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Wilbon Laughing


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on XXX Wilbon was very upset and respectful about Sean, and the tragedy of him being murdered in his own home

don't take something out of context, and make a snap judgement with out knowing the exact details

I'm sure he WAS upset about this tragedy. His tune changed a LOT from PTI to XXX though. He probably decided to tone it down for the hometeam radio broadcast. Smart, but I'm not ready to lighten up on him because of it.

Context be damned. He made snap judgements about Sean while he was dying, for gosh sakes. I'll make a few about Wilbon while he scrambles to spin whatever gets him publicity. Nobody disputes that Sean had some very bad dealings in his past. It's Wilbon's timing and enthusiasm that earned him the current animosity he's getting here. I call it "grandstanding." Not to mention his self-aggrandizing claims that he somehow knows Sean better than Sean's teammates or that he has stood in Taylor's shoes. Puh-leez.

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I have been a fan of Mike Wilbon for a while now, but after hearing some of the comments he made yesterday blasting Sean Taylor as the man lay dying, I lost a lot of respect for him as a journalist, especially one working in the D.C. area where the population has been largely loved like a misunderstood little baby brother Taylor, especially yesterday.

Fixed that for ya.

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I'm in Dayton, Ohio, and ever since the story broke yesterday, I've been listening to the feed from WTEM 980 AM via the internet. Wilbon was on a show this morning (not sure which one), and said that his point was that if someone had said, "Someone on the Redksins has been shot" his first guess would be Sean Taylor. I don't know if it makes it any better, because I didn't hear what he said yesterday. Wilbon was highly pissed, and he kept saying this does not need to be framed in a football perspective; it's so much bigger than that.

But give these guys a little leeway. After John Lennon was murdered, Paul McCartney was asked what his response was and he said succinctly, "It's a drag." A lot of people were angered by this apparent callousness, but truly: who's going to be able to properly and effectively put their thoughts together coherently in a situation like that?

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The overreacton to Wilbon comments are starting to become so over the top that I wonder if there is some ulterior motive like his affilation with the Washington Post or that he regular appears on the "enemy" :rolleyes: Sportstalk 980.

I must have missed something where someone can be not suprised but still saddened by the loss of Sean. You would think that Wilbon is sitting on his ivory towers saying "oh well another dead black men. Whats for dinner". To act like Wilbon doesn't care is ridiculous. He just realizes that this is a bigger societal issue than just a football player for the Redskins. He mentioned on the 980 show that he heard good things about Sean and changing his ways. But he also mentioned thatyour past doesn't come back to you or that your neighboorhood has changed or that your friends have changed.

Think of this way, young and old african american people are getting murdered in DC every day in all sorts of neighboorhoods. If you heard this on the news today, would you be as outraged and shocked as you are now about Sean Taylor. Unforunately in today's society you might have the same "i am not suprised" attitude.

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Guest Rafterman
on XXX Wilbon was very upset and respectful about Sean, and the tragedy of him being murdered in his own home

don't take something out of context, and make a snap judgement with out knowing the exact details

EXACTLY :cheers:

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Guest Rafterman
The overreacton to Wilbon comments are starting to become so over the top that I wonder if there is some ulterior motive like his affilation with the Washington Post or that he regular appears on the "enemy" :rolleyes: Sportstalk 980.

I must have missed something where someone can be not suprised but still saddened by the loss of Sean. You would think that Wilbon is sitting on his ivory towers saying "oh well another dead black men. Whats for dinner". To act like Wilbon doesn't care is ridiculous. He just realizes that this is a bigger societal issue than just a football player for the Redskins. He mentioned on the 980 show that he heard good things about Sean and changing his ways. But he also mentioned thatyour past doesn't come back to you or that your neighboorhood has changed or that your friends have changed.

Think of this way, young and old african american people are getting murdered in DC every day in all sorts of neighboorhoods. If you heard this on the news today, would you be as outraged and shocked as you are now about Sean Taylor. Unforunately in today's society you might have the same "i am not suprised" attitude.


I buried two friends in the late 80's to that kind of violence. It still feels raw, but I know exactly where Wilbon was coming from.

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The thing is, not once did Wilbon(or Kornheiser) say "he is in our thoughts and prayers" or anything like that. They said things like they were, "disturbed" and "not surprised." I mean, how heartless can you be? I had to write them to express my displeasure, as I'm sure a bunch of people did. Horrible, I'm going to watch PTI in an hour or so and give them(Wilbon in particular) a chance to redeem themselves.

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This will probably get me in trouble but would he have been "our thoughts and prayers" if he wasn't a NFL Pro Bowl player and just a guy on the streets?

To feel sadness and sorrow is one thing but if you are trying to measure the sadness level of someone on the death of someone that you yourself don't REALLY know is really unfair.

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I'm reserving judgement on Wilbon until I read his inevitable column on the subject. I'm not happy with what he said yesterday, but he may be able to better express himself in writing or with some time to process his feelings on the matter. I'm definitely not going to hold it against him that he was seen laughing at a press conference. Anything could have caused him to crack up at that moment. I doubt very highly that he was laughing because Sean died.

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