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When are we going to show Dan Snyder that we are tired


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We are all lemmings going over the cliff. There is no chance that any one including myself will not go to a game and there is no chance that you won't buy a new shirt or jersey. It seems like unless there is some sort of football messiah that comes in and turns this teams personality around, we are going to be unhappy for a long time. I don't know if that football messiah is a coach or a player or both? Hopefully, we can have what happens in 2005 happen this year, but it has to start this weekend in NY, otherwise, you can kiss the season goodbye.

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Enough is enough, Ive had it with this m'f'n snakes

and enough snyder too. but we cant do jack. I need to get about 1 billion dollars more and ill see if i can put together a bid

Well, if you are only a billion dollars short, you are about $500M closer than most of us.

So, when you get there, please hire a competent GM. Thanks!

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I read this sight all the time and it is one thing I have not heard yet. WE ARE TIRED OF THIS S*** AND WE ARE NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE. :mad: I think it is time for the fans to stop complaining to each other and start showing it in a way to get some attention. When this team is loosing games we should show more intensity as a team. I think that is what is missing. I know it could be in the locker room but I don't see it in the game. I think the problem is Dan Snyder now because he needs to do a Jerry Jones. (yea I said it) and get pissed off. I am not one who is saying this due to the butt whipping that we got Sunday but I am just not getting the attitude with the wins either. We have been champions before and know what the chemistry looks like, I don't see it, do you? So what is the answer Boo there buts to death at the games when they don't play good and then hit them were it hurts in the pocketbook (Dan) We have a good team with a good record but I not seeing the intensity that we need to show that we are ready now. Anything short of the NFC Championship is not good enough. This team has been together to long. (4 years as a whole) Thanks for reading.

Dan Snyder is doing the right thing by staying out of it. He's the one who asked Gibbs to come out of retirement and coach the Redskins again. So, this is really his fault. But wait. Gibbs is the one who is putting his legacy on the line for this franchise. You can't take away his bust in the Hall of Fame or his three Super Bowl victories, but his 670. winning percentage has dwindled just a bit since he's come back.

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Well, I'd say you don't read here as often as you say, or you would have seen threads of this nature since you joined. We have at least a dozen a year. They have never made any difference.

You would have a better chance of having sex with Dee Snyder, then getting Dan Snyder or the team to listen to you.


Or Schneider from One Day At A Time.

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You know what never ceases to amaze me? The amount of people on the board that spell 'lose', loose. As in loosing the game.

And what's up with offence and defence? I know people can't be that dumb, can they?

See Pgatta's sig. He has the definitions. He hates it as do I.

Also, Canada, England and Austrailia spell offense and defense with a C. Just the way they do it.

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I think Daniel Snyder wants to win very much. What people seem to ignore is that winning isn't all that easy. You've got 32 teams, this is a zero sum game, for every winner there must be a loser. While it's very frustrating to lose you can't win if you give up and I see no sign that Snyder wants to give up. The knock on Snyder in the past was he was too impatient, that he didn't allow a team to develop into a winner because every time something went wrong. Now people are complaining he is TOO patient. I fail to see how booing or not going is going to send Snyder a message that he already has --- to do what? Win? Sure that would be great but you don't just pull wins out of a hat. Winning takes commitment and preserverence. If it was easy then what would be so great about it? One thing that has made me proud as a Skins fan is that we've supported this team through good and bad. In fact the only time this team didn't have good attendance was the late 50s early 60s when we truly had a bad owner [he wouldn't play blacks or pay to keep good players] If we had a owner like that I'd agree with the post but we don't. We have a owner who is trying his best. He has made mistakes partly because he is an irrational fan like us who aren't football experts. [btw: He DOES need to hire a GM]. And yes Snyder has been more patient with Gibbs than some teams would have been but then I should point out most colleges would have fired Frank Beamer before VT became successful [look at his early track record] and most NFL teams would have fired Bill Cowher before he had won a SB. I should also point out if a lot of fans in 1981 had their way Gibbs would have been fired a 0-5. Yeah, that would've been smart! Snyder hasn't achieved success yet but there is only one way to do so -- keep trying and learn from his mistakes.

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