that I don't say or don't find appropriate, and they have heard the same from me.

It's up to me to be held responsible for what I say and them, the same.

Personally, curse words themselves don't bother me. It is the context in which they are used which can be questionable.

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I think the moral to this story is...

Censor yourself if you feel uncomfortable.

I have heard things from friends of mine that I don't say or don't find appropriate, and they have heard the same from me.

It's up to me to be held responsible for what I say and them, the same.

Personally, curse words themselves don't bother me. It is the context in which they are used which can be questionable.

Yes. For example, as in "I can see her cameltoe." I've seen that in here in the past. IMHO, that word should be ******** on this site. But that's just my opinion. Others may not agree.

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My bible tell me not to use his name in vain

im just curious as to why ****(poop) is bad but goddamnit is ok

especially with youngsters around

Because...as George Carlin points out... ****, piss, ****, ****, **********, mother****er and tits are the heavy seven. :D

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Since this is a family forum, and younger family members are using the forums, you need filters.

I suppose so, but I would argue that one can be more offensive without using so-called curse words. It's all about context (;) there you go, Zguy).

I would also add that the Tailgate is less family-oriented than the rest of the site; that is, the subject matter around here is geared more towards adults, because we mostly have adults hanging out here. Further, I've read a lot of wonderfully offensive things here (and perhaps wrote some myself) without ever using one curse word.

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To be honest, I'd prefer they not filter any words, at least in the Tailgate (though admittedly, for comedic purposes, the filters can be helpful).

I think borinblood has a valid point, in as much as it seems fairly arbitrary what words society deems acceptable or unacceptable. Who decides these things? And to what end?

Still, I would never advocate the filtering or "bleeping" of words because some may find them offensive. On the other hand, shouldn't there be a level of respect for the feelings and beliefs of others? Then the question becomes, where do we draw the line?

Gotdamnit, you've made me agree with you. :doh:

Seriously, what's the intention of filitering words? Not offend? The way I was raised using God's name in vain is the most offensive curse word you can use. However, for some reason it's suddenly become acceptable in society. You hear it on the radio all the time. Decline of society I guess, freaking communists. :D

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Because its not a Goddamn swear word - especially if you're not Christian. Plus, if I have an actual reason for using Goddamn (say I want your deity to be damned) then it's not really in vain, now is it?

Rince, send me a copy of the all inclusive swear word dictionary that racks and stacks swear words in order of most offensive to least offensive. :applause:

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Rince, send me a copy of the all inclusive swear word dictionary that racks and stacks swear words in order of most offensive to least offensive. :applause:

So, when someone says it is a swear word you let it slide. But when someone says it isn't you need a book? Why don't you ask borninblood for the Goddamn book, he's the one that started the thread.

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So, when someone says it is a swear word you let it slide. But when someone says it isn't you need a book? Why don't you ask borninblood for the Goddamn book, he's the one that started the thread.

I'm just saying to some fart is a bad word, my wife will only say poot. As far as swear words, what is or isn't one? The F bomb is so common place shouldn't it be a little less of a bad word these days? How about _unt? You see, I hear _ussy on the radio and on TV these days but not the _unt word. Who determines when a word is a swear word? A pet peeve of mine is people swearing in front of elderly people and women. Being that most military members are potty mouths I'm constantly having to call down young Airmen for swearing in public where everyone and their brother can hear. If you want to curse, curse but don't do it where everyone and their brother can hear it.

Get my point, no need to get your panties in a bunch. I figured you would get that I was just ribbing you a little bit, no need to act like most ****es. :D

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I'm just saying to some fart is a bad word, my wife will only say poot. As far as swear words, what is or isn't one? The F bomb is so common place shouldn't it be a little less of a bad word these days? How about _unt? You see, I hear _ussy on the radio and on TV these days but not the _unt word. Who determines when a word is a swear word? A pet peeve of mine is people swearing in front of elderly people and women. Being that most military members are potty mouths I'm constantly having to call down young Airmen for swearing in public where everyone and their brother can hear. If you want to curse, curse but don't do it where everyone and their brother can hear it.

Get my point, no need to get your panties in a bunch. I figured you would get that I was just ribbing you a little bit, no need to act like most ****es. :D

I was just ribbing back. :)

And pointing out that I don't think borninblood gets to decide that Goddamn is a swear word. Just like I don't get to put out that it isn't - though I will anyways because I'm a Goddamn pimp. :pimp:

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I was just ribbing back. :)

And pointing out that I don't think borninblood gets to decide that Goddamn is a swear word. Just like I don't get to put out that it isn't - though I will anyways because I'm a Goddamn pimp. :pimp:

Being that my Pops was a Baptist minister Gotdamn was a big time no no. Now my Dad wasn't a bible thumper his whole life. As a matter of fact most couldn't believe that the brawling, womanizing, alcoholic had given his life to the lord. He had his moments working on the truck where he'd throw a wrench or two and slip a few swear words in there for old time sake but never ever did he use Gotdamn. Back in the day that word was extremely taboo. I guess we're becoming desensitized to swear words just like we are to violence and stupid assed politicians. :2cents: To this day I won't use GD, I always use it the way I've been writing it, Gotdamn.

Pimp? Come on now, that's a stretch. Pimple maybe? :laugh: Damn I miss the tailgate. :applause:

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Personally I think it should be filtered. Its probably the most offensive word other than the F bomb. People of all religions are offended more by it than just damn. Then we have the children. Think of the children (in a lady's voice urging money for Africa)


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