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Am I not supposed to be P.O.'ed? My ramblings...


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Almost 11pm, and I'm still in shock.

Ok, I need to know, am I supposed to be P.O.'ed over this game?

Buffalo is a subpar team, straight up and straight down, and they beat us.

A rookie QB with 5 starts and a 1:5 TD:INT ratio, beat us.

A rookie QB who threaded the needle and made our secondary look like the keystone cops.

A journey man RB who played in every other league known to man, beat us.

A defense that seemed to know where CP was running to all day.

A defense that absolutely bamboozled whoever the O-line coach is.

Seriously, JC had very little time and CP could've carried the ball 99 times and still would've struggled to get 100 yards. Those guys didn't get out of their blocks...they might as well been playing on ice, I saw so many of them on the ground.

5 FGs and a safety beat us.

A HALL OF FAME coach, I mean he has his own wing in the stadium...doesn't know the consecutive time out rule??? C'MON, I'm getting a little sick of this!!!

Smoot, I love your swagger, but until you can shut down an entire side of a field...you are not Deion Sanders. Stop having your own little boat party every time you sorta get a tackle!

I miss Sean, but this team played like this 3-4-5 weeks ago...the crowd was hot early, but there were times when it sounded like a library. 3 shots inside the 15 and all we got in the 1st quarter was 3 FGs...that's pathetic, but that's been the gameplan every since version 2.0 got downloaded.

I'm sorry, this is not the way to go out. I wasn't expecting a Disney ending today, but man, they didn't, as they've been saying all week, "leave it on the field" and "fly around like Sean." They just didn't.

Hate me if you want, there are worse things to be than hated...

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I sadly agree with much of your post, it's been one of the hardest weeks as a Redskin and Gibbs just happens to coach one of his worst games on the day we honor ST.

Once the year ends, I really think Gibbs should retire. I never thought that until today, but the fact that he doesn't even know simple rules week after week and is costing the team games is hard to watch.

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I agree that losing to a rookie QB and RB is embarassing, Gregg Williams's D was owned by freakin Trent Edwards!

But like most of the other posters have said, this was a tough week. Not much practice or preperation.

This is not our year guys, too many injuries and dumb decisions. Maybe next year.

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I think under the circumstances a let down in this game would have been acceptable if we had not pissed away the previous 3 mixed with the collapse versus the giants. However even with this weeks events the team seemed to play exactly like they have all year. The following are things I see week in and week out and we are simply not a good enough team to overcome these miscues. One or two of these maybe but not the multiple combinations the past 4 weeks.

We turn the ball over....we false start on 4th and 1's.....we run jumbo package ever time we move inside the 10....we drop passes....we miss tackles...we miss blocks...we get little pressure with our front 4...we don't manage the game well....we do not make good 2nd half adjustments...we get ultra conservative at times during the 2nd half and can't get our offense going...Our players lack motivation....

Feel free to pile on to this list....


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Dear Coach Gibbs:

In a game that meant so much to so many, you played this game trying to stay in the playoff hunt instead of playing for ST. We would forgive a LOSS, if it meant deep passes and bold blitzes. You failed to capture the essence of ST's play. You failed your team and its fans. I cannot forgive you for this. I didnt care about playoff implications or records today. I wanted to watch an emotional, bold, daring display of football. I wanted to see play-actions, flea-flickers, fake field goals.

Sadly, I watched your pitiful interpretation, AGAIN. Please JOE, honor the MAN. F-the playoffs. Reckless abandon, that was ST's game.

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Nothing wrong with being frustrated by this game.

I am

and again to me it's not that the Skins lost today (if they lost today it wouldnt've suprised me) but how they lost.

It's the same story.

