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thumbs up, thumbs down.. who looked good.. who didnt (merged)


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Thumbs up to:

Campbell - Played like I expected him too. Next week will be key. He shook off the rust and had good timing with Moss. Showed some poise and had some things to work on. If he progresses in each of the next two weeks like I hope he'll be right where he needs to be for Miami.

Defense - NO DEEP PASSES! That was our achilles last year. Also showed good pressure although we didn't get a sack. Our coverage was great IMO. They checked down to the dump off a lot which means the coverage and pass rush were there.

Punting - Frost looked good which was important b/c last year he got off to a slow start.

Thumbs down:

O-Line - 5 sacks is too many, I don't care if we had young guys in there or not.

Suisham - K out of bounds and the missed FG didn't make me comfortable. Had he made the FG I could forget the K out of bounds, but he did it last weekend too. I'm nervous here.

All in all, after the first preseason game I'm pretty happy. We have a timing and rhythem offense and I expected us to start slow. I think we will improve over the next two weeks and be ready for a quick start to the season. Especially, if our Defense plays like it did tonight. They can buy us some time until we start clicking on Offense if we don't get things going early.

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I have to wonder if Mark Brunell isn't the worst backup QB in the NFL now. The book is written on him... he can't throw deep, he doesn't have any escapability and he can't make plays on the run. All he has left is the mis-direction rollout... and teams have defensed that cold for the last 1.5 years.

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Id have to go with a thumbs up to Frost(good punts, and he decked that guy lol), Fletcher(tacklemachine), and Collins(honestly, he gives us a better chance to throw the ball down the field than Brunell).

Thumbs down goes to Jansen(block?), Brunell(hes just too old), and Suisham(dont miss FGs and kick balls out of bounds).

We will see how things go as preseason goes along. I remember Frost starting out hot last year, then sucking. Suisham should rebound next week, as Jansen might(I think he struggled early last year and got his rythm going later on.

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There is one factor that tells all. The local cowboys contingent is quiet. That means a whole lot when it comes down to it. If things were that bad, we'd be hearing about it, but we aren't. Why? Because we were pretty darn good tonight.

haha you judge your teams performance by what a fan of another team says? It was a PRESEASON game for pete's sake...

Personally, I thought the game was sloppy for the starters of both teams... but, who cares... they are practice games...

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Thumbs up:

1. London Fletcher - We all knew he was a seasoned veteran who led the Bills with like 150+ tackles each year, but man.. his intensity today just blew me away. Our defense is in sure hands with him patrolling the field as our MLB. If he caught that first interception it would have been a nice start for the Redskins defense, but it's good to know that this man won't miss many tackles.

2. Anthony Montgomery (Defensive tackle play in general)- He blew up the center a few times, and our defensive tackles overall looked fresh and healthy. THey were keeping the linebackers clean and allowing them to swarm to the ball. Joe Salavea and Golston (batted pass which LFB dropped) also looked good. Any reasons why Golston was playing in the third and fourth quarter? Isn't he supposed to start?

3. Todd Collins - 5 for 5, threw some nice deep passes over the middle and got our offense and team some much needed momentum starting out the preseason.

4. Chris Wilson (backup defensive ends in general) Number 77 was just tearing up the Titans' backup olineman. He made a nice stop on a running play, he drew a holding penalty toward the end of the game on a stunt, and he suprisingly got some pressure using a bull rush, despite being undersized. I thought Buzbee and Hickman also looked good in limited duty. Hickman made a heads up play in pushing Rattay away from the fumbled snap, which ultimately allowed Westbrook to score.

5. Laron Landry- Man.. I hope Gregg Williams blitzes him as much as he can. He crushed Collins on that one blitz. He seems like an explosive tackler and will make a difference in stuffing the run and getting some pressure.

Thumbs DOWN:

1. Jon Jansen (Redskins Right side in general) Jansen did not play well today. He was blown off the ball and was getting pushed back by undersized defensive ends like Antwan Odom. He also failed to pick up a stunt. Randy Thomas didn't look like his old self, as we didn't pick up many yards when we ran behind them.

