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Injuries are starting to become a real concern


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The Redskins appear to be a M.A.S.H. Unit right now. Lloyd, ARE, Samuels, Wade, Heyer, Portis, Thomas, and on, and on, and on. The injuries range from the serious type (Samuels) to the nagging type (ARE) to the "I've never in my life heard of an NFL player miss this much time because of Shin Splints" type (Lloyd :wtf: ). We have more than our fair share of players missing time because of injuries. Every day it seems like there's a new one.

My concern is not the injuries themselves (excpet Samuels). 90% of these things are the types of injuries that would not prevent them from playing on Sunday. They are being held out for precautionary purposes so that the injuries do not fester into the regular season. I understand that. My concern is that several of the players missing time are crucial players for us, and their absence is going to seriously affect the preparation of this team.

Campbell has yet to play with Portis (hell, he's barely practiced with Portis!). The O-Line hasn't had consitency with personnel and it's affect on The Todd Wade Experiment can't be good. The WR Corps fluctuates daily and it's certainly not helping Campbell. ...........ETC

I think most of these injuries will work themselves out. In the mean time, our preparation as a football team is taking a huge hit. Week 1 continues to get closer and time is going to be in very short supply very soon. We need some health and we need it quickly.

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Nobody wants to play/practice in the preseason. Everyone is aware that seasons have been ended before Sept 1st. Its not that big of a deal. Knicks and scrapes are inflated as pulls and strains at this point. These guys just want the season to arrive.

Write down a list of all the "injured" players right now....and then revert back come Miami Week and see who is still injured and is listed as OUT for the week 1 game. It might shock u.

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I just want to know one thing: After last preseason, does anyone actually believe Portis' knee is aggravating him anywhere near as much as he claims?

I think a lot of this stuff, minus Samuels, is being played up a bit just because it's preseason.

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I certainly understand your position here armada, but I think you may be overreacting just a hair. Many of our vets don't like preseason games. To be, as Portis said, "Injured in a game that means nothing," is every veteran's worst fear during the football season. Therefore, while I think some of these injuries are legit and are just being watched as a precautionary measure, others are just a means to sit during preseason. I think we'll see our team in full effect and healthy come September 9.

On the bright side, at least we aren't hearing about on nationwide sports updates whenever one our players farts. *cough* TO *cough*

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You all need to read my post again. The injuries themselves don't concern me (except Samuels). It's the affect that the missing time will have on our preparation for the regular season that is concerning me. This team has a long way to go and big hill to climb. All this missing time is not helping.

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If you're not familiar with an MCL injury here's where Samuels knee is messed up:


I think it's something that won't linger as long as he takes good care of it.

I agree that Samuels injury is the major concern though, especially watching the OL without him last Saturday. I think that the rest of these guys could go out and play this Sunday if it were the regular season and we needed them, it looks to me that Gibbs is just being precautious so we aren't in a bind when the regular season starts.

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I know that holding players out is precautionary. I know that most of these injuries will be fine come the regular season. I said that in my original post. THE INJURIES THEMSELVES DON'T CONCERN ME!!!

In the mean time, we're trying to prepare for the regular season and build chemistry and experiment at guard with a converted tackle and.............. you know what. I give up.

If you think that all the players missing time right now is having no affect on the teams preparation, so be it. I think it is.

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this is a double edged sword though. the dilemma is, do you rest your guys in the preseason to make sure they dont get injured, but risk them having chemistry setbacks due to them not playing with each other? or do you put them in the preseason games, risk injury, but have them gel as a team better so the start of the season isnt shaky?

i think were all in agreement that portis really isnt that injured. but some of the other guys need to friggin play. lloyd and his lame shin splints need to shut up and get out there. portis has proved he can be the man, lloyd has proved absolutely nothing, other than that hes capable of having the worst season as a #2 receiver. i just hope the team doesnt have gel problems during week 1. all we can do is hope for the best and hope that the coaches make the right calls, but its a scary thought to think that the first time this unit plays together as a whole will be week 1.

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my concern is with all of the key people ou on O, how can they form a chemistry. New QB, new Guard, trying to get B-lloyd and ARE on the same page with Campbell, working betts and portis with Oline, etc. Maybe they will all be healthy come first game.. but i really hope they can one or two preseason games to get some sort of timing down.

