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Have 2007 Redskins Taken The Last Punch?


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Does it really matter any more what the other teams deficiencies are?? Have The Redskins shown the ability to take advantage of another teams' deficiencies lately. No deficiency is too big and no scoring defecit is too great when you play The 2007 Redskins.

(yes, I'm bitter and angry)

I feel your pain. It is my own also. Much like the college football season, it's been a season of surprises. So I'm trying to be a positive light for a moment and prepare for the fact that I don't think this team has packed it in yet.

So you don't think at all that the Vikings Adrian Peterson is going to make us look silly?

Cause I sure do.

We're fully capable of making ourselves look silly, we don't need help from Peterson. Now I predicted after the draft, he would be the one player we'd hate to play (of all players we could've picked that were on the board when we chose Landry). Having said that, he's not fully healthy to my knowledge and still has two more games to get through before we'd have to play him. I'm saying he won't be playing or won't be at full strength. But even if he is, I just haven't seen anything about the Vikings that scare me.

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Being too lazy and running on a time-limit here, I will say this.. and hope it hasn't already been expressed.

I won't be sorely disappointed if we lose on Thursday. I was listening to 980 on the way home from class today, and they made a point. You're taking a team that is recovering from the death of a team-mate, a meaningful, emotional & heart-breaking loss to the Bills yesterday, and a funeral today. This has got to open up a flood-gate of emotions. It's gonna be harder to recover from the emotional trauma.. this team must be absolutely drained. With one practice between today and Thursday, I don't expect the 'Skins to come out on Thursday and easily defeat the Bears. :2cents:

That being said, I obviously don't WANT us to lose to the Bears, but I'm not going to ***** and moan and cry if we don't seal the deal and carry on our playoff hopes on Thursday. I sympathize with the team, and.. win or lose, I'm behind them 100% this Thursday.

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Is now the time to play these middle of the year signings and go for broke? I say yes. Even if we make the playoffs what do we get out of it? Experience i guess. that's about it.

Put Mix and Kendall and McCardell in Lets see what they got. We will need to know before next year, IMO

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Lets hope somehow they can pull out of this funk and win 4 in a row and beat out someone else for a playoff spot.

That's about all we can do right now, as fans ... hope. And for those going to the game on Thursday, bring your voices and help the defense ensure that "Bad Rex" is under center for the Bears. Playoffs?? PLAYOFFS?!?! :insane:

In all fairness, it is mathematically possible with a little help ... it goes without saying that the team needs to "man up" and win out. That being said, we'll need a little help in the form of one loss by each of the following 6-6 teams ...

  1. Arizona: in the driver's seat but looking at back to back road games coming up: at Seattle and New Orleans. One loss puts us even with them in the loss column and we own that tiebreaker.
  2. Detroit: trouble on the horizon as they host Dallas, then travel to San Diego, host Kansas City and finish the season at Green Bay. I think we all know Kitna will be eating a lot of crow real soon ... (guaranteed 10 wins)
  3. Minnesota: we play them on Week 16. A victory in Minneapolis puts them at seven losses and gives us a potential tiebreaker. The rest of the schedule: at San Francisco (Week 14), home to Chicago (Week 15), at Denver (Week 17).

The Giants are beatable; look what the Vikings did to them a week ago at the Meadowlands. It was their defense that picked off Eli four times, with a "pick six" trifecta.

If Dallas gets to 14-1, they clinch home field because they own the tiebreaker with Green Bay, who could be no better than 13-2 at that point. Indeed, they could rest their starters here ...

While our playoff fate is not completely in our hands, I feel confident that the help would come in a loss for Arizona and Detroit. But the team must take care of its business first and they need support from the fans.

I've been a Redskins fan for the last 30 years ... win or lose, they get my support.


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Having said that, he's not fully healthy to my knowledge and still has two more games to get through before we'd have to play him. I'm saying he won't be playing or won't be at full strength. But even if he is, I just haven't seen anything about the Vikings that scare me.

You know as well as I do what happens when we play teams with good confident RB's.

They mysteriously have a career game every time. Think Westbrook, Tiki Barber, Emmit Smith....

He's gonna have a 200+ yard game against us... that sure does scare me.

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I think we were all taken in by the excitement a new season brings, but weren't we all being just a little unrealistic? I mean, how far did you really think a Jason Campbell was going to take us, in his first full season at the helm? Did you think the learning curve didn't apply to a Redskins quarterback? Before yesterday's game he was sacked some 17 times!!! Yesterday the Redskins had to settle for field goals after they drove to the Bills' 5 yard line on their first two drives of the game and Campbell was under pressure all day long, including a sack in the end zone for a safety and two turnovers -a fumble and an INT -that set up Buffalo field goals. If that doesn't tell you something about our Offensive Line then you should just as well be watching Hannah Montana. The Offensive Line needs to be re-tooled before Campbell really takes off and forget about Jon Jansen, he's too injury prone! Samuels is the most penalized Offensive Lineman and the rest of the line is too small to dominate the line of scrimmage. Also, doesn't seem like everyweek we're missing one of our star players to an injury? The sooner we start talking draft the easier it will be to forget this season.....