2. Mark Brunell - He is awful.

3. Jason Fabini- Looked horrible.

4. Shaun Suisham - Missed a 47 year field goal and had a kickoff go out of bounds. I think he had one go out of bounds last week as well.. Not good.

5. Ade Jimoh - You know I love him as a special teams gunner, but in coverage, he's as good as burnt toast.

So - so: Stephon Heyer, Todd Wade, Redskins Starting secondary. Wade and Heyer held up in pass blocking, but we struggled as a whole in the running game.

Also it was nice to see Clinton jumping up and down when we got that second surprise touchdown. The way he was jumping, it didn't look like his tendonitis is that serious.

I concurr. My observations as well.

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Basically everything the first post had was correct.

except about Ade Jimoh..I saw him lay lumber to that back Henry about 5-6 times..

anyone depending upon that Spero guy for any input better find a new team..I imagine Marshall Faulk is the most embarrassed guy that was in Nashville tonight..they sucked worse than it would have been if Bill Mass and Gus Johnson got teamed up together

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I'm not sweating Swish'em's miss. It was from 47 and had plenty of distance just hit the upright. Stuff happens.

HB Blades and Mason also looked good. I wasn't as impressed with Heyer as some of the others. I saw him rocked back on his feet a couple of times. If Jansen doesn't step it up we may be looking at a change there. I'm not sold on a 6'8' guard. a 6'8" tackle is another matter. Fletcher was absolutely awesome. Looks like an outstanding pickup. Rocky M looked promising as well.

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There is one factor that tells all. The local cowboys contingent is quiet. That means a whole lot when it comes down to it. If things were that bad, we'd be hearing about it, but we aren't. Why? Because we were pretty darn good tonight.

nahh we just have respect for the dead

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Thumbs Up:

London Fletcher....I heard he was good but damn if he didn't surpass my expectations.

Laron Landry....Layed the smacketh down :D just as I knew he would.

H.B Blades...I really like this kid.

Todd Collins -he impressed me with that drive.

Byron Westbrook

As far as the Offense goes I'm not panicking after watching this game.

Clinton Portis and Chris Samuels will be back and HEALTHY which will make a difference.The rest I'm certain Coach Buges and Coach Gibbs will rectify Monday morning.

I'm really more happy that The D is back on track :point2sky .

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I have to wonder if Mark Brunell isn't the worst backup QB in the NFL now. The book is written on him... he can't throw deep, he doesn't have any escapability and he can't make plays on the run. All he has left is the mis-direction rollout... and teams have defensed that cold for the last 1.5 years.

come on now we still have Brad Johnson in Dallas :silly:

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I have to wonder if Mark Brunell isn't the worst backup QB in the NFL now. The book is written on him... he can't throw deep, he doesn't have any escapability and he can't make plays on the run. All he has left is the mis-direction rollout... and teams have defensed that cold for the last 1.5 years.

I am sure that you can name all 32 backups..

that right tackle #75 Livingston was like playing with a shower curtain as a strongside blocker..the best he looked all night was on a fake by Collins where he faked a pass block and they ran up the gut setting up 1st and Goal from the one..Livingston didn't even touch anyone..but sold the play

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Speakin of dbs I didn't hear Smoot's number called tonight. Did he play?

I saw Smooty get beat early in the second qtr..on Collins best pass..for a decent gain..Fred looked like Rogers did last year he was so far off the reciever..I expect Smoot to be able to blanket whoever he draws..especially with all the speed they have at LB and Safety now

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How could you overlook Derrick "the hitman" Frost. The kid was money. :)

Ya gotta love when your punter is right in the thick of things...not waiting back as the last line of defense...oh...and he can force fumbles :cheers: .

Thought Campbell did great, Suisam nice kick...too bad ya just shanked it. Defense played VERY well. Gonna be fierce this year. O-Line....eh...could be better, cold be worse...hell it is only the first pre-season game.

Looking good so far guys... :D

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