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Is the Bible man-made, or Godly scripture?


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After the God - Clause thread, I was pondering the Bible and the various adherents and interpretations of the Bible. I was further thinking about "perfection vs imperfection" in relation to the Bible, and how this relates to our understanding of the Book.

Thus, I would like hear opinions on the Bible, and whether it is:

1) Man-made, and open to flaws and interpretations...


2) A Godly scripture, and perfect.

I'd also like to hear how the belief in either 1 or 2 (or 3, if there is another offered opinion) influences your understanding and faith.

No, I am not an aetheist, so I am not going to just harp on someone's belief, but I do believe that 1) is probably closer to the truth.

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I would like someone to supply proof for either argument. Thanks. :)

I think the belief in 2) presents a quandry, namely in the form of the various seldom discussed sections of the Bible that are a bit unseemly. Thus, if the Bible is God created and perfect, then what role does these often ignore sections play in Scripture?

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OK I'll bite :)

It was man made. They are stories told to us by a third person YEARS after they occured so I'm sure there has been some "artistic" freedom. As for the bible itself, those stories were hand picked by a group of men who sifted through all the gospels and chose the ones that fit their needs. :)

I'd go into the other gospels that were left out...including the one that some say is the closest to the actual words of Christ, but I'll spare that gnostic ;) (just for you Z) for another thread ;)

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We deny the legitimacy of any treatment of the text or quest for sources lying behind it that leads or relativizing, dehistoricizing, or discounting its teaching, or rejecting its claims of authorship.

It seems an attempt to grant Divine authority directly to a written word is essentially an attempt to advance a particular interpretation of the scripture.

"There is only one possible interpretation - the one I'm advocating."

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Before we answer that you have to tell us which version you're talking about. :D

Well, I guess that is part of the issue, and part of the reason why I believe in 1). :-)

Indeed, if most folks believe in 1), then, really, it's extremely difficult to believe a lot of Gospel, since it can be dismissed as an incorrect interpretation or an error.

We also do have to remember that some folks do have a more literal interpretation of the Bible.

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I say its Man-made, and open to flaws and interpretations. I will give you three reasons:

a)The Nicine Council, or The Council of Nicea (about 135AD)

b)The history of Emperor Constantine (particularly the events surrounding his dream & conversion to Christianity)

c)The history of the King James Bible--specificly, how this version of the bible came into existence.

Of course, there are several other instances of Biblical tampering thoughout the history of Western Civilization. Once you start looking, you'll find them easily enough. You may also want to also reference some scholarly accounts of biblical translations/transliterations from the pre-feudal period. Those references should answer ANY questions you have regarding the Bible's authenticity. I hope that helps you find what you're looking for.

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I think it is fairly obvious.

I opened one of mine and it says it was made by B B Kirkbride Bible co.inc,and is the fifth improved version :silly:

God has many names,but I don't recall that being one :laugh:

Did God write it? no ,only things I recall Him writing was the Ten Commandments and the Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin bit on the wall...of course I could be overlooking something.

I do believe God inspired men to do so,now whether it has been transliterated correctly ,or even inspired works left out, is a matter that must be addressed on a individual basis.

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I say its Man-made, and open to flaws and interpretations. I will give you three reasons:

a)The Nicine Council, or The Council of Nicea (about 135AD)

b)The history of Emperor Constantine (particularly the events surrounding his dream & conversion to Christianity)

c)The history of the King James Bible--specificly, how this version of the bible came into existence.

:laugh: See Z...it's not just me...Heathens unite ;)

(j/k...we're not heathens for beliveing historical fact ;) )

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I say its Man-made, and open to flaws and interpretations. I will give you three reasons:

a)The Nicine Council, or The Council of Nicea (about 135AD)

The Council of Nicea wasn't in 135 AD. It's okay, though. You're only about 200 years off... ;)

b)The history of Emperor Constantine (particularly the events surrounding his dream & conversion to Christianity)

Despite the repeated assertions of Xamiel and chomerics, among others, there is no credible evidence that Constantine (or Nicea) had anything to do with the composition of the Bible. The formation of the Canon began well before Constantine, and wasn't "officially" completed until well after.

And no, Xamiel, "I think I saw it on the Discovery Channel" doesn't count.

c)The history of the King James Bible--specificly, how this version of the bible came into existence.

What does an English translation made in the 17th century have to do with anything?

Of course, there are several other instances of Biblical tampering thoughout the history of Western Civilization.

How do we know about them?

Once you start looking, you'll find them easily enough. You may also want to also reference some scholarly accounts of biblical translations/transliterations from the pre-feudal period. Those references should answer ANY questions you have regarding the Bible's authenticity. I hope that helps you find what you're looking for.

The pre-feudal period?

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