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Would You Go from 12th Man to 11th Man?

Dan T.

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haha yea but 6'1 220 and I would keep the jersey, helmet, and pants.

Yeah, the game gear is all the pay I'd need.

Just imagine coming out of the tunnel with the team during intros. I know how pumped I get then just as a fan in the stands. It would be mind-bending the excitement running out suited up with the team.

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I played high school football. The answer is HELL NO. First, I would slip before the ball was kicked, then I would be trailing by 20 yards. Then I would pull both hamstrings before I even past 10 yards. Lastly, I would stupidity lead with my head for fear of getting my ribs crushed and I would be drinking through a straw, starting threads with on my modified laptop screaming "DAMN U EXTREMESKINS.com"

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As much as I know I'd regret it later...

Yes. Suit me up and send me in.

Because as deathly sore as I'm sure I'd be later, I know I'd regret it even more if I passed up the chance.

Besides, it's like ace daredevil Captain Lance Murdoch said on The Simpsons: "Now a lot of people are going to be telling you you're crazy, and maybe they're right. But the fact of the matter is: Bones heal. Chicks dig scars. And the United States of America has the best doctor-to-daredevil ratio in the world!"

(In this little fantasy, do we get to practice before the week of the game? I'd like to hit and be hit a few times before I get my lunch handed to me on national TV.)

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(In this little fantasy, do we get to practice before the week of the game? I'd like to hit and be hit a few times before I get my lunch handed to me on national TV.)

As the initiator of this fantasy, I decree that yes, you get to practice all week at Redskins Park the week before the game, and attend team meetings.

Also, you get to put Bubba Tyer on speed dial.

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