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this is a double edged sword though. the dilemma is, do you rest your guys in the preseason to make sure they dont get injured, but risk them having chemistry setbacks due to them not playing with each other? or do you put them in the preseason games, risk injury, but have them gel as a team better so the start of the season isnt shaky?

i think were all in agreement that portis really isnt that injured. but some of the other guys need to friggin play. lloyd and his lame shin splints need to shut up and get out there. portis has proved he can be the man, lloyd has proved absolutely nothing, other than that hes capable of having the worst season as a #2 receiver. i just hope the team doesnt have gel problems during week 1. all we can do is hope for the best and hope that the coaches make the right calls, but its a scary thought to think that the first time this unit plays together as a whole will be week 1.

Finally, someone who understood my point.

You're right, it's a double edged sword. I admit that. I'm also not the guy in the Training Room. So I don't know the severity of any of these things.

What is the answer?? Do you build chemistry on a team coming off a 5-11 season with a big hill to climb or do you proceed with caution and hope that it all comes together by the regular season?? I'll be honest, I don't know the answer.

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Finally, someone who understood my point.

You're right, it's a double edged sword. I admit that. I'm also not the guy in the Training Room. So I don't know the severity of any of these things.

What is the answer?? Do you build chemistry on a team coming off a 5-11 season with a big hill to climb or do you proceed with caution and hope that it all comes together by the regular season?? I'll be honest, I don't know the answer.

i dont know, but its scary to think about. portis getting injured last year has obviously freaked out our coaching staff about pre season injuries and it seems like theyre being cautious beyond reason. sitting half the team isnt going to help. all its gonna do is come week one were gonna look like garbage because none of these guys have seen playing time together. im not sure campbell has ever handed the football to clinton portis, and thats not good.

on a side note, i think lloyd is close to being cut and nobody cares about his contract. hes fallen out of favor with the staff, and i think he just hasnt been cut yet because its going to make us look very stupid and be a huge embarrassment when we do. nobody sits for shin splints, especially after theyve dropped down the depth chart.

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Wow, no team has ever dealt with day to day injuries before...

Injuries at week 1 of preseason are NOT a concern. Injuries 3 weeks into the regular season are. If you need something to run around in a panic about, there are many people in the world dying of hunger...

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Yeah Portis' injury looked REAL legit when he was jumping up and down :doh:

:laugh: seriously I don't blame alot of Vets for wanting to sit out preseaons games.

Tendonitis in the knee affects him when he is cutting and juking NOT when running straight ahead or jumping up and down.

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Are our players good enough that they can treat training camp as an annoyance?

It was amusing when John Riggins would fake injuries to avoid practice. But he is a Hall of Famer. He's allowed to do those kinds of things.

It's like that line from Bull Durham. "When you win 20 games in the Show, you can grow the moss on your shower shoes and the press will think you are colorful. Until then, it just means that you're a slob."

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I just want to know one thing: After last preseason, does anyone actually believe Portis' knee is aggravating him anywhere near as much as he claims?

I think a lot of this stuff, minus Samuels, is being played up a bit just because it's preseason.

I think even samuels injury is played up, while at camp last week I was inside the building on a tour and samuels was in the workout room doing things that NO one with his injury should even be attempting!!

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Did you listen to Gibbs' press conference? It sounds like the training staff is holding out Lloyd until he's healthy. It has nothing to do with Lloyd sitting himself (which doesn't make much sense) and everything to do with trying to keep everyone healthy.

I think the parent has a valid concern. A coaching staff would rather have players on the field rather than not. At the same time, they don't want players to get hurt in meaningless games. Anyone who has annoying injuries which only heal with rest are going to be sat down.

I think the biggest concern here is Samuels. It isn't because he needs the work, because he's been around forever, but that he needs to work with Wade (and whoever else plays there) and vice-versa. I have a feeling even when Samuels comes back, that side of the line will struggle a bit early as they get their footing. But, there isn't much to be done about it.


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I just want to know one thing: After last preseason, does anyone actually believe Portis' knee is aggravating him anywhere near as much as he claims?

I think a lot of this stuff, minus Samuels, is being played up a bit just because it's preseason.

Just a gut feeling, nothing really to base it on except that he is never healthy enough to play, but I predict Portis never plays at a significant level for the Skins again. Or anyone else for that matter. :(

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