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When are we going to show Dan Snyder that we are tired


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Sadly we will never hear from Gobigred again as he has just tried to mutiny against The Danny. The Danny is watching all!

:laugh: I don't believe this is a "Danny blows hard" feeling. He puts out the cash, and certainly wants to win.

This is more of a "Danny, wake up, changes need to be made" type of feeling.

And having Fed Ex at 50% capacity would make heads roll quickly.

Or.....just keep the status quo....show your support for the worst 2 minute drill in the history of the league...

Show your love for Vinny......and the personnel decisions that have been made.

Just be quiet and fall in line.......and get your wallet out.

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When will the Redskins organization be up for sale? The team should be sold to a competent owner. If I am blessed with that much money I'd be consistently bidding for the Skins.

This is very funny, first of all this team will never be up for sale as long as Danny Snyder is breathing air. Which is still free as long as you can do it. I have look at each post in this thread and all I can say is Dan does not coach, or play on the field.

I too believe that Dan Snyder is guilty, guilty of doing everything in his power and pocket book to win! Yes the Redskins make the 2nd highest amount of money in the NFL behind the Cowpies and that only happened this year because of the cost of the new stadium built with half of the money coming from the citizens of Arlington Texas.

Dan Snyder is a business man, plain and simple. He made his money the hard way he earned it. Are prices to high? Yes! but not that much more then any other stadium in the NFL that sells out every game.

Dan Snyder has always tried to look for ways to help this team win. Has he made bad choices? Yes. But even with all the problems this team has if anyone thought or hoped for more this season then a winning record and maybe to get to the playoffs with a young quarterback you were expecting to much.

I believe that we can make the playoffs this year and that JC will improve so that next year we will be even better. If you think that you can change how Dan Snyder runs this team you most likely will also be waiting for Santa to slide down your chiminey and bring toys to all the good boys and girls!

Do like we need this team to do right now, coaches , players and fans, MAN UP!!!!! We have the tools, when you go to a game at FEDEX get off your butt!! I go to every game and have been told to "sit down, hold it down, I can't see" Anybody in section 440 can tell you about the crazy old dude yelling the whole game while the defense is on the field! Boo my team? Are you crazy!!!!

The players, coaches, front office and Dan Snyder want nothing more then to see this team win! Have they made mistakes? Yes! Can you, me or anybody on this board do better? I doubt it. Support you team or find another to cheer for! We will get better because of the players, coaching staff, front office and yes, Dan Snyder!

This team is better now then before Gibbs came back, but we still have a ways to go. Wanna quit? I don't and these players don't. To answer your question "When are we going to show Dan Snyder that we are tired? Point blank, He Knows! He is tired too!! He wants to win!!


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This is very funny, first of all this team will never be up for sale as long as Danny Snyder is breathing air. Which is still free as long as you can do it. I have look at each post in this thread and all I can say is Dan does not coach, or play on the field.

I too believe that Dan Snyder is guilty, guilty of doing everything in his power and pocket book to win! Yes the Redskins make the 2nd highest amount of money in the NFL behind the Cowpies and that only happened this year because of the cost of the new stadium built with half of the money coming from the citizens of Arlington Texas.

Dan Snyder is a business man, plain and simple. He made his money the hard way he earned it. Are prices to high? Yes! but not that much more then any other stadium in the NFL that sells out every game.

Dan Snyder has always tried to look for ways to help this team win. Has he made bad choices? Yes. But even with all the problems this team has if anyone thought or hoped for more this season then a winning record and maybe to get to the playoffs with a young quarterback you were expecting to much.

I believe that we can make the playoffs this year and that JC will improve so that next year we will be even better. If you think that you can change how Dan Snyder runs this team you most likely will also be waiting for Santa to slide down your chiminey and bring toys to all the good boys and girls!

Do like we need this team to do right now, coaches , players and fans, MAN UP!!!!! We have the tools, when you go to a game at FEDEX get off your butt!! I go to every game and have been told to "sit down, hold it down, I can't see" Anybody in section 440 can tell you about the crazy old dude yelling the whole game while the defense is on the field! Boo my team? Are you crazy!!!!

The players, coaches, front office and Dan Snyder want nothing more then to see this team win! Have they made mistakes? Yes! Can you, me or anybody on this board do better? I doubt it. Support you team or find another to cheer for! We will get better because of the players, coaching staff, front office and yes, Dan Snyder!

This team is better now then before Gibbs came back, but we still have a ways to go. Wanna quit? I don't and these players don't. To answer your question "When are we going to show Dan Snyder that we are tired? Point blank, He Knows! He is tired too!! He wants to win!!


Wait..... am I on ES??? Is this a rational thought being posted ?!?!?!

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The players, coaches, front office and Dan Snyder want nothing more then to see this team win! Have they made mistakes? Yes! Can you, me or anybody on this board do better? I doubt it. ... We will get better because of the players, coaching staff, front office and yes, Dan Snyder!


Good post. Not just because of its emotional content, but because it is largely true.

One thing for sure: Skins is not exactly lucky.

Skins began this year like I expected them to. And then the injuries ... I just hope that the coaches and Dan keep this team together at least for one more year.

