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Beating Detroit: The first step in establishing the Redskins as better than average.


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I am not even saying this game is a "must-win" because at 2-1, going into Week 4, in a division like ours, it looks like 2nd place is up for grabs, with Dallas making a solid case for the division at this point.

However, what I will say about this game is that I honestly feel that as a team this is a game that will tell us whether The Washington Redskins have risen above the level of "average team" or not. Don't get me wrong, Detroit does have a respectable offense, and they are no pushovers, however these types of games are the ones we have lost in the past couple of years, while we then later go on to beat much better teams further into the season(memories, of Oakland at Home, Cleveland on the road, I am sure you guys can list more)

Looking at our schedule, I see Green Bay, New England, Dallas(twice), and the NY Giants on the road, and maybe the Bucs(not sure if they are for real yet) as our acceptable losses. Of course this can all change over the next month or so, regarding who are the better teams. However, as of now, besides the teams I listed, I think our schedule is made up of average teams, that a GOOD team should beat.

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Detroit is in the exact same position we were in last week, except they are not playing a division rival. It'll soon be apparent who the better team is. If they take care of business on the road, where we could not AT HOME, they will have proven their superiority.

I think we're in a lot of trouble except this year teams are so wildly inconsistent from week to week that we could have a chance in almost any game.

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I wish I could agree with you, but a win against the Lions (while certainly good of course and they're no pushovers I agree) will not answer the question "if we are an above average team" for me.

You can only measure your worth and answer that question IMO by beating other above average teams, which we have yet to do. For me, Detroit does not fit that bill, and I cannot use it as any sort of bar.

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I just can't get over the fact that THE EAGLES of all teams, but up 56 points on them....when in every other game they have struggled to get the ball into the end zone once per game.

I think if we run a wide open offense, and spread the field, we can score and score at will.

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I wish I could agree with you, but a win against the Lions (while certainly good of course and they're no pushovers I agree) will not answer the question "if we are an above average team" for me.

You can only measure your worth and answer that question IMO by beating other above average teams, which we have yet to do. For me, Detroit does not fit that bill, and I cannot use it as any sort of bar.

Well I think above-average/good teams, BEAT the average teams, which is why they end up 10-6, while the average teams, trade wins and losses regularly with other average teams, and they end up 7-9/8-8.

Beating Detroit isn't going to answer the question as to whether the Redskins are a playoff team, but it might begin to answer the question as to whether the Redskins can get over that hump of beating teams they SHOULD BEAT, especially at HOME.

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Lions, Pats, Packers 3 of top 5 passing teams in the league... Our October schedule is going to show us some things. I guess it's a good thing we're starting it against the Lions.

Good point Alexey. GW better get some blitz packages going because we will need to bring pressure all season but especially the next 4 games (don't forget AZ in there as well).

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I think in the HERE & NOW this is a great game if we win for two reasons: respect and confidence.

Our bye week was this week which means we have a LONG season left.... If we can get some good POSITIVE momentum that will be just what Jason needs in order to progress his developement. If he can lock on into a good rhythem we will look amazing and definately be above the title of "average team" .

Good point and good thread..... I'm getting excited and it's only monday!

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Well Green Bay has no running game to speak of so we know their offence is going to be through the air. Scoring on them is another thing however as they have a young and talented D, certainly their strongest side of the ball. Detroit have some great playmakers at WR so again I guess they will air it out as its a Mike Martz offence and I think Kitna is leading the league this week with passing yards again. (CORRECTION Favre is - Kitna was last week).

In both cases our Corner play needs to be up to the challenge essentially. I dont know much about the Lions running game (held to 3.1 yds per carry vs a depleted Bears D) but they managed to hang one on the Bears in the 4th quarter.

I think that the Lions will play us a tough game this time around. It certainly wont be easy but I am still confident that we have learned from our mistakes vs the Giants and will come out fighting for this one.

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regardless of the schedule, a team is not going to gain respect until it can defend its home field and make other clubs regret making the trip.

the Redskins failed in doing that in a critical game against a fellow NFC East team in NY whose season was on the ropes.

Instead of dispatching them to 0-3 and a likely loss of confidence the Giants are now 2-2 and back in the race.

Washington needs to put together a 60 minute game against the Lions.

The Redskins played 45 minutes against the Dolphins and about 30 minutes against the Giants.

That's just not good enough.

The only game in which the team remained focus was the one in Philly.

Not coincidentally, the Philly game is the only one the Redskins won by more than a field goal.

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Basically every game, except for the pats, the redskins can win or lose. The skins are a team which can fight with anyone and pull out a win. the giants game is a perfect example. Every game and I mean every game will be close even if the other team sucks. I just wish the skins could stop playing these games that give fans heart attacks. I can't take them anymore.

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until the Redskins coaches feel more comfortable with Campbell and allow the offense to take more chances in the passing game 15-20 yards down the field, you are going to continue to see games that come down to a field goal with 1:30 left on the clock, one way or another.

I liked what I saw out of the Dallas offense against the Rams. Dallas went in and tried to run the ball and when the Rams stacked the line, Garrett said OK we will beat you through the air.

If the Redskins had taken a more aggressive approach to the second half against the Giants and put even an extra drive together that netted SOME points before the end of the game, Washington would have won the game even with a solid Giants comeback.

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Here's a good thread from a Detroit Lions Forum...


Wow, some remarkably good analysis from their board. I think most of it is more or less spot-on. Lions haven't won in DC since forever, and their wins have all come at the hands of bad QBs. If Campbell comes out sharp and Moss and ARE can burn their slow-ish secondary, and if our D from the first two games shows up, we could have a big game.

If Kitna gets on a tear, though...

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No doubt this is the first test in establishing ourselves as a better than average team. In order to complete the task we're going to have to see some extraordinary things from our team: Santana will need a TD catch, JC will probably have to throw for more than 1 TD, and the secondary will need to be solid because theyre going to be stretched and tested throughout. IMO going 2-2 instead of of 3-1 could mean the division.

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