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Bioshock for x360 and PC (Review: 9.7/10)


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1st issue to the game....


BioShock just released today (in the US) and already display problems are being reported. Over on the 2K Games forums, widescreen BioShock players have discovered (and are actively complaining about) how the game handles the 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. Simply put, the widescreen display is getting its top and bottom chopped off. You see, the game's widescreen display is generated by pulling in the standard 4:3 aspect ratio display, but then cuts off the top and bottom to create the correct 16:9 ratio. This is very noticeable in the screenshot above, which was taken from a 4:3 ratio display, where the red bars show what widescreen players wouldn't be seeing as it's being cut off. This is a very abnormal of handling widescreen where developers usually render for a wider FOV and create a 16:9 ratio, then creating the 4:3 ratio by cutting off the left and right sides. It's a very odd way of handling widescreen indeed. 2K Games has yet to respond to this display issue, but we're sure they'll have an answer soon ... unless they want a horde of angry fanboys at their front door.

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i wonder how the wide-screen turns out for the PC, because my laptop is wide-screen.

Widescreen Gaming Forum lists the PC version of Bioshock as "Vert -", echoing what's in the above article. They don't give any more info than that though - more detail should be available soon I'd imagine.


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Widescreen Gaming Forum lists the PC version of Bioshock as "Vert -", echoing what's in the above article. They don't give any more info than that though - more detail should be available soon I'd imagine.


and i'm guessing hor + is the way we'd like things to be? damn. well i guess my laptop does have S-vid out, so i can still hook it up to our big tv

edit: ok, so maybe it doesn't have s-video. its got that other A/V connection that looks similar to it that i've only ever seen before on my tv-tuner card.

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Got it today and played it a bit. I think the story line is a little odd... it's like the 1960's meets 3060's. The weapons and tech is all old looking yet they are able to give Xmen like super powers via a single injection. Enemy AI seems good so far which is a must for a single player only. Personally I prefer shooters with a bit more precise combat feel - zoom and shoot before the enemy knows what hit them... this one is forcing a bit more chaotic combat on me then I'm used to.

How many malpractice victims must I kill to get a damn rail gun or a sniper rifle?!

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I forgot to mention, there are some good spooky parts. I jumped in my seat when the room fogged up and the wrench sporting lunatic poped up behind me.

good times.

i only played it for close to an hour but i really like this game so far. the sound of the game has impressed me as much as anything, with the effects of the water, to the voices of the characters, everything fits perfectly to the vibe and theme of the storyline.

I'm waiting for my crapped out x360 to get back to me (Red Ring of Death: should be here tomorrow, though). Have either of you guys experienced the widescreen display problems posted above? I have a 1080i widescreen TV and I'm curious if I'll have this problem. In other words, can ya'll see the HUD?

BTW, I played the x360 demo at a friends house on his widescreen HDTV and didn't see any problems.

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I'm waiting for my crapped out x360 to get back to me (Red Ring of Death: should be here tomorrow, though). Have either of you guys experienced the widescreen display problems posted above? I have a 1080i widescreen TV and I'm curious if I'll have this problem. In other words, can ya'll see the HUD?

BTW, I played the x360 demo at a friends house on his widescreen HDTV and didn't see any problems.

i'm still reppin standard definition *hangs head in shame*

i'm upgrading to a LCD HDTV next month though:laugh:

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I'm waiting for my crapped out x360 to get back to me (Red Ring of Death: should be here tomorrow, though). Have either of you guys experienced the widescreen display problems posted above? I have a 1080i widescreen TV and I'm curious if I'll have this problem. In other words, can ya'll see the HUD?

BTW, I played the x360 demo at a friends house on his widescreen HDTV and didn't see any problems.

played for an hour on the 360 today and had zero problems with the widescreen thing. HD gaming is so good :).

pseudo-edit: After reading through about twenty pages from the link Torresa posted it seems all versions of the game have this problem. The PC crowd will eventually get a fix, but the x360 crowd are probably stuck for performance reasons(this cropped image renders less). Oh well, who cares? The demo looked great to me and honestly I wish I hadn't even heard of this problem. I can't wait to get my x360 back tomorrow and just enjoy this great game and not get my panties in a wad over such a trivial complaint. I'll see you guys in Rapture.....:silly:

BTW, it seems some guy over at the 2K forums has figured out a fix for the PC/Shader Model 2.0 problem. It is still a work in progress, though. Linky

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Played this today on the 360

Incredible to say the least. Great storyline (this is very suprising), great graphics, great action, great control. I like the addition of different ammo and attacking abilities that i have never seen before.

It's Grrrrrreat!

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Comments on the review were priceless.

Maybe I'll actually buy another game soon? So freakin' expensive I don't usually... end up spending it on my girl.

It is definately worth it imo. Might not have a lot of replay value but the experience is great.

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Im getting this for computer since my parents owe me a free game. B-day present that they havent got me yet. I wanted Madden but i decided not too.

Another game to watch...http://www.ea.com/crysis/home.jsp

only problem is ea games is publishing it. EA games blows.

So much hate for EA.... Crysis supposed to be a great game engine. similar to Unreal 3 engine


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Im getting this for computer since my parents owe me a free game. B-day present that they havent got me yet. I wanted Madden but i decided not too.

Another game to watch...http://www.ea.com/crysis/home.jsp

only problem is ea games is publishing it. EA games blows.

So much hate for EA.... Crysis supposed to be a great game engine. similar to Unreal 3 engine


:nono: This is the BioShock thread, not the Crysis thread..........j/k :D

In all truth, I want to upgrade my PC for Crysis. I bought FarCry shortly after it was released a couple of years ago and it was one of the best single player games I've played on PC. Crysis should be that good and then some.

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