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Official Redskins-Ravens scrimmage thread

Leonard Washington

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we'll probly let Palmer go to keep Collins to make AL happy :rolleyes: .... I for one after tivoing the masn game was sick. The announcers were so bias towards the Ravens ... that 45 yard pass wasnt a sack bc you werent allowed to hit the QB... there like "Oh he missed, good play for the ravens, then the tipped ball by mashall "oh no just a bad play by boller"... such bias

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pretty grim, but its way too early to tell. but that scrimmage was hardly anything to get excited about. aside from one nice palmer pass and a few solid blaylock runs, we have lots of areas that need improvement. granted it was all scrubs playing, but our linebacker coverage looked pretty weak, and our pass rush is still pretty nonexistent.

notice how the ravens constantly had their guys in the backfield after our QBs? thats what a good defense does.

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Anyone else think Anthony Montgomery has been EXTREMELY impressive?
:cheers: That's wild man, I just asked the very same question in another thread.

I really liked what I saw from Montogomery. Although it did seem like he would take some plays off. Either that or he was getting tired.

Over all, he was pretty much a force out there today.

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The D looks solid against the run, against the pass is another story. It also seems like the D-line still isn't getting pressure on a consistent basis.

You really can't judge the passing 'D' in these things b/c neither team can rush the QB like they want to (you can't hit the QB).

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the biased coverage with ravens

terrible coverage they made it seem like we were the steelers or something ... that 45 yrd pass for example our pass rush backed off since your not allowed to hit the qb and that idiot goes "oh no he just missed great ravens play great play"

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Well if Brunell knows the system now then Collins is expendable. It seems that the system now since week 8 last year is now a hybrid of Gibbs and Saunders and Brunell knows that just fine so he can be in the ear for Campbell....See ya Collins as we need to groom younger backups.

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I thought all we needed was a secondary that could cover forever, regardless of the pass rush that we generate.


Last time I checked a secondary can't cover forever. Maybe Gibbs needs to know that. It's great we have a good secondary, but they will look bad with no pass rush.

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Did the scrimmage answer any of these questions?

1. Will the Skins pass rush improve.

2. Will R. McIntosh step up.

3. Will a WR capable of taking heat off Santa emerge.

4. Will the Skins have a back/up at QB worthy of the name.

5. Will the OL have enough quality depth this season.

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the ravens sure didnt look like they had any issues getting to our QBs. they were in the backfield most plays.

The Ravens were trying. It was obvoius the Redskins weren't (no blitzes).

If you can't see that, then you are just looking for crap to complain about.

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Everyone seems to cover the negatives, so I figured I'd point out some positives:

  2. Campbell looked VERY sharp in the 7 on 7's. Even on the play where he pull it down and ran, his decision-making seemed very good. He seemed to scan the field and make a decision, with very little hesitation. You could say no pass rush was part of that, but the other QB's didn't seem to be so quick.
  3. Palmer looked good in 11 on 11's.....I wish we could've seen more than 2 hand-offs from Bramlett (especially instead of "coach" Collins)
  4. Smoot still seems to have a nose for INT's....very good!
  5. The run D looked pretty stout, even with the 2nd ,3rd, etc stringers.

I do have to agree on the coverage.....I thought for sure that CSN or one of the local DC stations would also be showing it from the Skins perspective, but no. :doh: Stick to baseball, MASN!


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