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John Edwards is an A-hole

USS Redskins

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As are all politicians at this point.

I know this has been discussed but it irks me everytime I read about someone rich or famous telling us that we all must sacrifice - All meaning everyone but themselves b/c they are rich.

F them!

I have an SUV b/c we have 2 kids and I am 6 foot 5 and cant really ride in anything else. If I were single and shorter I would buy a hybrid.

Edwards, Gore, Clooney, that hot rock chick, DiCaprio - all of them are so concerned about saving the planet that they ride in giant gas guzzling limo's, private planes, live in huge mansions and run up monthly utility bills that would equal some peoples yearly pay.

But they pay Carbon offsets..... Carbon offsets?? Carbon Offsets?? Bull s*** - that is basically paying a penalty to pollute! Freaking feel good, politically correct bs! Screw them! They are not sacrificing a thing - they just pay to live exactly like they were before and it's up to everyone else to do the hard work and sacrifice. The people who cant really afford it.

I def. think its great if you can conserve and help the environment.

I had to rant b/c I hate this kind of crap and yes, Both Democrats and Republicans do this crap all the time and they are all A-holes!

Here is the story that got me fired up.


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on sunday's edition of "Entourage" they showed Kanye West's private jet.

about the size of a 737 airliner.

hmm, I wonder if that is carbon neutral? I also wonder how many times John Edwards and Al Gore have publicly condemned movie stars for flying in Gulfstreams when they could fly commercially..

not that libs are ever hypocritical or anything

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Let me ask you Republicans this: Is it possible to competetively run for President these days without riding around on private jets, with bodyguards, etc? No. It's not. So what Republicans/faux news is really saying is that people who run for President can not advocate conservation. So Republicans are effectively against conservation. I'm glad we all know where our parties stand on this no-brainer of an issue.

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As are all politicians at this point.

I know this has been discussed but it irks me everytime I read about someone rich or famous telling us that we all must sacrifice - All meaning everyone but themselves b/c they are rich.

F them!

I have an SUV b/c we have 2 kids and I am 6 foot 5 and cant really ride in anything else.

I wonder how people that are 6 ft. 5 and above w/ children got around before SUV's? By the way, I'm over 6 ft. 5, have a daughter, and drive a Corrolla.

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Don't even worry about it.

When fossil fuels dry up your vehicles and everything else will run on water, and that fuel they get from corn.

Blow torches that work on water, and cars that run on water, that just blows my mind.

That's some Back 2 the Future stuff.

And 6'5 is only 3 inches taller than me. You can drive any american vehicle.

My bro is 6'6 he rides with me in small car no problem.

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I wonder how people that are 6 ft. 5 and above w/ children got around before SUV's? By the way, I'm over 6 ft. 5, have a daughter, and drive a Corrolla.

Yeah, weird isn't it?

I'm 6'5" with two kids and I drive a Hyundai Elantra.

I can understand wanting to rant about hypocritical celebrities, but noone needs to drive an SUV. They're just trendy.

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Yeah, weird isn't it?

I'm 6'5" with two kids and I drive a Hyundai Elantra.

I can understand wanting to rant about hypocritical celebrities, but noone needs to drive an SUV. They're just trendy.

My parents had a Suburban when we were growing up. This of course was back in the mid-80's, and I didn't know anybody else that had a SUV, much less a Suburban. Of course, my dad was about 6 ft. 3, and there were 6 kids. In that sort of case, I can understand (so as family there were 8 of us).

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I wonder how people that are 6 ft. 5 and above w/ children got around before SUV's? By the way, I'm over 6 ft. 5, have a daughter, and drive a Corrolla.

Haha. PeterMP is on the money, man.

Two kids? You only have TWO kids and that's why you need an SUV? What the heck are you going to do if you have a third kid? Will you have to buy an RV? A school bus?

I hate to sound like a typical old man, but back in my day we had 4 kids who all crammed into the back of a crappy beaten up Dodge and we LIKED it!

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Being a politician and a hypocrite is not exclusive to John Edwards or the Democratic party.

Yes, but USS Redskins' method of operation appears to be:

1) Say both sides do it up front

2) then rant exclusively about Democrats.

It's kind of transparent.

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I wonder how people that are 6 ft. 5 and above w/ children got around before SUV's? By the way, I'm over 6 ft. 5, have a daughter, and drive a Corrolla.

Once you have that second kid, you're screwed. I wonder what people did pre-1990 when SUVs were barely even thought of. :whoknows:

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Don't even worry about it.

When fossil fuels dry up your vehicles and everything else will run on water, and that fuel they get from corn.

Blow torches that work on water, and cars that run on water, that just blows my mind.

That's some Back 2 the Future stuff.

And 6'5 is only 3 inches taller than me. You can drive any american vehicle.