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This team has had the "Season From Hell" this year. First, the entire right side of the OL was lost. Then the WR corps was decimated. Then Carlos Rogers-gone, Marcus Washington-out, Mike Sellers-out, Sean Taylor-murdered, Shawn Springs-hurt, I may have missed a few. On top of it was questionable coaching decisions, a horrible schedule, and...well, you guys could probably add more. I dunno. For me, I'm ready to take a deep breath and try to figure out where we go from here. I'll pull for the team until the end (mathematically, we still are in the hunt) but, mercifully, may the season end quickly with no further pain.

This team is hurting and not just with all of the injuries that have compiled on top of them from game 1 against Miami. Was at the game Sunday against the Bills, was hoping that they would play inspired football, and until the end believed that they could win. I will continue to cheer and hope each week we will get a win. But in honesty, if we could win and somehow manage to get into a wildcard playoff, I don't see us doing very well. We will still be injured in many ways and I would rather see us getting some draft picks and being able to heal.

:helmet: :logo:

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Campbell wasn't the problem when Santana Moss dropped a winning touchdown against the Packers or when the defense wilted against the Eagles at Fedex when we scored 25 points on offense that day :)

This team has been up and down and it is the TEAM rather than any individual player you have to point to, and that includes the coaching staff and front office.

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We play Chicago at home. That's a break.

The G men are in the same boat we are -- thin on talent and can't afford the injuries they've recently suffered.

Minnesota is one dimensional and Gregg Williams does his best game planning against teams like that.

Dallas might rest their starters at FedEx..

We might win one.:laugh:

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I think if this week's game was on Sunday, the team would have a little bit of hope left.

I just can't imagine how they are going to be ready to play on Thursday though. I honestly am fully prepared for one of those "the wheels are coming off" type games. The Bears are mediocre but they can do three things:

1. cause turnovers

2. cause havoc on special teams

3. have Rexy throw the ball deep.

I picture one of those games where the Bears are suddenly up 21-0 even though they only have, like, 75 yards of total offense.

At this point, I can't name one thing we do particularly well and we have to be running on fumes.

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I never had hopes of making the playoffs this year...realistically speaking (ok, they were slight but I never fooled myself into thinking we were contenders). We did not miraculously improve this squad (with the notable exceptions of Landry/Fletcher). Our biggest weakness, the D-line, has never been addressed. So yes, this season is officially over and, in light of Taylor's death which seems to hurt more as time goes by for me, I'm ready to shelf this season and watch the other contenders duke it out.


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The team is done for 2007. It it too used to finding ways to lose instead of win. I think Jason is a tad bit shellshocked after so many inopportune fumbles and pics. I don't think he's lost confidence in himself but I think the turnovers may cause him to hesitate just long enough the rest of the season causing things to snowball from hereon in. I hope I'm wrong about that.

The defense has simply been too inconsistant lately and, without Taylor, in not nearly the same team they were at the beginning of the season.

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how many times have we hoped we could parlay a top pick into multiple picks and/or players and end up with a significant offseason haul of younger talent? :(

like the Lions we sit there with our pick and keep taking one or two positions over and over again.

you have to spread the wealth across a 53 man roster.

where it appears the player you want is not available you have to CREATE an opportunity to move into position to acquire that player.....and hopefully do so without having to give up a premium of picks each time :)

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Has anyone seen that kid Hester from LSU? I like the way he plays and I think he'd make a great addition to our team. The guy protects the rock as if his life depended on it, which is more than our current group can say. I don't know if he has the speed to dominate in this league but he can be a solid 4-5 yard push every time. Another guy I like is Eric Ainge, I know he had a couple bad games this year but the guy doesn't get sacked....ever and he is running an offense very similar to ours. I'm not saying we need a QB but having options at that position can never hurt. The real glaring spot we need help though is our offensive and defensive line. I think we need to take some hard looks at those 2 positions in next years draft. The other spot we could use some real talent is WR, we need a tall reciever that can go up and make the catch. I don't know if we can get that in free agency.:2cents:

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Has anyone seen that kid Hester from LSU? I like the way he plays and I think he'd make a great addition to our team. The guy protects the rock as if his life depended on it, which is more than our current group can say. I don't know if he has the speed to dominate in this league but he can be a solid 4-5 yard push every time. Another guy I like is Eric Ainge, I know he had a couple bad games this year but the guy doesn't get sacked....ever and he is running an offense very similar to ours. I'm not saying we need a QB but having options at that position can never hurt. The real glaring spot we need help though is our offensive and defensive line. I think we need to take some hard looks at those 2 positions in next years draft. The other spot we could use some real talent is WR, we need a tall reciever that can go up and make the catch. I don't know if we can get that in free agency.:2cents:

We need a LG.

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We have no chance to make the playoffs. If you think so, please pass some of that over here. This team is so flawed.

We would be best served to blow it all up and start over. Coaches, players, front office, everything.

Sucks to admit it, but the Redskins just don't have a winner's heart and haven't for a long time.

Leading at the half so often, only to see it slip away IS NOT a team that has almost arrived, but a team that got left at the station.

We are actually quite similar to teams fielded under Norv, in terms of heartbreak, and worse than Marty's team, the one that finished 8-3. Spurrier's record sucked, but how much worse than Joe's? I'd rather we get stomped than lose close game after close game.

Finally, I so loved ST, but we did have a 5-11 team with him last year.


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