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Mess with enough people and eventually you'll mess with the wrong guy (video)


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LOL! That's what the ****ing punk ass deserved. Didn't look so ****ing tough with someone punching his face in. Little *****.

Ah, the kid was probably tweaked up. The punk simply didn't deserve that much of a beating. Once he was down and subdued, all that needed to be done was duct tape his feet and arms behind his back and wait for the cops. The extra kicks were totally unnecessary and could actually lead to the guy "coming to the rescue" to be busted for aggravated assault.

I've been on the protecting end of preventing someone from taking a beating like that. The poor kid I saved almost died so what this guy did was WAAAAAY overboard.

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he took too long, gave his victim too much time to start thinking about getting his own back!

have to agree when the shop assistants friend comes in and just stands there watching not even trying to get the whole thing stopped it all starts to get that one step too far. Self-defence is fair enough, getting to the point of possible manslaughter is dumb. This fight was over about 20 punches/kicks and a body-slam in to the first round.

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I know at least some of you have gotten into that "zone". It happens and when you ef with somebody you're taking the chance that your opponent will go there, just as he takes that chance with you. It's hard to just shut yourself down in a fight. When it's flight or fight choice, instincts take over and you're either gonna run till your exhausted or fight till your exhausted. Not saying it's right, but it's not as simple as saying the dude should have just stopped.

When his buddy came in that's another story, I'd blame that guy if I blame anyone but the little punk. He should have pulled him off.

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That kid got every bit of ass kicking he earned, before being drug out. Either they have wood shed out there or he is going in the dumpster, hope it wasn't the ole curb treatment. Acting like he had a gun, what a *****. Thats what happens when you do that type of garbage, you get beat.

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Dayum. Now that was an ass whuppin'. And a brutal one at that. Been awhile since I've seen one of those. My guess is the guy drug the fellow out of the front door and dumped him in the parking lot or by the dumpster. Let him think about that while the cops are coming. No small amount of humiation there and wouldn't want to clutter things up inside the store. :)

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