My bro is 6'6 he rides with me in small car no problem.

Fair Enough:

I should note that I actually drive a Mazda 626 - my wife drives the SUV and we carpool allot to save gas - so yes, I fit in a smaller car but my legs are extra long and the SUV is much more comfortable.

The bottom line is this is like a convicted Catholic Priest telling you not to have pre-marital sex.

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Fair Enough:

I should note that I actually drive a Mazda 626 - my wife drives the SUV and we carpool allot to save gas - so yes, I fit in a smaller car but my legs are extra long and the SUV is much more comfortable.

The bottom line is this is like a convicted Catholic Priest telling you not to have pre-marital sex.

I understand, even I have a hard time getting in and out of some sports cars.

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Yeah, weird isn't it?

I'm 6'5" with two kids and I drive a Hyundai Elantra.

I can understand wanting to rant about hypocritical celebrities, but noone needs to drive an SUV. They're just trendy.

Well lets pass a law against SUV's then! Kerry and Gore have fleets of them - what are they going to do? I guess they can buy 500 Elantra's!

You must be a really short 6'5 - I have to bend like a pretzel to drive in most cars.

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Edwards can't talk about conservation because he takes airplane rides to campaign stops? I guess Bush can't talk about the military, because he fight himself, right?

It appears that the polls are really scaring the Republicans about Edwards. Nice to see the attack machine is firing up as we speak. I was worried that without Rove the GOP would lose its mojo. As Lee Corso would say, "not so fast, my friend..."


Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) now leads all Republican hopefuls in Election 2008 polls. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Edwards leading former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® 49% to 43%. That’s the first time Edwards has ever had an advantage over Giuliani. During 2006, the man dubbed “America’s Mayor” led Edwards by an average of nine percentage points in Rasmussen Reports polling. In three previously monthly polls during 2006, Giuliani led Edwards by an average of four percentage points.

In the latest poll, both Giuliani and Edwards do well within their own party. However, Edwards has an eight-point lead among voters not affiliated with either major party.

The poll also found Edwards leading the newest face in the race, former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ®. In fact, the North Carolinian holds a fourteen percentage point advantage, 50% to 36%. This was the first time an Edwards-Thompson match has been polled. Earlier polls found Edwards leading Arizona Senator John McCain, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and former Arkansas Governor Mike Hucakbee.

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Both could be a distinct possibility? :D

I always crack up when I see this footage. The guy is absolutely obsessed with his hair...

If Nixon was a little more concerned with how he looked on TV, we might never have had the Kennedy administration...

As to expensive haircuts...

Conservatives please tell me "what the market decides" is the right price for a haircut for a person trying to become the most powerful man in the world...

Mitt Romney has billed hundreds of dollars to his campaign, which was never reimbursed, for makeup. Does this make him a nancy boy, too?


I wonder how much THIS guy's makeup bill is???



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If Nixon was a little more concerned with how he looked on TV, we might never have had the Kennedy administration...

As to expensive haircuts...

Conservatives please tell me "what the market decides" is the right price for a haircut for a person trying to become the most powerful man in the world...

Mitt Romney has billed hundreds of dollars to his campaign, which was never reimbursed, for makeup. Does this make him a nancy boy, too?


I wonder how much THIS guy's makeup bill is???



Nicely done :laugh:

You can't seriously be an Edwards guy though - are you? It also really has nothing to do with him being a democrat either. I tend to align myself more with the republican party on certain issues, but I am not a right-wing zealot or anything remotely close to it.

I don't limit myself solely to whether or not a person's name has an R, or a D in the immediate vicinity. An Edwards ticket would assure a republican victory I think. I have much more respect for Kucinich actually. Everyone has question marks on both tickets, but Edwards really troubles me. He just seems extraordinarily phony to me - even for a politician.

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Nicely done :laugh:

You can't seriously be an Edwards guy though - are you? It also really has nothing to do with him being a democrat either. I tend to align myself more with the republican party on certain issues, but I am not a right-wing zealot or anything remotely close to it.

I don't limit myself solely to whether or not a person's name has an R, or a D in the immediate vicinity. An Edwards ticket would assure a republican victory I think. I have much more respect for Kucinich actually. Everyone has questions marks on both tickets, but Edwards really troubles me. He just seems extraordinarily phony to me - even for a politician.

Well, this liberal agrees with you whole-heartedly. Edwards is an empty suit. A Democratic version of George Allen. Blah.

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I don't understand why people get so upset about politicians. Not one of them cares what any of us say. They kiss up to whatever group they think will push them over the edge. I'm a conservative, but I have no problem calling out republicans. They are all out to get elected. Once elected, they will spend the next 4 years pandering to the people that paid to get them elected. I hate feeling this way but it's the truth, just look at what Bush and congress have achieved.

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