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We're hopefully about to be 5-3. I don't see how booing even enters someone's mind right now. If you boo in section 340, expect the LoudMouth to let you know that he does not approve :D. Booing is classless and pointless to boot. It doesn't do anything positive for the guys that bust their asses out on the field to entertain you and I for a few hours every week for 20 weeks or so. If you boo, you're definitely not like the real die hard fans that support this team. I've never booed this team and even if we were to go 0-16 one season, I'd walk out of the stadium before I'd boo the team. I yell at the team. That's different. You can yell stuff like "come on, get it together guys, lets go." But down right booing shows no class. Trust me, emailing the FO would be more effective than booing the team. I'm there to be entertained, more importantly cheer for the team I love, and learn more about the game that I have a passion for like no other hobbie or sport. Save the booing for the Orioles :paranoid:

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Wait..... am I on ES??? Is this a rational thought being posted ?!?!?!

I guess they do happen from time to time :laugh:

i actually like daniel snyder. he is a fan who got to buy his favorite team. I also feel he has come a long way since he ahs been here and learned alot. just my 2 :2cents:

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Seriously, Snyder wants to win just as much as you or I. QUOTE]

I very much agree with this statement. He unlike crap Angelos whom I referred to in my previous post Snyder actually does care about producing a winning team.However, I don't believe that he is going about it the right way.

taken from wikipedia:

" Since Snyder assumed control, these investments have not translated into much success on the football field as the Redskins have only managed a 54-58 overall record and have made the playoffs twice"

I dont think he has any idea on how to run a nfl team! Just my :2cents:

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How did the owner get dragged into this...did he screw up during the game...what number was he wearing.....leave Dan alone....he is a redskin through and through...he says it with his money....and his passion...go skins....if you wish to abuse someone about the lose pick a player any player

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How easy is it for a crack addict to walk away from crack even when he knows what it does to him? I beleive the same is true for most diehard Redskins fans like myself. I took every minute of punishment week in and week out last year and I loved it.

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It never fails to amuse me that when you start ****ing about Dan just being in it for the money & how he just hates & despises this fanbase, that none of you realise he's footing the bill for ES & allowing you to ***** n moan about him at his expense.

We are paying for this, not pay as you post, or view but, in a round about way. This board use to be independently owned ( he asked Blade to take it over, Richie is making money off this obviously I don't know the details of the deal) board is connected to his website and it is part of his major business. All the advertising and merchandising that we are able to access and spend our cash on with a couple of clicks. I would guess he views our ****ing and moaning as a cost of doing business, sticks and stones but the bottom line is he makes a helluva lot of money from us the fans. TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE BOARD CONVENIENTLY LOCATED SHOP. You are correct it is very amusing and cleaver how he runs this business at our ever increasoing expense :2cents:

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The only way to show him is to stop going to the games. If you go, take metro instead of paying for parking. Put beers and food in your pockets - don't spend a dime on concessions. The only thing this man understands is money. Wins, losses, boos? Meh.

I've stopped going to the games and spending money on this team. We just need about 100k other people to do the same.


In 2003 (the last Spurrier season) the fans stopped going to the games and many turned in their season tickets. As a result of this, Danny hired Joe Gibbs after the 2003 season which was just a marketing gimmick. This was the same time the "Obstructed View Seating" was added to fedex field.

NFL in general is a hot ticket. You figure that each team has only 8 homes games per season. I am pretty sure each and every NFL team has a waiting list for their General Admission tickets. Regardless of how crappy a team is doing, people will want to see the game.

In other words...the NFL is a money machine. The owners don't need to win in order to generate huge profits.

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How did the owner get dragged into this...did he screw up during the game...what number was he wearing.....leave Dan alone....he is a redskin through and through...he says it with his money....and his passion...go skins....if you wish to abuse someone about the lose pick a player any player

How did the owner get dragged into this?

Because he owns the team.

did he screw up during the game?

Yes. He also screwed up before and after the game.

what number was he wearing?

He's the one with the big dollar sign on his jersey.

leave Dan alone


he is a redskin through and through

True. However, he needs to run the team as an owner instead of a fan.

he says it with his money...and his passion

True. The passion to make money.

if you wish to abuse someone about the lose pick a player any player

Crap rolls up hill. The owner is ultimately responsible when the team loses.

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Well now, get all the rest of the fans to agree with each other that this may be a solution, and you'll be all set. That not all fans are in agreement about exactly what may be wrong or even what may be to worry about,( (as this thread demonstrates), is beside the point I guess.

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We are paying for this, not pay as you post, or view but, in a round about way. This board use to be independently owned ( he asked Blade to take it over, Richie is making money off this obviously I don't know the details of the deal) board is connected to his website and it is part of his major business. All the advertising and merchandising that we are able to access and spend our cash on with a couple of clicks. I would guess he views our ****ing and moaning as a cost of doing business, sticks and stones but the bottom line is he makes a helluva lot of money from us the fans. TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE BOARD CONVENIENTLY LOCATED SHOP. You are correct it is very amusing and cleaver how he runs this business at our ever increasoing expense :2cents:


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taken from wikipedia:

" Since Snyder assumed control, these investments have not translated into much success on the football field as the Redskins have only managed a 54-58 overall record and have made the playoffs twice"

I dont think he has any idea on how to run a nfl team! Just my :2cents:

If I may add my :2cents: to the pot, one can make a pretty good argument that the best team under Snyder ('99) was the only team during his tenure in which he had virtually no say in the makeup of the team.

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I am not so sure there isn't a statement being made. Haven't you noticed all the empty seats? Sure, the tickets are "sold", but people aren't coming to the games. I have never seen it so empty.

Me either. This might be the first time in over a decade that I don't go to a that stadium.

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