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So where does Consciousness come from?


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What part of 'series of mutations' don't you understand?

It depends on how you define consciousness, but most vertebrates have it it to some extent, while other life forms don't (at least according to my very limited knowlege :)), so perhaps that's a clue regarding timeline.

I define consciousness as self awareness.

Is a cow self aware?

Is a dog?

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That is not what they said in Calculus.....

So because he can't describe it in math, God is the answer? Seems like its a leap of faith either way. Either you think man just hasn't figured it out yet - or there is an invisible man in the sky. Thing is - there is more than one invisible man in the sky, how do you know you believe in the right one?

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So because he can't describe it in math, God is the answer? Seems like its a leap of faith either way. Either you think man just hasn't figured it out yet - or there is an invisible man in the sky. Thing is - there is more than one invisible man in the sky, how do you know you believe in the right one?

I don't need to buy what religion is selling in order to come to an understanding that our universe is something more than organized chaos. :2cents:

And infinity is a leap of faith not because man has failed figured out where the bridge is located yet. Infinity is a leap of faith because man is acting like they are already walking on the other side after taking the leap and falling on his face.

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I don't need to buy what religion is selling in order to come to an understanding that our universe is something more than organized chaos. :2cents:

And infinity is a leap of faith not because man has failed figured out where the bridge is located yet. Infinity is a leap of faith because man is acting like they are already walking on the other side after taking the leap and falling on his face.

I agree that the universe more than organized chaos. I'm just not certain who/what is conducting the symphony - or if anything is conducting it all. Maybe the players just know the music by heart.

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I agree that the universe more than organized chaos. I'm just not certain who/what is conducting the symphony - or if anything is conducting it all. Maybe the players just know the music by heart.

A good point for us to agree and for me to bow out. This topic is played out. At least for me. Cheers. :cheers:

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It is the only rational explanation that bridges the gap in our understanding of the infinite universe. Thinking that our universe is infinite is not rational, IMO.
Case in point.
Something can not come from nothing.

Oh wait-- are you the guy who argues that nothing is something?

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 cm? :D
Evolution did not "lay" the first egg.........or create the first chicken.
I got this. :D
Actually it theorizes how a chicken can come from an egg laid by a non-chicken. :D
That would be more plausible than saying we exist in an infinite number of universes.
Then tell me at what point in the evolutionary timeline did a "mutation" bestow upon the earths creations "consciousness"?

Your best guess will do. :)

If you think an infinite number of universes is plausible then I would kindly submit to you that you are in denial.
You would believe anything and everything so long as you are not connected with acceptance of the concept that there is a creator.
You could say that. Of course I am not on the side that has to pawn off the concept of infinity as something other than a failure of man to properly describe our finite universe. :)
That is not what they said in Calculus.....
I define consciousness as self awareness.

Is a cow self aware?

Is a dog?

No one said that consciousness originated from something other than the brain. :doh:
I don't need to buy what religion is selling in order to come to an understanding that our universe is something more than organized chaos. :2cents:

And infinity is a leap of faith not because man has failed figured out where the bridge is located yet. Infinity is a leap of faith because man is acting like they are already walking on the other side after taking the leap and falling on his face.

A good point for us to agree and for me to bow out. This topic is played out. At least for me. Cheers. :cheers:
Even a blind squirrel can find a nut. :)

Even a monkey learns repetition. :)

IMHO also.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing. :laugh:

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Except not everyone has a consciousness. Pschopaths don't.

And in different cultures, consciousness is different, telling me that it can be changed based on enviorment. (I.E - Making a young child work long hours. Not consciousable to me, but in some countries...).

So perhaps consciousness is just a evealutionary trait to help confirm to society. Those that are able to quickly understand and except societies norms and rules, and to belive in them, obviously survive and reproduce. Those that never do, are ussally outside of society and will die off.

To be honest -I didn't say it, but to me, the exsistance of pi to me is a better argument for God then consciousness.

:secret: you were just describing "conscience", not "conscious".

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Even a blind squirrel can find a nut. :)

Even a monkey learns repetition. :)

IMHO also.

How about an Orangatang that knows if it finds something in its cage to pick a lock that it needs to hide it and only open the door when his keeper isn't looking (well at least obviously because they don't understand electronic and camreas)?


"Then, taking hold of the bottom of the furnace door, he used brute force to pull it back just far enough to slide a wire into the gap, slip a latch and pop the door open. The next day, Stones noticed something shiny sticking out of Fu's mouth. It was the wire lock pick, bent to fit between his lip and gum and stowed there between escapes. "

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