Play well in the first half

Piss it away in the 2nd through stupid mistakes

Lose game

Team is better than that

Coaches are better than that

Many of the fans deserve better than that

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come on now , you only think they are "subpar" because you're a skins fan, we ARE not a very good football team its as simple as that but it's ok we have dealt with a lot as a team and playing inspired is one thing but you still have to play and coach smart and we did not. I think any other team in the NFL would have found a way to win todays game, just not the Redskins, but it is ok, there are bigger things to worry about and eventually we will get better, we have too, right now we just have too many htings against us and be fully prepared to go 6-10 or 7-9 this year, look at our schedule it is very very likely that we will, but if you KNOW that we aren't very good and don't expect much then it will not hurt as much. I'm just ready for the offseason this whole Taylor thing has ruined this season for me and I just want it to be over

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Im a total hypocrite.

I posted a few days ago that if they lost to the Bills I would be okay with that. Being in such a reflective mood, being nice to Cowtur...boys fans. But it just wont work for me.

God bless Sean. But Im angry. Such a wasted season. So embarrassed. Just like posted wait until next year. Ill be surprised if they win even one more game. Time to move on. :(

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yeah the bills are soooo sub par they beat us AND have a better record than us. oh and trent edwards is 5-1 and that journeyman was a star in nfle

Question when the **** did Trent Edwards play in NFL Europe? Dude bring the facts next time. Bottom Line we lost to one of the worst group of players I have ever seen. This Bills team sucks. No Lynch or A Train we should of won period. i wanted this win for Sean Taylor. I didnt care if the Skins ever won another game I wanted them to win this one for Taylor. I feel bad for Gibbs though b/c he lost a game like this with a stupid decision but the facts are the facts. Gibbs needs to go.

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yeah the bills are soooo sub par they beat us AND have a better record than us. oh and trent edwards is 5-1 and that journeyman was a star in nfle

Being subpar and simultaneously beating the Redskins is quite possible these days, Kdogg. Don't let the Bills beating us today trick you into thinking they are any good.

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Question when the **** did Trent Edwards play in NFL Europe? Dude bring the facts next time. Bottom Line we lost to one of the worst group of players I have ever seen. This Bills team sucks. No Lynch or A Train we should of won period. i wanted this win for Sean Taylor. I didnt care if the Skins ever won another game I wanted them to win this one for Taylor. I feel bad for Gibbs though b/c he lost a game like this with a stupid decision but the facts are the facts. Gibbs needs to go.

listen genious....the journeyman u spoke of at RUNNING BACK was a star in NFLE. the skins have a worse record than the bills in a weaker conference. id say that makes the bills a better team.

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Being subpar and simultaneously beating the Redskins is quite possible these days, Kdogg. Don't let the Bills beating us today trick you into thinking they are any good.

and yet they have a shot at the playoffs after losing 12 guys to the IR, playing NE 2 times and the Steelers and Cowboys, and having a rookie qb for most of the starts and a rookie rb, who has been out 3 games. Yet they are 6-6. what constitutes a good team? bs statistical rankings inflated by some showboat NE team that played them twice? or the record despite the fact that they are a very young team facing all thats stacked against them as previously stated. i guess by now you figured out im a bills fan. i didnt want to start anything over here i came to read posts about are supposed "classlessness" which is completely unwarranted but i could help but respond to some of the other sour grape disrespect i saw.

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I used to feel like Matt Millen & Isaiah Thomas had the longest leashes in pro sports---they seemingly cannot get fired no matter what they do. Nobody has more latitude and freedom than Gibbs does. Man, I hope he can honor his own reputation and step down soon. His players just aren't even buying into him at this point and it's coming across on the field.

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It's 12:45am & I'm still in shock,(not only that we lost this week's game but also how we lost in dallas 2 weeks ago)I've been a fan through the George Allen,Jack Pardee, Norv Turner,& Spurier eras,This was one of the most disappointing loses i can remember.Last season The N.Y. Giants crushed us after the death of W. Mara. If the death of a teammate doesn't inspire this team to win, nothing will.& Coaches who don't know the rules don't help. I'm starting to think the skins should petition to enter the C.F.L. maybe we could have 3 Super Bowls & a Grey Cup(Congrats to the Saskatchewan RoughRiders on their 2007 Grey Cup Win)You'd think Gibbs would know you can't make 2 pitstops in a row.

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