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Can we stop with the trick plays?


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I know Saunders has a huge play book and is an offensive genius, but can we stop with the trick plays that seem to never work? Not once have I seen this reverse with Moss gain any appreachible yardage. It takes too long too develop and by the time he is on the other side of the field someone on the defense has figured it out and made a play. Same with the Randel El throwing the ball. I've only seen this play produce 1 time. What looks really bad, in my opinion, is that we run a pretty conservative offense most of the game. Once a game or so we dust off 1 of these plays and trott it out, as if to say, this is our special play we've been saving up for.

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Like they were saying on the radio this morning. It's not a trick play, Randle El throwing the ball is, a reverse is not. We were doing it to keep Green Bay honest in their heavy pursuit of out pitch plays to Portis. You can't expect big yardage from every play. If we get 3 or 4 yards on it then it works.

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Like they were saying on the radio this morning. It's not a trick play, Randle El throwing the ball is, a reverse is not. We were doing it to keep Green Bay honest in their heavy pursuit of out pitch plays to Portis. You can't expect big yardage from every play. If we get 3 or 4 yards on it then it works.

It is a trick play when Moss, a WR, gets the ball. You don't typically give the WR the ball in the backfield. This is a play that cost us the game, though not the sole reason, nor in my opinion the most important, reason we lost.

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It is a trick play when Moss, a WR, gets the ball. You don't typically give the WR the ball in the backfield. This is a play that cost us the game, though not the sole reason, nor in my opinion the most important, reason we lost.

To add to this, typically they try running this play when Moss is having a bad day so they can get the ball in the hands of their biggest playmaker, without actually completing a pass. Moss does his best stuff in open space, and that is not what this play gives him.

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This type of play can work...but why use it in that situation? We didn't need to resort to that type of play at that moment in the game imo. And a pitch on 3 & 1? Ridiculous IMO! Where the heck was Sellers in the 2nd half? I didn't see him on the field much after half time.

There are time and places for the "trick" plays. We didn't need to go this at that point in the game. I've always viewed trick plays as a desperation play..."let's run an end around and see if we can get something going" type of play. I do believe that they were grasping into thin air to get Moss going. It was purely an attempt to get him something to get back a small amount of confidence. Of course that's just my opinion.:cool: Take it as such:)

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Ugh, echoes of ****ell.

The problem isn't the plays, it's the execution. If you go back and watch the reverse to Moss, it would have gained positive yardage had he not fumbled.

They were trying to get one of our playmakers involved in the game on a day when he couldn't hold on to anything in the air.

I have no problem with these plays. The players just need to execute.

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the play was iffy , I agree tho stop the retard tricks , I can see that play tho but Moss messed itup but I can sorta understand why they did it , its just that they do it on 3rd and 1 a lot and thats wrong , they throw to mike sellers on 3rd and 1 and thats just wrong when he can drage 3 people for 2 yards , we throw a pitch to Portis with no blocking on the goalline and thats not only wrong but trying to get our gimpy RB thats is all of a sudden made of glass killed , we mix it up really well sometimes but then it seems we think too much instead of just doing what works

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i don't mind the trick plays, they have worked well for us before. Reverses aren't generally trick plays and are pretty risky.

It was an odd call at the time, but I don't mind the call. That play was Moss faults and he admits it.

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We haven't used many "trick" plays at all this season. How many reverses have we run? How many flea flickers? How many option passes?

Portis had an option pass and he chose to run it. Moss ran one reverse. That's all I remember. All of you whiners who were saying that we are way too predictable on offense and never go for it need to pick a side.

They were setting up that play all day with fake reverses. When it came I was excited. Moss blew it. He had the worst day of his career. He's a great player, but he needs to get back to being great. Nine drops, two fumbles, and three linemen out to injuries are why we lost. Not trick plays or bad coaching.

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Agreed...I have no clue why you go with trick plays when the QB and RB are doing well and producing yards for you. If your QB and RB are doing well, you stick to fundamental football. Trick plays are NOT NEEDED here.

One third of our running plays involve a wide receiver faking a reverse. So, a reverse is fundamental to this offense.

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How many weeks have we tried this to no avail now?

Honestly every time we do it it is a negative result. I don't mean this by saying we don't have the players to do it it is that we are not getting the bang out of the play it was intended to. Not to mention it leads to a damn big hit too,you got players running from the whole other side of the field to get him,that will all meet along one small section of the field for either a big hit or a pile of people being forced out for no gain or loss.

Every team anticipates this coming from us now, we usually take a loss,now when we could have gotten what 4-5 yards maybe if Santana's miscue ddidn't happen, the worst part is that we are still -150 yards or something trying this play now in the last 2 seasons. Then Jason has to show the speed he has that for some reason the coaches hide from ourselves trying to run down a mistake. He looked damn good running with the ball .

Lets' stick with what is working coaches,I am the only one who had been preaching 'stop the reverse' mess,and now this week I don't get to eat my words,just live in the truth that stings real bad.


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I know Saunders has a huge play book and is an offensive genius, but can we stop with the trick plays that seem to never work? Not once have I seen this reverse with Moss gain any appreachible yardage. It takes too long too develop and by the time he is on the other side of the field someone on the defense has figured it out and made a play. Same with the Randel El throwing the ball. I've only seen this play produce 1 time. What looks really bad, in my opinion, is that we run a pretty conservative offense most of the game. Once a game or so we dust off 1 of these plays and trott it out, as if to say, this is our special play we've been saving up for.

I agree, this play sucks. What's worse is we faked the end around earlier in the game in good field position and it resulted in Campbell getting sacked because the fake took way too long. Let's just leave the gimiicks out and play some smashmouth football which is what we do best.

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How many weeks have we tried this to no avail now?

Honestly every time we do it it is a negative result.

Seriously. Every week I just wait for the one failed reverse of the game. You know it's coming. I've been saying this ever since Saunders got here - someone needs to smack him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper and say "NO! BAD PLAYCALLER! BAD! REVERSES DON'T WORK! BAD!"

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A reverse is not a trick play its just another way to get the ball into the hands of your playmakers..and counter an agressive pursuit....

The play was wide open

Santana had blockers out in front and tried to cut back and blew it ...

dont be fairweather and talk about the play calling because just like any other play when it works it was a great call....and this one worked

Santana just fumbled...its not our play calling its more execution....

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A reverse is not a trick play its just another way to get the ball into the hands of your playmakers..and counter an agressive pursuit....

The play was wide open

Santana had blockers out in front and tried to cut back and blew it ...

dont be fairweather and talk about the play calling because just like any other play when it works it was a great call....and this one worked

Santana just fumbled...its not our play calling its more execution....

Yeah - you jogged my memory some. I think it would have worked out too if only Moss hadn't fumbled.

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It was a good call IMO Moss just needs to hold on to the ball. Even JC said as much they got them in perfect coverage to call the play and had it set up for big yardage. The DL that stripped the ball beat Kendall and Samules to bust up the play. Had our two linemen sealed the corner and contolled their man Moss would have gone for 10+ yards (to the outside; once the DL blew it up Moss tried to cutback and slipped on the wet grass). The bottom line is that defensive lineman made a great play to beat our best blockers and forced the turnover. Give credit where credit is due the defensive palyer made a great play.

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