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Buying American, is it over?


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Mass, do u wear clothes, do u wear underwear? What do you eat? Most of the foods americans eat are from china!!! bOO-yah

As I said previously, I buy as much in the way of American products as possibly. Obviously there are certain things where it isn't possible at this time to avoid purchasing foreign products. Personally, I'd like to see much LESS imported into the US. We don't need it. We can produce most of the stuff we actually NEED here in the US if we have to. The problem is that now, where people have the opportunity to unpatrioticly ignore American products and buy foreign goods, they do.

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As I said previously, I buy as much in the way of American products as possibly. Obviously there are certain things where it isn't possible at this time to avoid purchasing foreign products. Personally, I'd like to see much LESS imported into the US. We don't need it. We can produce most of the stuff we actually NEED here in the US if we have to. The problem is that now, where people have the opportunity to unpatrioticly ignore American products and buy foreign goods, they do.

I hope you don't take this offensively but I find it a little odd to hear you speak of patriotism when, from where I'm sitting, you pick an choose which American ideals you like and don't like. And frankly, other than the right to bear arms, you seem rather disgusted by most of them.

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I hope you don't take this offensively but I find it a little odd to hear you speak of patriotism when, from where I'm sitting, you pick an choose which American ideals you like and don't like. And frankly, other than the right to bear arms, you seem rather disgusted by most of them.

I don't take offense at much of anything people say to or about me.

What I'm disgusted by is the individuals that make up the citizenry of this country and planet and the lack of comprehension of the intent of the Founders in the founding documents of this country.

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I can't believe this is such a joke to some people. I guess our economy is so great, we should just enjoy it. Sell out and move along, nothing to see here.

I tried to address your issues seriously if you back a few pages. Whenever Mass gets involved, things go crazy because his opinions are so comical.

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What I'm disgusted by is the individuals that make up the citizenry of this country and planet and the lack of comprehension of the intent of the Founders in the founding documents of this country.

How would the founders feel about our current foreign policy, Mass? Or even the idea of a standing army?

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How would the founders feel about our current foreign policy, Mass? Or even the idea of a standing army?

I think they'd be absolutely disgusted by both, to be completely honest. Then again they'd also be disgusted by the fact that we have embassies world-wide and allow foreign governments to have influence on American society and the US economy to the extent they do.

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I think they'd be absolutely disgusted by both, to be completely honest. Then again they'd also be disgusted by the fact that we have embassies world-wide and allow foreign governments to have influence on American society and the US economy to the extent they do.

And what about the army required to invade Canada or Mexico to obtain more oil?

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I think they'd be absolutely disgusted by both, to be completely honest. Then again they'd also be disgusted by the fact that we have embassies world-wide and allow foreign governments to have influence on American society and the US economy to the extent they do.

How does that jibe with your support of the Iraq war?

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How does that jibe with your support of the Iraq war?

I get the feeling that if we'd gone over there for the reason we SHOULD have (the attempted assassination of a former American President), removed the offending parties, and left Iraq to its own devices (which IS the concept I supported) they'd be fine with it. My support of the Iraq War is due to the fact that we have American servicepeople in harms way. It's not a political thing.

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I tried to address your issues seriously if you back a few pages. Whenever Mass gets involved, things go crazy because his opinions are so comical.
No Pete, I read your responses. I enjoy discussing things with you. My comment is more out of frustration. Maybe it's just me hanging on to ideals from a time I never lived in, but they just seem right. It bothers me to know that good ole american apple pie is made in a crust from china, ya know. I can't do the "me" thing either, it's not comfortable.
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No Pete, I read your responses. I enjoy discussing things with you. My comment is more out of frustration. Maybe it's just me hanging on to ideals from a time I never lived in, but they just seem right. It bothers me to know that good ole american apple pie is made in a crust from china, ya know. I can't do the "me" thing either, it's not comfortable.

I think you nailed it. It is a ideal from a time long ago.

It might seem right "buy american" but it's not really a worthwile goal. I think our ideal should be a little different.

America should be the leader...in EVERYTHING.

We should have the biggest middle class and the wealthest nation and the highest standard of living.

My world view is different. I will be happy to buy forgin products - Because I see it as America is the management and executive level of the world. That is not a knock on Blue coller workers, who made America what it is today and for years were the backbone of America. But moving forward, we are now past that. America, as a whole, will move to a white coller work force that has higher wages, more technical skill, and more freedom then what the workforce use to look like.

I welcome the change and think the econmony shows that we are better for it.

