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Obama doesn't put hand over heart.......


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So what? I mean seriously.

Well obviously, as has been said, he's being disrespectful of flag and country. Good thing we caught him. Now we know how he really thinks.

Guufurk booddle plop fuzzzup fuzzup nufork spizzzzzzzz. I rest my case.

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:laugh: Threads like this make me love coming here. Great comedy.

The man is singing (the ONLY one) proudly with the national anthem. He places his hand over his heart proudly during the pledge of allegiance. And some how he hates America....wow.

I also love how people keep saying it was a mistake and he should JUST do it?? WTF? The man believes in something and does NOT change because of how it might look to small minded people who hate him regardless - I actually like that. In a world where people constantly hate when politicians act as robots for votes, here he is screamed at for not acting like one. He sings along with the national anthem with PRIDE and places his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance.

Basically, this changes nothing. The people who hated him for many other things will just see this as another reason to hate him. The people who like him will not see it as a huge event. I don't think this is what changed 81artmonk's view on Obama - hahah. Moving on......

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:laugh: Threads like this make me love coming here. Great comedy.

The man is singing (the ONLY one) proudly with the national anthem. He places his hand over his heart proudly during the pledge of allegiance. And some how he hates America....wow.

I also love how people keep saying it was a mistake and he should JUST do it?? WTF? The man believes in something and does NOT change because of how it might look to small minded people who hate him regardless - I actually like that. In a world where people constantly hate when politicians act as robots for votes, here he is screamed at for not acting like one. He sings along with the national anthem with PRIDE and places his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance.

Basically, this changes nothing. The people who hated him for many other things will just see this as another reason to hate him. The people who like him will not see it as a huge event. I don't think this is what changed 80artmonl's view on Obama - hahah. Moving on......

This is totally funny. Not my original thread, but I am dragged in as if I am the culprit. If you read my original post to this thread, I was curious his reasons why he didn't do it. I never said he was a bad guy or that I hated him or anything else but curiosity.

and for your info, I don't really know much about this guy as I don't follow much of the democrats around. I watch the debates to see them make bafoons of themselves, but otherwise, haven't even given Obama a second thought.

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This is totally funny. Not my original thread, but I am dragged in as if I am the culprit.

81, your regular lack of self-awareness continues to stand out. One reason you are likely being "dragged in":

I find it interesting why he wouldn't or won't place his hand over his heart. I would like to hear why?

Personally I find it disrespectful to our nation. I do agree with the previous poster, that with the left I doubt it will affect anything.

However, He nor Hillary or any other candidate(democrat) can win with Left votes alone, so something like thins could have a ripple affect.

My first red highlight indicates where you acknowlede not knowing whether there is some, perhaps even reasonable (gasp!), explanation and what it might be, and the second red highlight shows you "rushing to judgment" immediately after anyway :laugh: .

And your other comments build on that uninformed "rush." Jebus. :)

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Are you acually asking whether someone singing the NA poorly, doesn't offend me?? It's the thought that counts. I can't sing but I do when I hear the NA. I wasn't crucifing him for not doing it, just wondering what his idea was behind not? If you watch the clip, EVEYONE but him is doing it.
You didn't crucify, you did say you found it disrespectful. Now you know the reason why he did not place his hand over his heart - because its not the tradition as he has known it. As you noted, EVERYONE else has their hand over their heart - and as you overlooked, NOBODY else is singing the Anthem. With that in mind, do you still find him disrespectful?

I agree that its curious for Obama to leave himself open for these trivial potshots when they could be easily avoided. But give the guy credit for eschewing the phoniness that's almost universal on the presidential circuit. You may call this a "mistake" that could cost him a chance at the Presidency, and you may be right. But this is not a stupid man, as anyone who has read his books and followed his career can tell you regardless of their political persuasion.

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I also read that he wipes his ass from back to front. Back to front?!? He's gonna get smear on his delicates. Not the kind of man I want running the country.

Why can't he wipe front to back like EVERYONE else?

OMFG are you serious? Dude, I'm changing my sig right away, screw that stupid commie.

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That's pretty bad. I like Bill Richardson's face though. :)

Oh yea, well I just read his mind. Here ya go.........................................

"Man is it freaking hot out here. I guess it could be worse, Hillary could be showing more skin. Who the hell is singing. She better be drunk or she is going to have to explain herself. What the hell is Bama doing. It's like he's trying to sing along but can't quite get in the groove. I wonder if he's hot. Hey, he's not putting his hand over his heart. What a boner. He is gonna pay for that one. Somebody turn on the AC and get this horrible singer another drink. Get me one while you're at it"

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Oh yea, well I just read his mind. Here ya go.........................................

"Man is it freaking hot out here. I guess it could be worse, Hillary could be showing more skin. Who the hell is singing. She better be drunk or she is going to have to explain herself. What the hell is Bama doing. It's like he's trying to sing along but can't quite get in the groove. I wonder if he's hot. Hey, he's not putting his hand over his heart. What a boner. He is gonna pay for that one. Somebody turn on the AC and get this horrible singer another drink. Get me one while you're at it"

Oh yeah, baby!!!

We are on in the Tailgate today!!!

Someone's been visited by the Muse.

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I was also taught to keep my hands at my sides for the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. We were taught that it was disrespectful to have our hands above the waist, unless we were in unform and saluting. Northern Virginia and Maryland public schools, mid to late 1960's.

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I was also taught to keep my hands at my sides for the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. We were taught that it was disrespectful to have our hands above the waist, unless we were in unform and saluting. Northern Virginia and Maryland public schools, mid to late 1960's.

Commie pig.

Is your middle name Hussein also?

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I was also taught to keep my hands at my sides for the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. We were taught that it was disrespectful to have our hands above the waist, unless we were in unform and saluting. Northern Virginia and Maryland public schools, mid to late 1960's.

It wasn't an "Alaskan" thing, but my mom (German ancestry) said we stand up straight "like at attention", didn't move, and sang along for the national anthem and always had your hand over your heart for the pledge. She said if we joined the military later in life we'd "be able" to salute. She thought "saluting" was a privilege.

She ran a little resaurant right on the edge of Anchorage where you'd hit us coming in from either Elmendorf AFB or Ft. Richardson. She loved "her GI's." I didn't realize how disrespectful my mom was toward this country and how she passed that on to us.

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what about the things he said when he refused to wear an American flag pin?

not surprising- since the liberals basically don't care whether they are gaining power in America or Belgium.

as long as they have power, it doesn't matter to them whether they are representing Washington or Brussels or the United Nations. Anyone that believes Hillary Clinton really wants the United States to be the strongest power in the world and continue spreading her ideals of 1776 is clueless.

Republicans believe in American Exceptionalism and liberals don't. That is what nearly every issue eventually boils down to..

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what about the things he said when he refused to wear an American flag pin?

not surprising- since the liberals basically don't care whether they are gaining power in America or Belgium.

as long as they have power, it doesn't matter to them whether they are representing Washington or Brussels or the United Nations. Anyone that believes Hillary Clinton really wants the United States to be the strongest power in the world and continue spreading her ideals of 1776 is clueless.

Republicans believe in American Exceptionalism and liberals don't. That is what nearly every issue eventually boils down to..

:munchout: Always entertaining to listen to the resident military expert spouting off about liberals in the comfort of his desk jockey job. I wonder if he knows liberals are fighting and dying over in Iraq right now just like conservatives. It is more than obvious that someone is talking much trash from the cheap seats instead of getting in the fight themselves.

:snore: Someone wake me up when he is in Iraq actually doing something...

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