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Well, when I can, I buy American. For example, my truck is a Ford, and if given a choice I will buy an American product over one from overseas.

However, my next motorcycle will be a Triumph. Why? Simple - I do not believe that buying an overall inferior product (Harley imo ) for more money will force said American company to produce a better product. Why should it when they can sell an inferior product for more money than a better one?

I own IMO a pretty fine Harley so we obviously have differing opinons on what makes for a better motorcycle product. Having said that I do not endorse buying an inferior product (quite the contrary). Since you feel Harley is an inferior product I recommend and support you not buying that as your next motorcycle.

When I see comparable or better products ex. Craftsman, Milwaukee tools that are made in the USA compared with say a Makita brand made overseas I buy the Craftsman/Milwaukee brand having no bones about paying a few more dollars as I know that our wage scale in the US in nowhere close to that of 3rd world countries. If we continue to loose our middle class manufacturing jobs to overseas we are going to be left with just white collar (haves) and service industry ((McDonalds) have nots) that is not good for the economy or our national defense, as we will then not only be dependent on fuel but on material goods from outside the country that we could later be held hostage too.

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Or you could just buy the Chinese shovel, then take the $15 you saved and buy Tom and Tony a pizza and a beer.

Today, yes. But using your example if everybody did that we eliminate all the US shovel makers and China is the sole provder of shovels since they then corner the market they could then set the price and potentially raise the price of shovels to say $120. And if someone wanted to buy a shovel that is what they would have to pay and now Tom and Tony are out of work and on welfare.

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You don't think some American genius would just start making shovels again? We'll still have people capable of making the shovels if we can get them cheaper over here, yet still of good quality, right? It's not like OIL or something of that nature where we can't just make more....

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So... we should cut off all oil imports?

No we shouldn't but we damn sure ought to find a way to rid ourselves of our dependence of foreign oil!!! There are lots of atrocities happening in the world (Africa for example) that we do not get into because we are not dependent. What makes the middle east such a hotspot? 1. It is full of lunatics that have such low self esteem they are bent on our destruction and 2. They have oil that we are in desperate need of to keep up our current standard of living. If gas prices went up to $10 a gallon tomorrow we would all ***** about it but pay it nonetheless because we have to get to work, go to the grocery store, etc. because we have no alternative at this time.

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You don't think some American genius would just start making shovels again? We'll still have people capable of making the shovels if we can get them cheaper over here, yet still of good quality, right? It's not like OIL or something of that nature where we can't just make more....

Pershaps shovels is too simplistic of a product to make the point I am trying to make? My concern is as we loose the industrial base it becomes more cost prohibitive to recreate it later due to the cost of future real estate and the (lack of) a skilled workforce to produce the product.

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Pershaps shovels is too simplistic of a product to make the point I am trying to make? My concern is as we loose the industrial base it becomes more cost prohibitive to recreate it later due to the cost of future real estate and the (lack of) a skilled workforce to produce the product.

I share your concerns,but we are blessed with land and you can always import skilled workers in a pinch.

The loss of basic skills period is prevalent today in the US,but as the need grows so do wages for those skills...soon a "handyman" will command a considerable salary.

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It's not importation once those places are part of the United States.

Values, John. Values.

Then you can just get rid of all the Mexicans and Canadians you don't want because we have the power and that makes it all OK, right???? I thought you didn't want Mexicans in America... you just want Mexico? We'll call it the Mass_SkinsFan Doctrine. It sounds a bit parasitic if you ask me.

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Then you can just get rid of all the Mexicans and Canadians you don't want because we have the power and that makes it all OK, right???? I thought you didn't want Mexicans in America... you just want Mexico? We'll call it the Mass_SkinsFan Doctrine. It sounds a bit parasitic if you ask me.

No, we wouldn't just get rid of them. They'd have 90 days to learn English and prove they have a reasonable value to the economy before we deported them.

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I'd say the problem is when you start dealing with countries that have lower standards. Especially when it comes to food and beverages.

Our country is going from being innovative manufacturers to being a nation of retail salesman, everyone is becoming a marketer trying to hock the next piece of imported crap.

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I'd say the problem is when you start dealing with countries that have lower standards. Especially when it comes to food and beverages.

Our country is going from being innovative manufacturers to being a nation of retail salesman, everyone is becoming a marketer trying to hock the next piece of imported crap.

We are indeed moving from an industrial economy to a service economy. Why the negative connotation? And why is this a bad thing?

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